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Ethan Frome Summary. It's winter. A nameless engineer is in Starkfield, Massachusetts on business and he first sees Ethan Frome at the post office. Ethan is a.
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Old New York (novellas) - Wikipedia

Do you agree with her statement that Ethan, Mattie, and Zeena would be better off dead? Harmon Gow tells the narrator that Ethan takes care of Mattie and Zeena. Ruth tells the narrator that Zeena takes care of Ethan and Mattie. Who is right? How do you know? Can both be right? Why do you think that the book is structured in this particular way, with the main story from the past sandwiched in between the Prologue and Epilogue showing Ethan and company 24 years later?

We didn't see much humor in this story. What about you?

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If you did find humor, where? If not, do you think this was a wise choice for the novel?

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Would a little humor have heightened the tragedy, or would it be out of place in the story? All rights reserved.

Publisher Description

Cite This Page. Logging out…. His father to all practical measures disowns Lewis. Dying shortly thereafter, his father also is not able to disapprove of Lewis' choice in marriage. Lewis' beloved bears a striking resemblance to the subjects of the works Lewis bought with his father's fortune, and together they open a gallery to show his works. New York society in general disapproves of the works, and it is not until decades later, long after all the Raycies have died, that the art Lewis chose is recognized as valuable.

This novella takes up a full third of the set and has arguably the most richly developed characters and storyline. Charlotte confesses that she is the mother of an infamous foundling child.

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Her intended, Joe Ralston, who does not know of her child, wishes her to abandon her work at the orphanage where the child lives. Charlotte does not want to give up seeing her daughter, Clementina "Tina". The child's father is Clement Spender, a New Yorker who moved overseas to pursue the life of an artist. At one time, Delia was also romantically attracted to Spender. Delia agrees to see to it that Tina and Charlotte are not separated, but she also sees to it that Charlotte is not allowed to marry Joe Ralston a cousin of Delia's husband Jim.

Delia's husband dies, and Charlotte and Tina move into Delia's home. When Tina comes of age, since she is known to society as an orphan, with no family or estate, her marriage prospects are dim, although she attracts many suitors. Charlotte fears that Tina will repeat the pattern Charlotte started, by getting pregnant before she finds a husband. The story ends on the night before Tina is to marry, with heightened tension between the two older women over who has the right to be considered Tina's mother.

A film version was subsequently produced in by Warner Bros. The studio had difficulties getting approval from the Production Code Administration due to the story's themes of an illicit affair and the illegitimacy of the child.

Ethan Frome: Shmoop Guide

The least formally developed of the four novellas is told from the perspective of the s, though its period of interest purports to be the s. It regards Hayley Delane, who was a schoolboy when the Civil War started. He ran off to join the war, was wounded at Bull Run, and spent a long time recovering in a hospital camp in Washington.

There he met a mysterious stranger, whose memory has stayed with him all these years, almost a spiritual or moral guide. Delane marries Leila Gracy, daughter of old Bill Gracy, a drinker and gambler of ill repute. The narrator observes that Hayley Delane seems to belong to a different age, trying to guess whether he would fit in better as a Roman or a Greek or some other ancient European. Leila alternates between being devoted to Hayley and devoted to affairs with other men.

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The narrator witnesses Hayley beating one of her suitors when Hayley sees him abusing a polo pony. The narrator acknowledges that there's not much story behind the character sketch. Hayley takes Bill Gracy into his house as the old man gets older and needs assistance; Leila puts up with her father for a while and then drifts off to Europe; Hayley, unperturbed by her judgment or society's, continues caring for his father-in-law.

Ethan Frome - Thug Notes Summary and Analysis

Hayley comes to visit the narrator one day and discovers by accident that the old fellow he knew from the Civil War hospital camp was Walt Whitman. The narrator reveres Whitman and his writing; Hayley doesn't think much of it. Society thinks little of Mrs. Lizzie Hazeldean's apparent affair with the unmarried Henry Prest. As it turns out, society's understanding of the affair is uninformed and insensitive.