Advanced Flow Cytometry: Applications in Biological Research

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Published Dordrecht ; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Language English View all editions Prev Next edition 2 of 3. Check copyright status Cite this Title Advanced flow cytometry: Also Titled Methods in cell science. Other Creators Sobti, R. Panjab University Published Dordrecht ; Boston: Physical Description p. Contents Machine derived contents note: Flow cytometry, an overview L.

Scott Cram High resolution flow cytometric analysis of electronic nuclear volume and DNA content in normal and abnormal human tissue Richard A. Nelson Chromosome sorting and genomics L. Scott Cram, Carolyn S. Fawcett Analysis of intracellular cytokines using flowcytometry Sunil K.

Mishra Nitric oxide mediated modulation of free radical generation response in the rat polymorphonuclear leukocytes: DeLeo Flow cytometric techniques for the detection of microorganisms Hazel M. Peripheral blood, bone marrow aspirate, and cerebrospinal fluid are all specimens that can be analyzed using flow cytometry.

However, only viable cells can be analyzed. If the sample does not contain viable cells, flow cytometry analysis is not an option Trewhitt, Flow cytometry is most commonly indicated for both benign and malignant hematologic processes. Measurement of DNA content was one of the earliest uses of flow cytometry Barlogie et al.

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Retrospective studies examined the relationship between DNA abnormalities and survival duration in patients with oncologic disease in an attempt to predict prognosis Barlogie et al. Phenotyping, the identification of specific observable characteristics, is another common use of flow cytometry in oncology. There are many phenotypic designations to differentiate healthy cells from tumor cells.

Tumor cells often express distinguishable surface receptors. Designation of T-cell or B-cell lineage in acute lymphoblastic leukemias ALLs is another example of phenotyping. Once denoted T-cell or B-cell ALL, each lineage can be refined by further immunoprofiling to determine subgroups and prognosis. Varma and Naseem have described the phenotype of each subgroup in detail.

Understanding the specific origin of the B-cell leukemia assists in treatment options and prognosis. Craig and Foon have described specific immunophenotypic characteristics of different hematologic cancers. Several nurse-led research projects have used flow cytometry to enhance clinical understanding and to evaluate the physiologic effects of nursing interventions.

It was used to evaluate the immune function of geriatric patients who received nutritional supplementation before and after flu shots Langkamp-Henken et al.

In addition, Motzer and colleagues used flow cytometry to examine natural killer and T-cell function in correlation to psychological distress of patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Lastly, since women experience immunosuppression during pregnancy, flow cytometry has been used to examine the immune state of postpartum women over time Gennaro et al. Flow cytometry has been used for many years in clinical practice. As flow cytometry has advanced, more complex questions and diseases have been diagnosed, explained, and monitored.

It is important for APs to have a basic understanding of flow cytometry, since it is a prominent method used in clinical settings. The same is true for flow cytometry results. If there is a basic understanding of what is being measured, the AP can anticipate the treatment, understand the implications of the results, and prepare and educate the patient.

Flow cytometry reports in clinical settings, to assist in diagnosis or disease monitoring, usually describe results by means of the actual numbers or percentages of the variable of interest. As previously described, acute myeloid leukemia AML and ALL have characteristic subtypes of the disease based on certain morphology, phenotype, and genetics.

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It is crucial to understand that flow cytometry analysis is often used in conjunction with other descriptive tests such as morphologic examination. Pathologists review the cellular morphology of the specimens. Often, hematologic neoplasms depict specific morphologic changes, and flow cytometry provides greater specificity.

Flow cytometry often can detect recurrence of cancer before morphologic changes are detected. Overall, best practices for proper diagnosis should include clinical presentation, morphologic analysis, flow cytometry analysis, and other pertinent testing, such as cytogenetics Wood et al. Limitations to flow cytometry include the facts that the laser can only analyze one cell at a time, cells must be in suspension to be analyzed thereby restricting the analysis of tissue , highly trained operators are required, and cells must be viable to be analyzed.

Understanding flow cytometry will allow APs to prepare patients and families more effectively for forthcoming diagnoses and treatments. Furthermore, understanding the flow cytometry research involved in a disease or chronic condition, as well as flow cytometry laboratory results, will allow better patient assistance and education.

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K, her bone marrow biopsy results revealed The AP would be able to anticipate the appropriate treatment course for Mrs. Counseling and educating patients about AML can begin with both Mrs. K and her family well prepared. The author has no potential conflicts of interest to disclose. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. J Adv Pract Oncol. Betters , PhD, RN. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is for non-commercial purposes.

Open in a separate window. Flow cytometry depiction of blast cells. Brief Overview Flow cytometry is the process in which cells in an isotonic buffer suspension pass through a laser beam one by one Macey, Basic schematic of flow cytometer optical system. Applications to Clinical Practice Flow cytometry is often used to characterize diseases in clinical settings Barlogie et al. Discussion Flow cytometry has been used for many years in clinical practice.

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Footnotes The author has no potential conflicts of interest to disclose. Flow cytometry in clinical cancer research. Flow cytometric immunophenotyping for hematologic neoplasms. Part B, Clinical cytometry. Diagnosis and management of acute myeloid leukemia in adults: Flow cytometry rapidly identifies all acute promyelocytic leukemias with high specificity independent of underlying cytogenetic abnormalities.

American journal of clinical pathology. Clinical and biological significance of aneuploidy in human tumours. Journal of clinical pathology.