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A chronic wound is a wound that does not heal in an orderly set of stages and in a predictable Chronic wounds may never heal or may take years to do so.
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But a nonhealing wound will have distinctive symptoms:. A doctor can examine the wound and determine if specialized treatment is necessary to help the wound heal. The wound care team will work alongside your primary care doctor to create a treatment plan for your specific needs.

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Wound care treatment may include a variety of treatment methods, including wound debridement the removal of dead or infected skin , therapy to improve circulation, compression wraps, specialty wound dressings, skin and tissue grafting, negative pressure wound therapy, and the application of topical growth factors. Wounds need oxygen to heal, and this therapy is used to speed up the process.

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Your team will determine the right treatment method or combination of treatments to help achieve wound healing. Your doctor can refer you for care, or you can call If you can feel pedal pulses, the patient is very likely to have a normal ankle brachial index greater than 0. Also, break a Q-tip cotton swab in half and poke the patient with the sharp end. A common "combination" that gets missed is a nonmelanoma skin cancer and an ulcer at that site from venous insufficiency. Consider taking biopsies of nonhealing ulcers to look for skin cancer, she said. Long-standing ulcers can develop squamous cell carcinoma within them.

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A basal cell carcinoma can look like a healing ulcer, but not heal. Bullous diseases also can be hidden in ulcers, particularly in the elderly. Think about that as another cause. Less common ulcerative problems that can be confusing include pyoderma gangrenosum which may be half as common as people think, studies suggest , an underlying vasculitis, or mycobacterial infections.

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If you see a nonhealing hyperkeratotic lesion, consider an atypical mycobacterial infection. In Dr.

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Taking antimetabolite medications such as hydroxyurea or methotrexate , prednisone, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can impair wound healing, as does smoking. Radiation to the site also inhibits healing.

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Think twice before irradiating a basal cell carcinoma on the leg of a patient with venous insufficiency. Coexisting cancer or arterial disease can inhibit wound healing. Her clinic picks up a zinc deficiency three to four times per year and a protein deficiency approximately twice a year. Supplementation with Ensure can provide these nutrients, but a less-expensive option is Carnation Breakfast Essentials, at about one-fifth the cost, she added.