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Data management is crucial even for young researchers, so start your training early. Start with the basics of the command line, plus a programming language such as Python or R, whichever is more important to your field, he says. Help is available, online and off. Start with the online forum Stack Overflow.

Interviews with Americans about their workdays.

An essential round-up of science news, opinion and analysis, delivered to your inbox every weekday. Advanced search. Follow her AnnaNowo.

  • Charles Lever, His Life in His Letters, Vol. II;
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  • NHS England » Working for us!
  • Amazon will ask a court to block Microsoft from working on a $10 billion cloud computing contract.

Search for this author in: Pub Med Nature. Illustration by The Project Twins. PDF version. Here are 11 tips for making the most of your large data sets. Visualize the information As data sets get bigger, new wrinkles emerge, says Titus Brown, a bioinformatician at the University of California, Davis. Show your workflow When particle physicist Peter Elmer helps his year-old son with his mathematics homework, he has to remind him to document his steps. Use version control Version-control systems allow researchers to understand precisely how a file has changed over time, and who made the changes.

Automate, automate, automate Big data sets are too large to comb through manually, so automation is key, says Shoaib Mufti, senior director of data and technology at the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle, Washington. Make computing time count Large data sets require high-performance computing HPC , and many research institutes now have their own HPC facilities. Start early Data management is crucial even for young researchers, so start your training early.

Nature Briefing An essential round-up of science news, opinion and analysis, delivered to your inbox every weekday. Sign me up to receive the daily Nature Briefing email. Close banner Close. But does this mean some people on lower incomes can't afford to take up the opportunities it offers? We discuss the pros and cons of working for free.

Note: This is not a word for word transcript. Rob I think I may have done a day or two at some companies, just shadowing, watching how they did things — but nothing much more than that. Sam Some companies offer students or recent graduates what they call internships. These are extended periods of work experience where someone can be working full-time without an actual contract and in many cases without even being paid.

Rob Ah — yes. Some companies are being accused of using students and graduates as cheap or free labour. On the topic of business and companies, which is the oldest stock exchange in the world? Is it:. Rob Tricky, because I was expecting London on that list. Sam OK. Well, I will reveal the answer later in the programme. James Turner is the chief executive of an education charity.

  1. From the Back Porch!
  2. The Undersecretary.
  3. Supporting women leaving the criminal justice and care systems into employment..
  4. Working: interviews with workers about their jobs.!
  5. Recently he took part in a discussion on the BBC radio programme You and Yours, on the topic of internships. What does he think is a big issue with unpaid internships? This excludes, or rules out a lot of people from the benefits of an internship. Sam This is bad for social mobility , which is the ability of people to move to higher, better paid levels in society. So the poorer you are the more difficult it can be to get a good job, even if you have the ability. Sam No, I can barely afford to live in London as it is, so the idea of doing an unpaid internship would not appeal to me at all.


    Turner goes on to talk about other issues that are also problematic in internship programmes. Rob In many cases he says that internship opportunities are only available to those with established connections to the company or industry.


    Rob These links make it easier to open doors to the opportunity. To open doors is an expression that means to get access to. Sam So it seems that to be able to do an unpaid internships you need to have a fair bit of money and to get an internship in the first place you may need to have a previous link to the company through a family connection, for example.

    Employing people

    Rob So the system would seem to be difficult for poorer families and make it more difficult for students without those resources or connections to get on the job ladder. Which is the oldest stock exchange in the world? Congratulations to everyone who go that right, and extra bonus points if you know the date.

    Working op 1

    Rob If they are unpaid it can make social mobility very difficult. Sam Yes, the cost rules them out , it excludes them from the opportunity. Rob What helps is if you have established connections with a company. This refers to previous or pre-existing links with a company. Sam And also if your family is well-connected , if it has good connections, for example if your father plays golf with the CEO, it can open doors , or in other words, it can make it easier to get into the company.

    Rob Same here — but we still made it to BBC Learning English and you can find more from us online, on social media and on our app. See you again soon. Bye bye! Anxious about talking to people you don't know? Listen to what a social psychologist has to say about it. How small changes can make a big difference to people with mental health issues at work. Shopping online in the middle of the night is becoming popular but, is it always a good idea?

    Neil and Rob talk about the animal symbol of Easter in literature and in the real world. Neil and Sam discuss objectification. What is it and is there really a 'perfect body'? Could we live without plastic? We discuss the issues and the progress that's being made. The word snowflake has taken on a new meaning. We discuss this new term without causing offence! Are robots and artificial intelligence taking over from humans?

    Maximum weekly working hours

    Dan and Neil discuss the rise of the machines. Are you trying to give up drinking this month? Catherine and Rob discuss abstaining and the benefits of a dry January. Would you pay more for coffee if you knew it was doing some good? Dan and Catherine discuss the pros and cons of ethically produced coffee. Bitcoin is here and it's generating interest. Is that a good or bad thing? Dan and Neil discuss the pros and cons of this digital currency.

    Can science prove the existence of 'man flu' or are men just big babies? Dan and Neil discuss all this and give you six useful items of vocabulary. A popular job at this time of year is playing the part of Santa.

    BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Working for free

    But what does it take to be the perfect Father Christmas? Neil and Dan discuss whether it's a role that would suit Dan. The number of schoolchildren doing part-time jobs in the UK has fallen.