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If not you, then who? If not now, then when? After suffering through skyrocketing tuition for years, students finally organized to oppose the increases. Students demanded the following: full budget transparency, a series of tuition town hall meetings, and the formation of a student budget policy committee to oversee and provide input on any future proposed fee or spending increases. After a flurry of student organizing, students made headway on all their demands.

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The Deans also promised a faculty-hiring freeze for the school year. And UC Davis is, to my knowledge, the first campus to have a student budget committee and is possibly the first law school in the nation where student organizing has resulted in a promise of slowed tuition increases and a faculty-hiring freeze.

The results of the UC Davis model also illustrate its drawbacks and limitations. We hoped that by creating a permanent committee, the student effort to resist the tuition crisis would have continuity and sustainability. After all, student organizing is disadvantaged by the fact that students leave every year, while the administration and faculty remain. And we did succeed in creating a sustainable institution that potentially may serve as an ongoing vehicle for tuition reform. But in creating a regulatory body of sorts, we invited the problems that come with a regulatory approach — rather than a direct action approach — to social change.

The existence of the committee diminished the sense of urgency in the student body. After all, why must they get involved? The BPC was born of resistance and a willingness to confront the administration. But before long, students on the BPC became highly deferential to the administration.


And at times the BPC was more interested in being apologists for the Deans than advocates for their fellow students. But the future of the BPC is unwritten. We learned that student government leadership brings multiple advantages. Had the NLG chapter initiated the campaign alone, or even with a social justice coalition, it might have been viewed with more reservation by both the administration and the student body.

These problems became clear during NLG-led organizing in the school year. The advantages of having student government lead the effort are substantial. Substantial enough, even, to warrant making getting involved in student government a worthwhile part of a strategy to confront the tuition crisis. Our LSA President sent the following email on July 19, , regarding new and unexpected for students fee hikes:. As you know, our law school costs have gone up for this upcoming year.

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On the horizon is another increase. This is unacceptable. The time for direct action on this issue is long overdue. I am working with the LSA Board to implement a multi-pronged strategy to combat the assault on our current and future students. We need to rally around this issue together if we hope to make a lasting change.

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Therefore, we will need your support and participation. Stay tuned on how you can get involved. In the meantime, contact me or the External Vice-President with questions, comments, or concerns.

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I am speaking with Dean Johnson tomorrow, and I will be in touch with you again very soon. And especially encourage them to solicit student participation and not simply rely on their ability to negotiate on the issue. Takeaways : Student Government can give early unity and legitimacy to an effort. So much so that getting involved in student government may be a worthwhile initial step to tuition organizing.

But if they lead the way, make sure they know they can count on the NLG chapter for substantive organizing support and encourage them to include an explicit call for student involvement.

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Our NLG chapter was active in the meeting. But we could have done more at what, in hindsight, was a critical moment in the effort. Takeaways: Organize from the start and recruit as many influential students as early as possible, even if your student government is calling the meeting. Make sure every social justice student has been personally invited to any organizing meeting as they can, in turn, influence the effort to ensure it reflects social justice values.

LSA sent the open letter to the Deans on September 13, The open letter generated significant discussion on campus about the tuition increases and the lack of budget transparency. There were indications that the Deans were unhappy with the letter. Keep these tradeoffs in mind when considering this tactic. On September 14, , our NLG board met to discuss the best way to support the effort moving forward. We voted to hold a tuition-themed general meeting in order to continue the momentum prior to the tuition town halls and to encourage other student groups to also hold tuition-themed meetings in order to reach as many students and social networks on campus as possible.

In order to promote our meeting, and to continue discussion amongst our colleagues, we publicized the meeting with a chart tracking the history of tuition increases at UC Davis adjusted for inflation. Additional meetings would have been helpful as a challenge we continually encountered was that no one knew the answer to basic questions about why tuition was so high.

And we found that students needed space to vent their frustrations. Takeaways : A tuition-themed meeting by your NLG chapter may be a good idea. But consider working to ensure that there are plenty of spaces in which students can vent frustration and ask introductory questions. On September 17, , a group of social justice-oriented students held an informal meeting where suspicion and opposition towards the open letter was voiced. The organizers of the meeting were supportive of the administration and expressed the opinion that the letter made unreasonable demands and took an inappropriate and confrontational tone.

Thankfully, several NLG members attended the meeting. Two distinct viewpoints emerged. Students who had not attended the brown bag—and who were surprised by the open letter—were more sympathetic to the pro-administration point of view. On September 24, , the same day as the NLG tuition meeting, our Dean announced two townhall forums, promised to supply budget information, and endorsed the formation of a student budget committee as requested by the LSA open letter. In the interim between the open letter and the townhalls, the Deans met with LSA members. As NLG students, we can make a big difference by offering emotional and political support to our colleagues who may be feeling vulnerable or insecure in the face of administration pushback during organizing efforts.

Townhall meetings on tuition provide a valuable opportunity for your NLG chapter to use its skills and perspective. Your members are likely some of the most experienced and passionate organizers on campus; meanwhile most law students have never organized or even participated in a movement for social change. Townhall meetings give your chapter an urgent reason to mobilize attendance, create educational materials, and spread a message of optimism and empowerment.

At no point during the UC Davis effort was there more solidarity, focus, and optimism around tuition issues than in the lead-up to the first townhall. While our chapter worked to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the townhall, we did some things well and we could have done other things better. Aside from heavily promoting attendance at the townhalls as an obligation for all Guild members, we sent emails to other student orgs asking them for firm commitments on how many members they planned to send. Takeaways : Townhall meetings are a great recruitment opportunity!

Use upcoming townhalls as a chance to talk with as many students as possible about the tuition issue. The first townhall took place on October 2, , and approximately students attended, making it one of the best-attended student events of the year.

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Increasing fees were blamed primarily on cuts in state funding rather than on increased expenditures.