Guide The Grid Down Prepper: How to survive when the power goes out

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The Prepper's: Grid Down: Survival Guide: How To Prepare If The Lights Go Out & The Gas, Water Or Electricity Grid Collapses (Survival Books, What To Book​.
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If your home has a fireplace, fire pit, or wood stove, you already have an easy way to cook hot meals for your family. Make sure you keep an emergency supply of firewood and kindling on hand so that you can quickly light a fire if the lights go out. Another option is to invest in a solar oven.

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Small propane stoves are easy to tuck into a closet for emergency food preparation. However, you will need to stock up on fuel as well.

Blackout! - Power Outage Checklist - The Prepper Journal

If you have a larger gas or charcoal grill , make sure you have an extra container of propane or several bags of charcoal put away for emergency situations. A portable kerosene heater is another option. Make sure you have a sleeping bag for every member of your family. Sleeping bags, especially those rated at 20 degrees or colder, are incredibly effective at trapping body heat. Smaller children can sleep with adults to stay warm.

You can also purchase a space blanket. Space blankets were designed by NASA, and they help retain almost all of your body heat. Make sure you have a warm wool or fleece hat for everyone in your family and enough blankets to make a bed for everyone on the floor which will help keep everyone warm. These are best purchased during warmer months when they are often on sale. One way to prepare for this, and cut costs, is to learn to rely on natural remedies to keep your family healthy. For example, elderberry syrup is an incredibly effective immune booster and can help you and your kids recover from illness faster.

You can purchase elderberries inexpensively online and make your own elderberry syrup to have on hand. If possible, have extra medications on hand for a long-term outage. Many insurance companies only cover medications on a month-to-month basis, so for prescription medications, this might be difficult to do. You also need a comprehensive first aid kit. City sewer systems depend on electricity to function.

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While most have backup generators, those generators are dependent on fuel, which, in a long-term outage, might run out within a few days. The average person produces one ounce of feces for every 12 pounds of body weight, which means a pound person will produce around one pound of feces daily.

If you do the math for everyone in your family, you can see how quickly sanitation can become a serious issue. Not only is it completely dispiriting to have no way to dispose of waste, it is also a serious health hazard. The good news is that with a little preparedness, you can efficiently and safely deal with waste. Simply pour water into the toilet tank until it touches the float and then flush. Or, you can pour water quickly and forcefully into the bowl itself, which causes the water to siphon and flush on its own.

If the water table is too high, your septic will not work and waste will quickly spill out into your yard, causing a serious health hazard. If you have a yard, you can also dispose of waste by digging holes in the ground that are six to eight inches deep. Make sure each hole is at least feet from any water source, and try to dig holes in sunny spots; the sun will aid decomposition. The easiest way to make a temporary toilet is to use your existing toilet. Take as much water out of the bowl as possible and then line the bowl with two heavy-duty black garbage bags.

Tape the garbage bags to the bowl, under the seat. After each use, pour in a cup of your disinfectant the wood ash, kitty litter, etc. When the bag is half- to two-thirds full, spray again with bleach and remove it, making sure to wear rubber gloves. Seal the bag, put the waste in the five-gallon bucket, and put on the lid.

If you have the space, you can also consider buying a portable toilet.

See a Problem?

Bathing is going to be another issue when the water stops flowing. This goes for our homes as well: Keeping plates and cooking equipment clean lowers the spread of germs, disease, and illness. Candles are an inexpensive choice, but keep in mind that they can be dangerous, especially if you have children in the house. Some better lighting options include:. If you have outdoor solar lights in your yard, remember that you can move these indoors at night to light up hallways or bathrooms.

Just remember to put them back outside to recharge during the day. Doing what you can to prepare now will give you peace of mind and help ensure that you and your family get through such an emergency, should it ever happen. Do you have any emergency supplies put away for a long-term power outage? How else have you prepared your family to get through an emergency? All Rights Reserved. Money Crashers.

When The Grid Goes Down – It’s Going To Be ALL LOCAL

About Money Crashers. Recent Stories. Brian Davis. Read more. Advertiser Disclosure X Advertiser Disclosure: The credit card and banking offers that appear on this site are from credit card companies and banks from which MoneyCrashers. Heather Levin. Views 2. Share This Article. Dig Deeper. Follow MoneyCrashers. Trending Articles. Become a Money Crasher! Join our community. Share this Article. How to Prepare for a Long-Term Outage Preparing for a power outage involves looking at several different areas.

Water Your family needs at least one gallon of water per person, per day, to function during an emergency. If the power is out for less than two hours, the food in your refrigerator and freezer will be safe to consume. Freezer foods may be refrozen if ice crystals are present. Exceptions include ice cream, pizza, and casseroles. If the frozen food has completely thawed but is cold, it must be cooked within a hour period; or foods may be refrozen within 24 hours after thawing.

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However, quality may be diminished. If in doubt about when the food actually thawed in the freezer, discard the thawed food. It could be a real challenge to stay warm when the furnace hasn't worked for days due to winter storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, etc.

Continue Reading. Have you ever spent a night in your city when ALL the lights were out? It's kind of eerie, isn't it? One night in the dark can be kind of fun - an adventure, but several nights, or longer, can be very difficult unless you are prepared. During World War II, the army discovered that men fighting in the bitter cold would do well if they had one hot meal a day.

Without it, they would die from living out in the cold.

How to Survive a Winter Power Outage

In the event of a power grid crash, imagine what your life would be like without electricity for a day or for years. America's power grid is aging and Congress has known this for years. If a man-made attack cyber war, terrorists , a solar event, or weather, took down the electrical grid, thousands or even millions of Americans will die.

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How 'preppers' plan to survive off-the-grid in the event the nation's power supply fails

Regardless, I only recommend products or services from companies I trust or items I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. All rights reserved. For the Freezer section: A freezer that is half full will hold food safely for up to 24 hours. A full freezer will hold food safely for 48 hours. Do not open the freezer door if you can avoid it. For the Refrigerated section: Pack milk, other dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, gravy, and spoilable leftovers into a cooler surrounded by ice.

Inexpensive Styrofoam coolers are fine for this purpose.