No Blood, No Foul: A Novel

His many novels include The House of Moses All-Stars, a New York Times Notable Book, and Sammy Wong: All-American. His non-fiction works include The.
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Instead of following his dreams of becoming a pro basketball player, he became a basketball referee. This way he can still watch the game and be with it. The reason he wanted to become a referee was because he always criticized the referees when he played in his games.

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He wants to make the other players have an extremely fair game and only call fouls when it is really necessary. He runs into many referees that say they are only doing it for money and to put food on the table, he then argues about their calls and starts contradicting many different ideas of other referees until he becomes one of the best referees in their time.

This is a very ironic novel, due to the fact that the book's name is named after the way that Jason referees. Charley Rosen did a very good job of showing that and makes the reader realize it later on in the book.

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The way Jason refereed was only based on hard fouls, and legitimate mistakes made by players. Charley also made it ironic, when he had Jason point towards the other side of the court with his fingers which he didn't have and then Jason realized that he couldn't point to that direction with that hand because the players wouldn't realize it, so he had to use his other hand to point in that direction.

In conclusion, the reason that Jason Lewis was a very fair referee, was because he had the knowledge from his earlier years in high school and college.

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If he hadn't lost his fingers, he would've been a professional but instead he did something many others would do, and that was making the game fair for other players and not having bad calls. May 01, C 2Henry rated it really liked it. Charley Rosen introduces Jason to the story by giving a flash back of his decision to join the military. In the beginning of the story, Jason is eating dinner with his family. The reader sees that Jason is a courageous man after he spreads the news.

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After the war, Jason is playing college basketball with two missing fingers. In the middle of the story, Jason is in pain and debating his future career. Even though Jason is done with basketball, he becomes a high-paid referee which shows his love for the game. This love for the game turns for the worst at the end of the story. Jason starts valuing his referee job over his wife Brenda. This teaches a lesson that family should come before everything.

Sep 30, Sarah rated it liked it. I read to page of this novel. It's pretty decent, but I wanted to move on to other books. I could see some of my basketball boys reading it, but it is a lot about the main character coming back from the war in Europe and growing up.

No Blood, No Foul by Charley Rosen

He's stuck with a wife and a dead end job selling insurance. He decides to cross the line and become a referee.

  1. Quote by Stephenie Meyer: “No blood, no foul.”.
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  3. “No blood, no foul.”.
  4. Cycle of Change: Creating Value beyond the immediate market?
  5. Seven Stories Press;
  6. Other books by Charley Rosen.

Feb 18, Joleen Richwine rated it liked it. A good book about the beginnings of professional basketball and the professional? Josh Sexton rated it really liked it Jun 16, Kathy rated it it was ok Mar 19, Marc rated it it was ok Feb 05, Joe Cisneros rated it it was amazing Nov 21, Sarah rated it really liked it Jan 03, David Butler rated it liked it Apr 22, David rated it liked it Oct 09, Jan 04, Buy.

Sep 02, Pages. Set in postwar New York during the founding of what will eventually be the NBA, No Blood, No Foul is the story of a man who must come to terms with a debilitating injury and chase after dreams of perfection in a decidedly imperfect world.

With The Punches - No Blood, No Foul

Since then he has become the… More about Charley Rosen. Literary Fiction Sports Category: Also by Charley Rosen. See all books by Charley Rosen. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Dinner at the Center of the Earth. The Best Kind of People. Henry Prize Stories Charles Bovary, Country Doctor. The End of the Moment We Had. The Silence of the Girls. A Key to Treehouse Living. We That Are Young.

Notes from the Fog.