e-book How Can Love and Kindness Help You Manifest What You Want?

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who love you. This will attract even more love into your life, in the form of a soul mate. It can help to ultimately attract more of what you want in life. Tip: Click here to Part of spreading positivity is doing random acts of kindness. Commit to​.
Table of contents

I'll outline it here and go into detail below so it all makes sense. Be confident in yourself. Realize the great person that you are and that it doesn't matter what others think about you. You don't have to make someone else like you or love you because you already love yourself. Self-confidence is irresistible and will attract people to you. Focus on the positive. Let go of all your negative thoughts…. Others do notice you and appreciate you. There is love all around you. Let it in. When you let it in and focus on the positive, you change your vibration and open a door for the Law of Attraction for love to bring you your specific person.

Love without fear of getting hurt.

When we surround ourselves with great people, we are much more likely to do great things.

The scariest thing about love is opening yourself up to it. When you open yourself, there's a chance you might get hurt. If you're afraid of getting hurt, you might unconsciously be preventing someone from getting as close to you as you want. Be willing to take the risk and fully open yourself to love. You will manifest the love you want.

Have fun. People are most attracted to smiles and laughter. When you're having a good time, others notice and want to be with you.

How to Set Intentions & Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality

So do the things that make you happy…whether it's watching a funny movie or going to your favorite park to eat lunch. Enjoy your life. The more fun and joy you have, the faster you can attract a specific person. See the positive.

Focus on the good things about the specific person you want the Law of Attraction to bring you. Look for something to appreciate. This can be tough if there are negative feelings between the two of you, and you might only be able to find one thing in the beginning, but if you keep working at it, it will get easier. Appreciate the contrast. Be happy for what you have.

Forget about the things that you are wanting. Once you can be happy in the moment, the things you want will start falling in place, including your love life. Be willing to let the other person go. This is one of the hardest parts of the Law of Attraction for love when attracting a specific person. Crazy, right? I know how hard it is. But whatever you decide to do, focus on doing what makes you happy. Worry about yourself. Pamper yourself.

The Law of Attraction will bring you the love you want. Ultimate Success Blocker - A free second quiz that helps you instantly find out what your 1 block to success is, and most importantly, how to release it so that you can have more wealth, happiness and love in your life. Manifesting Movie - This is better than "The Secret" movie. Mind Movies - My go-to for visualization videos and raising my vibration fast for nearly 10 years. You can get 6 free pre-made Mind Movies here.

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Having fun and enjoying yourself works wonders. Keep up the good work! To be successful using the Law of Attraction for a specific person, you need to stop running after him and start focusing on yourself. Do things that make you happy. The Law of Attraction for Love for a specific person works by focusing on yourself. Do the things that make you happy.

Raise your vibration. Focus on doing what makes you feel good. I was in a relationship wid a guy for 6 long years. We both loved each other a lot. Bt then due to family pressure, he had to get engaged to some other gal. We both were unhappy wid it but there was no way out of this prblm.

I want to know wt u did for ur problem. Did u apply law of attraction. Did u marry ur bf? I am exactly in ur situation. I am believing with my full heart that v will unite. Pls reply back. I want t know wt happend t ur love.

The Complete Law of Attraction Guide: How To Manifest Your Dream Life

Sorry i did some mistakes. Visualization and focus are part of the Law of Attraction, but you still have to take specific action, be open to receiving, etc. I highlighted several articles already in the comments above. You will get it. This status of yours sends a signal to the universe that you have complete believe in this energy.

LOA says.. Remember even we who all preaches LOA etc have not reached to the potential of understanding the power that a human really has. Everyone has their own understanding and they put it accordingly. You yourself has abundance of energy.. I have a friend who I was just more than friends with, and we really liked each other. We talked to each other everyday, even if it was to see how each other are.

Meditation For Luck And Money

A girl that we both know has caused a rift between us. She was seperated from her husband for a year and a half, and she used to flirt with him. Now she is back with her husband she is still flirting with him and I think he has taken a liking to her more than me. He has not text me. He did not even respond to that. Please help. Rina — Go back to the basics of using the Law of Attraction to attract a specific person.

Change your thoughts to change the situation. Be okay with him not contacting you, but be open to receiving a message from him. See it as happening. Forget about the world around you and create the reality you want. Allow the world to transform to match your thoughts. Those are key elements for using the Law of Attraction for love for a specific person. I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your book.

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It really gives me hope and calms me. Your words mean a lot to me. I finished reading it yesterday and want to go back through and do all the exercises. I truly believe this will work for me. Thanks Frances! Your comment was a really pleasant surprise.