A Natural History of Homosexuality

A Natural History of Homosexuality [Francis Mark Mondimore] on leondumoulin.nl * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A terrible sin, a gift from the gods, a mental.
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In 20th-century America, researchers first recognized that homosexuality might not be "pathological" when Alfred Kingsley and Evelyn Hooker conducted the first studies of sexuality not based on preconceived notions of normal sexual behaviour. After reviewing sexual developments in the human foetus, the author reviews current biological research into the nature of sexual orientation and examines recent scientific findings on the role of heredity and hormones, as well as Simon Levay's brain studies.

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He explores "what happens between childhood and adulthood in an individual that makes him or her come to identify himself or herself as having a sexual orientation". He also explains our current understanding of bisexuality and the transgender phenomena of transexualism and transvestism. Finally, Mondimore analyzes the circumstances of such prominent scandals as the anti-homosexual trials of Oscar Wilde and Philip von Eulenberg, and recounts the Nazi persecution of homosexuals during the holcaust.

Nielsen Book Data A terrible sin, a gift from the gods, a mental illness, a natural human variation-over the centuries homosexuality has been defined in all these ways. Now, in a generous work which synthesizes research in biology, history, psychology, and politics, psychiatrist Francis Mondimore explores the complex landscape of sexual orientation and explains how homosexuality has been understood and defined from ancient times to the present.

Nielsen Book Data And he focuses on the process by which individuals come to identify themselves as homosexual, the sensitivity of children to their own sexual identities, and the psychological effects of the stigmatization of homosexuality on adolescents. Finally, Mondimore analyzes antihomosexual discrimination, from the arrest of Oscar Wilde to the Nazi persecution of homosexuals during the Holocaust.

A Natural History of Homosexuality | JAMA | JAMA Network

This far-reaching discussion includes a description of the ex-gay ministries and reparative therapy, the Stonewall riots and AIDS, ending with the emergence of the gay pride movement. Contents Before homosexuality Sodomites and urnings Perversion and inversion Women's voices Psychoanalysis Surveys and inkblots Sexual biology I Sexual biology II Sexual genetics Nature and nurture Homosexual identity development Stigma management Bisexual and transgender identities From the inquisition to the holocaust Salvation and repair Community and power.

Credits Francis Mark Mondimore, M. Notes Includes a bibliography and index.

A Natural History of Homosexuality

Includes bibliographical references p. View online Borrow Buy Freely available Show 0 more links Related resource Contributor biographical information at http: Set up My libraries How do I set up "My libraries"? These 27 locations in All: Open to the public NBNY; City of Darwin Libraries. Open to the public Held. Open to the public ; John Hunter Hospital Library.

May not be open to the public La Trobe University Library. Borchardt Library, Melbourne Bundoora Campus.

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Open to the public ; YY Coffs Harbour Education Campus Library. He explores "what happens between childhood and adulthood in an individual that makes him or her come to identify himself or herself as having a sexual orientation. Finally, Mondimore analyzes the circumstances of such prominent scandals as the anti-homosexual trials of Oscar Wilde and Philip von Eulenberg, and recounts the Nazi persecution of homosexuals during the Holocaust. This far-reaching discussion includes a description of the ex-gay ministries and reparative therapy as well as the Stonewall riots and AIDS, ending with the emergence of gay pride and community.

Darwin Day 2015 Questions: #4 How does evolution explain homosexuality?

It is not a disease state, not simply a behavior, and not subject to change. Mondimore tells us an enormous amount about homosexuality in a lively manner.

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  • A Natural History of Homosexuality - Francis Mark Mondimore - Google Книги.
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This book belongs on the bookshelf of anyone who wants to be informed about this important subject. The Journey to Self-Acceptance. Francis Mark Mondimore, M.

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