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An Owl at Sea [Susan Vande Griek, Ian Wallace] on *FREE* Winner of the Ruth and Sylvia Schwartz Children's Picture Book Award, the Norma Fleck Award for Ian has won the Elizabeth Mrazik-Cleaver Award, the Mr. Christie's Book Award and the Amelia Frances Happiness Guarantee ยท Amazon Ignite.
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It was a collection of children's stories with every page illustrated. Some stories included a surprise birthday party one kid planned for another, a story about witches maybe bones , a story about a boy who goes under the sea with an old man to a hidden cave and finds treasures collected over the years. I have been unable to find this book! The book I'm looking for is a book with mostly pictures and some writing, probably published between It's about a boy who falls asleep in his bed, and his dream is of him going into the woods or a forest, but he gets there by flying on his bed, which then turns into a leaf.

A lot of the pictures resemble MC Escher pictures, shapes turning into something different but all connected. Thanks for your help! Hey, when I was in class sixth i found a book in my school library that had no cover. I began reading it though could only read it till the third or fourth page and realized that it was a horror story. It started with a a very disturbing nightmare that ended with the ringing of the alarm when the protagonist wakes up.

The girl who was about to attend the first day of her new school. The girl was a teenager and i don't remember her name.

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Then, her mom drops her off to school and she does not get a very good feeling about what she is going to do. This is where I read the story till. And i think that the name of the story had the word 'disaster' in it, if i'm not wrong. I know this information is not enough but it would be of great help if you could help me find the name of this book because i have been waiting ever since to read it. I believe it won an award, but I may be mistaken, and I believe it was written fairly recently at least within the latter half of the previous century or in this century.

The edition I had was a fairly modern publication, the front cover depicted a red girl painted in watercolour and some blue shadow-monsters behind and above her. The plot was about a girl, orphaned or so she thought who had always had her hair cut short at the orphanage where she used to live.

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Through this she discovers her clumsiness was due to her hair being cut short, and that she can see in the dark when it's long. I am looking for a book my mother read to me when I was young at least 30 years ago. It was given to her by my grandfather and it had a collection of short stories and fable type stories. I can barely remember the book except that it was supposedly for kids but too much for us to read to ourselves, it was ofa blue green dark color and I think the title was in a gold or silver, it was old then so probably from the 50's ro 60's my mother was born early fifties.

One word that sticks out is 'oblong' or 'oolong'and 'blue' there were other things like king andi thinkthe oblong was not hard i texture for aome reason and there was trickery involed, there were other stories as well not all seemed dark If there was illustrations they were pencil type of pictures and not kid style of pics with colors.

The Happy Owls (Accessible Preview)

It was maybe in thick. For collections of stories, go to Loganberry Books' Anthology Finder at www. The page has photos of over 40 of the most-sought anthologies, with brief descriptions of contents. Study the page, and you may spot the book you're looking for. Looking for a book from the early 's - might be a Golden Book or Wonder book, that had little flaps that you open to see the pictures behind, i.

I am trying to find two books that I read back in the 60s. The first book had to do with a child wanted her mother to get a new stove for the kitchen. I cant remember if it was for Christmas or a birthday. I thought the name of the book was "The Nickel Plated Stove". The second book was about a girl and her siblings were out in the snow and I think they were trying to get home.

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But I think there was riding in a buggy, carriage or wagon when it turned over. To keep the others safe she laid over them and told the children to keep moving their hand and legs to stay warm. Eventually the children were found, but the older girl had froze to death. They erected a statue in her honor. Kids in Washington State order their mother a new stove for the kitchen.

The second one My Father is looking for a book he read in the early 's. I am truly hoping someone can help me find this book, my father cannot find it anywhere and none of the search engines get me anywhere close to finding it. Thank You.

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I keep thinking the name of this book is Away in a Meadow, or Down in the Meadow, or perhaps A Cottage in the Meadow, but none of those bring anything up. Several girls live alone in a cottage in a meadow, one day they decide to have a parade. I can still see one of the girls wearing a bucket on her head. They come across a wounded rabbit caught in a trap and nurse it back to health at home.

I remember reading it when I was a very little girl in the 80's. It's a really sweet book that was lost in a house fire, and I want to read it to my daughter.

Owl (Winnie the Pooh)

Hope you can help!! I took this book out of the library a few years ago; I remember almost everything about it except the title and the author. It was a small book of humorous food poems in the style of autograph book verse, with black line drawings It wasn't an Alan Tiegreen book. There was one poem that went something like, "How do you like your carrots? How do you like your cabbage? Slaw Slaw! How do you like your chocolate? How do you like Woodrow High! They're for the birds! It's your fault, garlic salt. Ripe and juicy! Fit for you and fit for Lucy! Any information would be much appreciated.

I am looking for what I think was a hardbound children's picture book about Christmas. I remember reading it as a child around It may have been printed as early as the s though. The illustrations were full-page and I think the text was printed in the illustrations. The story was about a little girl, who I believe lived with her Grandmother. They weren't going to have much of a Christmas.

I remember the kitchen being described as having "cheery red checked curtains. The main street is described as busy with shoppers, there are Christmas lights up everywhere, and the little girl stops to look in the windows. The little girl stops specifically at a toy store window where she sees a lovely doll that she wants. I think it was dressed in pink. The little girl wants the doll, but it is taken out of the window. I can't remember how, but the little girl receives the doll for Christmas. This was a favorite book of mine.

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I can't remember if I picked it up in the library or actually owned the book. I used to read it with my grandmother as a little girl, so I know I was reading it somewhere between and I hope this sounds familiar or helps with the search. I only remember him living in a tree and making acorn pancakes.

I don't think it was a boxcar childrens story but it was around that time period I was reading these in the 's. The boy runs away from his home in New York City to live in the Catskills Mountains for a year - makes acorn pancakes, among other ingenious things.

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I'm trying to find a childrens book but i can't remember the title. I know its a guy that stands in the field or on top of a mountain while standing on 1 leg with a stick and I think he was waiting for the rain to come. Can someone help me please??? They were abridged very thin books with paperback covers. If anyone has any information I'd be extremely grateful.

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