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A man's body has been found at notorious Dyatlov Pass in Russia - the site of one of the most chilling mysteries of the Soviet era, where nine tourists were killed by an "unknown compelling force" in ​ The unidentified corpse was discovered by hikers in this treacherous region.
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Sandor hatefully states that Gregor was now uglier than Sandor and that this was not how it would end for Gregor. Sandor continues, claiming Gregor knew that Sandor will be coming for him, before returning to his group. Accordingly, Gregor steps back behind Cersei, only to emerge once more when Daenerys arrives on the dragon Drogon.

When Euron Greyjoy takes too many liberties during the parley, threatening the fragile peace, Cersei orders him to sit down or leave. Clegane threateningly makes a step forward to further stress her point. During the parley, Daenerys's group releases a wight to prove the threat the undead pose. Clegane was ready to shield Cersei from the wight, but Sandor yanks it back with a chain. When Jon Snow later reveals to Cersei that he already swore allegiance to Daenerys, Cersei calls off the parley and returns to the Red Keep with her retainers, Clegane included. To convince her to accept the armistice, Tyrion follows her and is escorted to her chambers by Clegane, who visibly makes Tyrion uneasy.

Clegane escorts Tyrion into the room and remains in the back while Cersei and Tyrion argue and discuss. He is ready to execute Tyrion when the dwarf demands he do so, but Cersei never gives the order. Instead, Tyrion actually manages to convince Cersei to come to the Dragonpit again and, accompanied by Clegane and the others, Cersei turns up once more to announce that she will send her armies north to assist in fighting the dead. This, however, is a lie and Cersei has no intention of doing so. The group returns to the Red Keep. When Jaime made it clear to Cersei that he would join the fight against the army of the dead with or without her, Clegane suddenly prevents him from leaving the room.

Cersei calls Jaime a traitor for disobeying her commands and stating that no one walks away from her. When Cersei nods, Clegane draws his sword, waiting for Cersei to give the order to execute Jaime. However, Jaime called Cersei out on her bluff and walks right past Clegane, who does not intervene, and out of the room.

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Afterwards, Euron makes another move on Cersei, but Clegane stops him from proceeding with a menacing stare. Nevertheless, when the queen finally allows Euron to have his way with her, Clegane does not intervene. After Qyburn convinces her to flee from the Red Keep , he protects them both from the debris falling as a result of the Red Keep crumbling due to Drogon 's attack.

They are however confronted by Sandor who slays all the surviving Kingsguard except Gregor who remains at Cersei's side. Gregor wishes to fight Sandor but Cersei and Qyburn order him to guard her. In anger, he bashes in Qyburn's skull while Cersei flees past both of the brothers.

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In the ensuing duel, Sandor proves himself better at sword fighting than Gregor and stabs him, but he doesn't die due to his reanimation. Gregor proceeds to brutally thrash and choke Sandor who stabs him many times in vain. Gregor's short fuse and utter lack of a conscience often showed his lack of honor, such as when he tried to murder Loras Tyrell after already losing a joust against him. In addition, Gregor does not appear to be very bright, relying solely on his physical instincts to get the job done without thinking of the long-term consequences, shown when he furiously bellows out for all to hear that he in fact did commit arguably his most infamous war crime while murdering Oberyn Martell, unaware that until then it was merely a rumor and will have severe consequences if the truth were to come out.

Robb Stark describes Gregor as a "mad dog without a strategic thought in his head", while Jaime Lannister quips that Gregor had difficulties understanding complete sentences. It is ironic that it is Sandor Clegane who is nicknamed 'The Hound' when Sandor is at least capable of logical speculation and common sense, and it is Gregor who is at the absolute mercy of his animalistic rages and impulses.

His weapon of choice is an enormous great sword that most men would never be able to swing with even two hands, but which Gregor is strong enough to wield one-handed. He is strong enough to decapitate a horse with a single swing of his sword, as seen during his joust with Loras Tyrell. Gregor also wears armor larger and thicker than normal knights would be able to wear, providing him almost impenetrable defense against his opponents. However, his brother Sandor Clegane who is also incredibly large and strong, though not to the same extent as Gregor was shown to be able to duel him evenly.

In addition, Gregor's lack of technical skill allowed Oberyn Martell to overwhelm him in their duel, as Oberyn's unique style of combat relied heavily on maneuverability and he used a spear to stay out of Gregor's reach. Following being poisoned by Oberyn's Manticore venom, Gregor is experimented on by Qyburn to keep him from death. The process changes Gregor as was expected. It is unclear whether he is truly alive or not. The Mountain becomes a "new" man and now part of Cersei's guard.

Other than his soulless eyes and black, partially decayed flesh visible through his helmet, he can not be seen under his full body armor, however, his face is seen in the Red Keep dungeons after he is instructed to remove his helmet by Cersei. Whatever he is now, he is completely in service to Cersei and Qyburn , and serves them in silence. Qyburn claims that he has vowed not to speak until King Tommen's enemies and all evil are gone from the realm.

It is at least as likely that he is no longer capable of speech, not that he spoke much before anyway. Gregor was also shown to be impervious to impalement throughout his body even when unarmored as he was repeatedly stabbed in various areas of his torso by his brother Sandor to no effect, the only time he was visibly affected was when Sandor stabbed him through the eye, however, this still didn't kill him. As revealed during the recent events at King's Landing, Ser Gregor still retains his own will and sense of self, as he defied the Queen's orders and even killed Qyburn just to fight his brother.

Gregor's individuality and "intelligence" post transformation has been hinted at before, as when Jaime made a snide comment about him in a conversation with Qyburn, Gregor instantly turned his head to glare at Jaime, showing he wasn't completely devoid of sentience or independent actions.

Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Ser Gregor Clegane is a savage brute of a man, freakishly tall at nearly 8 feet in height, and well over 30 stone in weight lbs. Gregor is so strong that he can easily wield with one hand greatswords which are meant to be wielded with two hands, allowing him to carry a shield as well. He is so strong that he has been known to cleave men in two with a single blow of his sword. Gregor's knighthood is regarded as a hypocritical mockery of justice by many, as he is a thoroughly dishonorable and undisciplined butcher.

While Gregor is so strong that he can easily fight the strongest knights in Westeros, his greatest enthusiasm in wartime is for burning out the homes of peasants who cannot possibly fight back, and torturing their women and children to death. Indeed, Gregor's immense size isn't really his main attribute to Tywin, so much as his utter enthusiasm for committing atrocities.

With a "might makes right" mentality, Gregor feels that his immense bulk and strength gives him impunity to behave as he does, as few would dare to challenge him. While Gregor is incredibly dangerous in combat, he relies more on sheer strength than on speed or skill. Gregor has gone through multiple wives, who died from the extremely rough treatment they received from Gregor, though there are rumors that he killed them on purpose.

His father and younger sister also died suspiciously.

The Dyatlov Pass Incident - Part 1 - Mountain of the Dead

Sandor Clegane left when Gregor succeeded their father and never returned. According to Sandor, he once killed one of his men for snoring. Gregor's men-at-arms are known as " The Mountain's men ". His cruelty and brutality are clearly mirrored in them. The best thing that can be said about them is that they are less vile and violent than the Brave Companions, Vargo Hoat 's sellsword company.

Those who are mentioned specifically in the books are:.

Gregor Clegane

Sandor wanted the articulated jointed knight that Gregor got, so he took it. Gregor was ten and already big enough to be training so he didn't even care about the toy, but when he found six year old Sandor playing with it - without warning he pushed Sandor's head into a brazier and held him there. It took three men to get Sandor away from him, and their father told people that Sandor's bed linens had caught fire. It was later when Gregor was anointed a knight that Sandor Clegane lost all respect for the institution of knighthood, and has steadfastly refused to be knighted himself.

Sandor also tells Sansa that the death of Hugh of the Vale was not a tournament accident. Ser Hugh had obviously put on the armor himself and had not set the neck protector correctly. He says Gregor saw that, and thus could have sent the blow elsewhere, and that the lance didn't just accidentally deflect upward, as Gregor puts his lance exactly where he intends it to go every time. He meant to kill Ser Hugh, though it isn't clear if this was an assassination to silence Hugh, or just Gregor enjoying the carnage.

Tyrion answers that "the woods are full of beasts", and Tywin says he'll think it over. Later, Tywin decides against the idea, stating that "Ser Gregor has served us well.

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No other knight in the realm inspires such terror in our enemies"; in order to appease the Martells, he comes up with the idea to put the entire blame on Amory Lorch who is, quite conveniently, dead. As things turn to be, Tywin's new version of the death of Elia and her children does not stop Oberyn from fighting Gregor. After Loras is sent to resolve the siege of Dragonstone, Qyburn tells Cersei that in case Loras dies, she will need to find another worthy for the Kingsguard.

He claims "I had another sort of champion in mind. What he lacks in gallantry he will give you tenfold in devotion.

Dead Mountain #3566

He will protect your son, kill your enemies, and keep your secrets, and no living man will be able to withstand him". Only Obara is skeptical, suspecting a deception. Nymeria tells her half-sister to lighten up, as Gregor was the only 8-foot tall man in all of Westeros, and Cersei would be exposed as a liar before the entire continent if it turned out he was somehow still alive. What Nymeria says makes perfect sense, except that Cersei is far from being rational and clever. Obara has no idea how much she is close to the truth.

Following Cersei's downfall, Qyburn visits her in prison and informs her new champion stands ready. She begs her uncle to have Tommen appoint a man whom Qyburn knows his name. Following Cersei's walk of penance, Qyburn introduces her to Ser Robert Strong , a man clad from head to toe in white armor no part of him is visible and matching Gregor's physique.

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According to Qyburn, Strong has taken a holy vow of silence until all of King Tommen's enemies are defeated. Many people, including Kevan Lannister and Grand Maester Pycelle, theorize that Strong is actually Gregor, or maybe even a Frankenstein's monster assembled from Gregor's body as well as other bodies. In an earlier book, Bran Stark has a vision of Strong, and when his visor lifts, there is only darkness and black blood, leaving it ambiguous as to whether or not Strong even has a head.