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Seminole Man: He catches crooks and wrestle's gators everyday! Seminole Man: Wrestling Gators and Chasing Crooks, Seminole Sheriff Does That Every.
Table of contents

If only the President knew what was happening on the ground at his college. So Francois is being compared to Winston!

Raoul Walsh

Does he like crab legs also? I'm not voting for Hillary Clinton based on her previous performance. Too bad she rigged the system and got rid of Bernie Sanders.

Hillary Clinton has served the nation? Funny, I thought she has served herself. District 2 HoR candidates competing to out-conservative one another seem to dismiss moderate and progressive voters and that portends taxation without representation. Trump just had to go to Louisiana for a photo op. Must have been empty donation boxes he was handing out.

Today's was the weirdest, most nonsensical Zing! They raised their fine wine glasses at Amelia Island and in unison toasted, "Let them eat cake! If Donald wanted to reach out to African Americans, then maybe be should have made the speech in front of them were they live instead of to a room full of white people in the suburbs. No libel concerns. No profanity other than "Hillary". No racism. No sexism. No Trump bashing. Okay, I get it - too biased. When Democrats lie a lot Obama , they win big. When Democrats tend toward honesty Mondale , they lose big. The lesson they've learned is to lie a lot, the more outrageous the better.

National media would do a much better job of covering the Louisiana flooding if only the disaster didn't make Obama look so bad I suspect they aren't going to ask Mr.

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Lochte to carry the flag for the US in The fat lady has sambaed and the Olympics are finally over. I simply can't express how much better I feel now that Donald Trump has publicly apologized to all those like me he may have offended. It was an odd day. I even remember when and where I heard the news. The Olympics are like a peek into the world, close up style. Come on take a peek and reach around the world to See what you find. Trump says he is audited every year by the IRs but his billionaire buddies aren't. There must be a reason. Do bicycle riders who ride side-by-side on roads especially roads that have no bicycle lanes realize how far to the left drivers must swerve in order to provide three feet of separation?

Is it true that Scott Health Enterprises, Inc. All true conservatives favor encouraging the growth of violent extremist political and religious ideologies. In order to amend the Second Amendment, a new amendment has to be presented and approved by all 50 state's legislatures. Folks, it ain't gonna happen. Glad I don't vote in the democratic race. Both folks running for Superintendent have a lot of baggage. And what's Trump's excuse for not releasing his tax returns that aren't being audited? He has made it my business. Burkini bans, simply a conspiratorial effort by the Dermatological crowd to drum up business.

When it comes to arrests, Lochte and the speedo boys are rank amateurs compared to the pigskin boys. Andrew Gillum may be many things but a "Major" is not one of them.

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The Mongolian wrestling coaches would have gone ballistic if Ron Cherry had been officiating their match. Three zings printed so far this month! Must be a record. Thank you, Gerald, for giving us yet another example in your Sunday column of "progessives" threatening physical violence against conservatives. Harboring a grudge is certainly not appropriate and fitting presidential behavior, for either Trump or Murdaugh. Obama and Charlie won't be around, I want to know what Thomas and Dunn are going to do about something important like Zika Please tell me that we taxpayers are not paying for Jackie Pons' trip to Amelia Island!

Glad my wife doesn't suspend me when I am in violation of team rules. Who ever wanted to be the Kennedys? Liars and philanderers but good swimmers. If the Clintons are who we became, I don't wanna be me.

I would early vote but I hate for any of the candidates think I like them that much. Don't worry Malik. FSU got rid of Randy Moss for a little weed. He still holds the NFL record for touchdown receptions in a season. Fan or not, you have to admit. Hillary handles the responsibility for the murder of our boys at Benghazi very presidentially.

I bet the turnaround would have been much, much higher if the question had been would they reconsider if he jumped off of the top of Trump Tower without a parachute. Hey Gerald, I just turned 64 on Friday.

WikiZero - Jacksonville, Florida

I felt pretty optimistic about the year ahead for exactly two days. Trump pretending to be nice for a day is not front page news, its laughable. Where are the real reporters? It should be a lot easier to put a classified ad in the paper. Win - Win I'm writing in Jeb. Paula Dockery article said it like it is - Scott lives in a fantasy land of blaming Obama for Zika spread in Fl. You are going to post a Republican mailer on your next front page I did some hitchhiking in college.

Once a car slowed and the driver ask if I was tired of walking. I said yes. The driver said, " Try running awhile.

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Hillary's people say they will vote for Hillary, but probably won't. Trump's now courtin', hee hee, African-American, ha ha, and Hispanic voters. Can't stop laughing. Basic science lesson: Earth doesn't begin tilting, but it does maintain its inclination.