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The Ghost at Old Oak Way: An Acorn Mystery [Laurie Cameron, Laura Meagher] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Eliza stops in her tracks.
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Bring a carpenter's balance: it will measure the street going downhill. The reason you feel like you're going uphill is because of the angle of the slopes on each side of the road. Corona - Horse thieves Canyon Road - Reports of eyes burning, dizziness, and the feeling of being pulled to a wooded area where reports of black floating apparitions.

A trail goes past water towers after an hour of walking a place for campfire is found a circle of trees is present when all lights are off black apparitions can be seen going from tree to tree. They do not like bright flashlights, those who possess the brightest are pushed, kicked, dust is kicked up, other noises are heard. Going in a small group is recommended due to long walk.

Extremely cold breezes flow past you at certain points. Corona - J J Live Oak Steakhouse - February Update: formerly listed as El Cerrito - Live Oak Inn - As the story goes, back in , a young waitress named Michelle was strangled to death and left in the trunk of an old car behind the back patio of the inn.

Rumor has it that although the dishwasher is still doing time for her murder, it was actually the cook that committed the crime. Regardless of who killed Michelle and why, she still haunts Live Oak. The new owner doesn't mind and comments that, "People say she is a really nice girl and even shy. Perhaps even more spine tingling than Michelle's story is the fact that in the Inn's earlier days, people were often hung from the twisted oak tree in front.

If you look closely, you can see the tree growing arou nd an old noose!!! She has worked there for almost a year and Michelle has stopped flushing the toilet and started ringing the food bell constantly during all hours. She has seen shadows of her out of the corner of her eye when she is there alone. Corona - Marie Callender's - There are many stories, one night in the kitchen area a few of the workers were doing side work and a few others were in the bar after closing and a big metal pie cutter flew off a shelf onto the counter on the opposite side of the room a few feet away.

There were now many witnesses who believed that strange things were occurring at our store.

Blog – Eliza McCullen

Servers reported trays flying at their heads in the dishwasher's area and salt and peppershakers once empty were full. The spookiest always happened to the vendors who cleaned the restaurant. The carpets would be cleaned on a monthly basis and they would always come in pairs. Something would always happen, strange sounds, floating balloons, TV's being turned on, etc.

All of these things could be explained by scientific methods: electric currents and helium filled balloons losing air. Whatever was going on in that building after the emplo yees left was bad enough that the carpet cleaners would never come alone. On the occasions that they would come alone, they would come right at closing and be done before we would finish closing the store.

On one occasion a lone carpet cleaner decided he would do it by himself after the employees left the building, saying that all the stories were hogwash. The next morning the opening manager found him in his truck in the parking lot with all of his carpet cleaning materials left inside of the building. He refused to step foot into the restaurant and complete the job.

He wanted to get his equipment and get out. Seems while he was in the building the entities played with him more than they played with any one else. As he was shampooing the carpets things were being written by a nonexistent finger in the soap, chairs were moved in the dining room and salt and peppershakers flew at him. The carpet guys from then on always came promptly at closing and no one was left alone in th e building.

Coronado - Hotel Del Coronado - Various hauntings occur in this hotel and has been depicted on famous hauntings programming Costa Mesa - Back Bay High School - there is a woman in the back of the school who screeches at night no one is there. Costa Mesa - Estancia High School - Faculty has reported strange smells and being touched when no one else is in the room in the early morning.

Night cleaning crews have told of flashlights beams being restricted to only a few feet in front of them in seemingly clear hallways. Covina - Zelda's Lagend - In the Early 's a young girl around 15 was kidnapped and taken to an underground tunnel by a cult. The cult sacrificed her latter that night in the end of the tunnel.

No-one has ever made it to the end of the tunnel and if they have they never came out. The legend is of you make it to the end the girl Zelda will sacrifice you to. Crescent City - Sutter Coast Hospital Old site and new ICU ward - The old site of the hospital always gives passer-bys eerie feeling now a hotel is being constructed right on the site, that is sure to be haunted but the new hospital's ICU ward is definitely haunted.

A worker at the hospital was in ICU when it was closed down due to lack of patients, so therefore it was empty. They were minding their own business when the patient call light and buzzer went off when they walked to the empty room the buzzer stopped and the buzzer in the room two doors down went off, so they walked back to the nurses station and the buzzer stopped.

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The buzzers can only be turned off from the nurse's station They thought someone was playing a trick on them but when they investigated the whole place was empty. Crescent City - Tsunami Lanes - old family owned bowling center was sold. But when you go to look in your rear view mirror, she is no longer there.

It is said that her car broke down and she got hit by a car while trying to wave someone down. Cypress - Cypress College Photo Department - A benevolent wraith called "Photy" lives in the main darkroom most often seen standing by the northern-western-most enlarger. Usually the most sensitive students see his outline, which appears lighter than the surroundings. Sometimes moving into the photo-finishing room after closing and violently shaking the pictures hanging from the wall. Students report a feeling of calm and well-being during sightings. A marked change from the early days of the apparition when meter readings would be thrown off and equipment would explode in the studio.

Students reported have also reported wildly unlikely results in the color and black and white darkrooms. It all began in the late 80s when a student brought in a human skull with a bullet hole in it to photograph in studio 3. One night the chair of the department was alone late at night and heard pounding on the stockroom d oor when there was no one there to pound Cypress - Cypress High School - Performing Arts Building - In the Performing Arts building in the attic use to be where they stored the play outfits.

It was said that a high school student was up there getting something and fell through the floor boards to her death. Whenever you went up there you could feel that someone is watching you. There was also a prop that was use in most of out plays and whenever you looked into it you could see her.

She would look at you like she was mad. Because of what was going on up there they had to move everything down to another room and sealed off the attic so no one else can go up there. There was a time that someone was pushed and almost fell down the ladder which was used to get up to the attic and cause of this no one likes to be left alone in the Performing arts building.

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Daly City - San Mateo -intersection of Skylin blvd and Hickey blvd - There are stories that a lady in white is seen at the intersection in their view mirrors when foggy. Downstairs, after it was vacated, in the Women's restroom, there was seen a wild haired redheaded woman rushing toward the 2nd stall door in an 'attack' posture with outstretched arms and claw-like hands towards a person's face. Death Valley Junction - Amargosa hotel - Anomalies such as ecto-mist and orbs recorded on film. Del Rey - Del Rey Cemetery - Reports of cold spots, moaning heard, the third tomb in light up at night, EMF detector was used and it went off like crazy Delano - Browning Road - browning road in Delano is known to have "ghost hitchhikers" Devoure - Gravity Point - You take a road called Glen Helen until you pass a 2 consecutive train tracks.

When you pass a 3rd set or tracks you will have a stop sign about hundred feet in front of you. You have to go passed to the stop sign and stop on the line.

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When the car is in neutral it will roll up hill increasing in speed. Devour - Treehouse Fun Ranch - the place was being cleaned because of new owners. A worker decided to stay the night to get a very early start in the morning. That night he heard noises, the fire pit turned on all by itself, the lights flickered and shook, he decided to stay outside on the cement.

The Acorn Mysteries Series

Diamond Bar - Diamond Bar High School - Many students feel that when you walk through the hallways alone you will feel someone's hand on your shoulder but when you look back, nothing is there and when you look back you'll see a girl in your face whose eyes are not there. Legend says that this girl was once a cheerleader in this school and her boyfriend and some friends raped and killed her. Dinuba - Dinuba high school - auditorium - teachers have heard doors closing by themselves lights turn on and off by themselves, being watched while walking down the halls, and feelings of being forced down stairs.

Stories have been told that a janitor had been electrocuted many years ago. Dinuba - Dinuba High School - Football Field - Years ago a young girl broke up with her boyfriend and he began to stalk her. They decided to meet and he strangled her and left her under the bleachers. At that time the bleachers had black plastic around the back because they stored equipment there. The girl's ex-boyfriend left her body there and it wasn't found for a week or so because it was mixed up with all the equipment.