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Harpsichord Island: Short stories eBook: Geoffrey Eyre: Kindle Store.
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The sound of the main 8' is full, reedy, penetrating and never tiring to the ear. The second 8' can be added to it by a hand lever whenever the player desires.

Harpsichord Pieces

The clavicytherium has a back lid that can be kept closed, partly opened, or fully opened, as the player desires. There's a tuning keyboard in the rear of the clavicytherium at floor level just under the pin block. Having the pedal strings behind the player, instead of the more usual location under the manual harpsichord, gives an attractive spatial separation between the two instruments and helps make the pedal line that much more distinguishable from the manual sound. I have found my 'voice' in this instrument in a way that I haven't been able to before on any other harpsichord.

It has truly been a joy to play and I will miss having it in my living room.

It has an expressive range from purely lyrical to aggressive, it sustains like a harp and plays runs like greased lightning. This instrument was the hit of the exhibition: I couldn't tear myself away from it--on the rare occasions when I could get my hands on it in the first place, that is!

It is a very popular instrument among my students and friends. Especially gratifying is the large variety of repertoire that "works" on the clavicytherium, which has changed the opinion of a few people who assumed that it would be appropriate only for limited repertoire.

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The instrument is versatile, expressive depending on how it is played, of course , and easy to care for. Whitney, Seattle, WA "The clavicytherium is giving us all great pleasure.

Bach: Sonatas For Violin & Harpsichord / Carmignol - Sony: S2K | Buy from ArkivMusic

The tone is beautiful and the action provides perfect control. It makes me feel like I am playing a lute or guitar - but with the facility and compass that a keyboard can provide. Thank you for making such a wonderful instrument. The Clavicytherium looks really good and the tone is beautiful.

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The current recording stands with Read more remarkable similarity to Biondi's renditions, from the bright, brilliant sonics to the uncanny resemblance of violin timbres. Yes, Biondi ornaments where Carmignola goes for a straighter approach, and Sony's perspective gives the violin prominence where Opus 's makes a much more even balance between the two unquestionably equal partners.

But, if you're seriously in the market for a fine set of these sonatas, the question becomes merely a matter of price go for the van Dael on Naxos or versatility.

  1. Rebecca's Pechefsky’s Site.
  2. Harpsichord | Harper's Magazine;
  3. Accessibility links!
  4. Be Fit!.
  5. Wanda Landowska and the Met!
  7. The End of War.
  8. If you're interested in the different versions of Sonata No. If you're just looking for a solid, standard set of the six sonatas, this one--or Biondi's--will prove satisfying enough for a lifetime of listening. No frills, no excess, no ego--just Bach, the whole Bach, and nothing but the Bach.