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Scoliosis refers to an S-shaped or C-shaped spinal deformity in the coronal plane (when looking directly at the person). Kyphosis is used to describe the condition of increased forward spinal angulation in the sagittal plane (looking at someone from the side).
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This difference in growth means the vertebrae grow into the shape of a wedge, when they should grow into the shape of a rectangle. As a result the spine develops a forward angle as it grows. The forward bend of the spine is called kyphosis. The curve usually happens during a time when the bones are growing very quickly. Often this is between age 10 and 15 but for some patients it worsens when they are adults.

The condition is thought to be quite rare but the number of people affected is not truly known as it is often put down to poor posture. It affects both men and women in equal numbers.

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Patients with Scheuermann's kyphosis often have back pain, especially during the early teenage years. This pain usually decreases when a person gets closer to adulthood. The appointment will usually involve you being examined again and having an X - ray. This is to see if your kyphosis is worsening. If it remains roughly the same each time you are seen then they will continue to monitor you until you are fully grown between the age of 16 to 18 years old.

As kyphosis often has pain associated with it, painkillers or anti-inflammatories will often be recommended.

Scoliosis / Kyphosis / Lordosis

There is no need to avoid sport or exercise when you have AIS. It is actually better for you to remain active and to have good core muscles. Unfortunately there is no strong evidence that exercise alone stops a kyphosis progressing or improves the curve. It can improve the pain from a kyphosis. There are many ongoing studies that may help prove the role of exercise one way or another.

Sometimes a brace is suggested. Braces are usually used for milder to moderate curves. The braces are usually rigid and need to be worn 23 hours a day. They can be worn under your clothes. It has been found that braces only work if they are used more or less constantly.

Scoliosis or kyphosis

You can take the brace off to wash, dress and when you are doing sporting activities. Braces were not used all the time in the UK as we did not feel that most patients would wear a brace for the amount of time necessary. A kyphosis brace. The commonest UK operation for kyphosis is a posterior instrumented correction and fusion.


This means an operation through a long scar on the back of you, to put rods and screws into the bones of your spine and straighten your spine. This operation also involves using some form of bone graft to fuse the spine to stop your curve deteriorating or coming back.

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The aim of the operation is to stop things worsening and to hopefully improve your appearance. Your Spine Surgeon will talk to you about the risks and benefits of this type of an operation to you. The British Scoliosis Society represents surgeons, healthcare workers and researchers interested in the nature of and treatment of scoliosis and complex spine disorders. BSS now open for early bird registration! June 08, ALL Rights Reserved. He has authored nearly a dozen papers on this topic.

Through this research, he has helped to improve outcomes and decrease complications in the treatment of this condition. His pain made it difficult to sit for long periods of time and to play golf and tennis, two sports in which he was an avid participant.

Scoliosis / Kyphosis / Lordosis

He underwent physical therapy for approximately three years with failure to resolve the correction or alleviate his back pain. He now is able to play tennis without pain and is currently playing on a college team. He underwent posterior spinal fusion for thoracic hyperkyphosis, which was performed by Dr.