PDF Christian Fiction: A Prequel... For the Saved... And, the Lost

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CHRISTIAN FICTION: A Prequel For the Saved And, the Lost - Kindle edition by Kole Black. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC.
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It is set in the late 's and she experiences a great deal of prejudice. At one point, she practices suturing on her pillow so much that it's mostly stitches. She falls in love with a fellow student and as a result gets pregnant and leaves school to disappear. The story resumes several years later with her practicing in the West through her own clinic that mostly treats marginal patients, but she begins to attract wealthy women who do not want to be seen by a male doctor. And soon her old love comes to town.

I'm looking for a children's book I probably read in the early-to-mid s. It's about two sisters.

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One is very creative and thinks of a game where they make costumes from leaves held together with pins. This book is one of many. I'm looking for a book I read in high school. It was like a sci-fi novel. I remember in the beginning she was reminiscing about her life before everything happened and she was sitting on her porch I think by the beach drinking coffee thinking about her husband. And I also remember it was kind of like an alien take over, but instead of aliens it was this dark reddish colored fungus growing every where and it would grow inside of people if you got caught in the mulch I think.

Short Stories and Novellas:

There was also this part i remember where she was hiding in this basement with other people and she can see the fungus growing and was coming in through the window I wish I could remember more. I thought it could have been a Dean Koontz book, but I'm not sure. I'm looking for a book which I'm sure was set in Kent during the Napoleonic Wars and starts with a murder when two people rendezvous at a lead shot tower. I think the plot involves a group of English soldiers who fought during the wars and were from the Kent area and it possibly involves some pact they made.

I also think there is a family which includes the main "sleuth" who might run an apothecary in London and a girl and boy who I think he adopted. These are pretty specific recollections but could be wrong! I'd love to find out who the author is and what the book is called and read some of their other work. Thanks for any help anyone can provide. Looking for a book i read in highschool, it was about a girl who was allergic to the nano tech everyone had, where the cloud bursts would infect people with some terrible disease and the smell of that dying person triggered normal people into like a rage, the cure was to eat infected flesh?

Im pretty sure the cover was white with some burst of color, another detail that may help is her and a handful of others were made using the viruses DNA so they all had special abilities a name from it was June Bei. Looking for a book a book I read in highschool graduated in but cant remember the name. Where the world is separated between the rich and the poor.

The poor side is a big city with layers and it's over populated and the rich said is mansions with country land. Some kids from the poor side get powers and manage to get on to the rich side of the wall. I'm looking for a children's book probably from the 70's around dick and jane series time about a little red haired boy who stopped toy soldiers from fighting. Think his name was peter but not sure.

Christian Fiction Books!

I'm looking for a children's book about a young 10 to 12'ish brother and sister who visit a relative on a western ranch. As I recall, it has an orange pebbled cover like the ChildCraft , about 8" tall and 12" wide when closed. I remember reading this in the late 's or very early 's. Looking for a book about a woman who walks up to a crime scene and sees a bodybag, and the body bag starts to unzip. By Paul Zindel and Crescent Dragonwagon.

I am looking for a book I read in a chicago school library. Hard bound. This bound book only had title. Title similar or exact little dog found lost or little dog lost found. This book was beautifully illustrated with inside COVER front and back details of pictures of that era of color I adore the colors and drawing Every page had color illustrations.

Short Stories and Novellas:

The book is about a pup who saw stairs leading to a basket on porch, he was thinking of going in but, the door opened and someone picked him up. He got into mischief along the way but he was loved. At the end his owner was found and pup didn't want to leave with him. I think either the lady of the house or maid took him back. They all lived happily after with new baby, too. Howdy, all. I need help. I've been looking for several years for the title of a paperback I read years ago. I've searched online in general, paperback sci-fi publishers from back in the 70s and 80s which is when I must've read it, based on where I was living , Wikipedia and Wikimedia, sci-fi groups such as this one, chat rooms going back to.

I've described the storyline so often, I could just about re-write it myself, but I can't find anybody that can even recall such a story, let alone give me the title.

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It's a parallel worlds theme. Here goes: The story opens with a special agent type guy awakening at night in the backyard of the man he's about to replace as his doppelganger in this world. That guy's going to die in a few minutes anyway, so there won't be any real danger of having too many whoever-he-is around. The reason he's there is to thwart an invasion of this particular world from intelligent dinosaurs man-sized that have learned how to open portals between parallel worlds and use those portals for conquest.

The story develops along expected lines, and towards the end, our hero is enlisting the aid of intelligent ape-like men; big, hairy, muscular, and just as smart as humans or reptiloids, but I don't recall if the author had them as evolved neanderthals, apes, gorillas, or some Yeti type.

All I remember is they were big, strong, hairy, and willing to join in the fight to stop the encroachment of the reptiloids on other parallel worlds. The cover art was of an early scene as seen from the basement; an over-the-shoulder look at the open portal about an eight-foot circumference with a reptiloid operator sitting in the background on some sort of device I think it was tripodic, but ain't sure about that in a saddle fit for his body with two or three other reptiloids about to come through. Anybody that can help me with this?

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It's not like it's the greatest story to see print or anything, it's that I can't run it down that's the problem. Nobody but me seems to've ever read it, too. Thank you for your time.

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It ended up being the monster was just looking for her monster child and once she found it, she stopped terrorizing the camp. There is mention of Yellow Feather, or Yellow River. Not sure of the time period Native Americans and possibly Creole people may be involved as characters. Cross-cultural friendship between two children may be the theme. This is not listed as a Caldecott winners nor on most organizations' lists of the top novels for children.

Thank you! I'm looking for a children's book about a girl who goes to stay with her grandparents for a while and ends up getting pneumonia. Fiction book about a woman who speaks to the dead and a man who writes about her. One of the books takes place in an elite boarding school where something is wrong. This book has a pastel blue background with illustrations on the front in color of the characters. Somehow, she goes to another world where there is an alligator or crocodile with braces.

She feeds him jellybeans. My sister is looking for a book that she remembers at Christmas as a little girl. Her description is of a mouse who surprises people with little gifts on top of the Christmas tree.. The mouse would place the presents on the top of the Christmas tree. She is 50 years old and she remembers this when she was about Any help is greatly appreciated. Looking for a friend -- children's book rather short, with pictures about a kid who had horn-like? The kid does a bunch of awful things like killing a girl with a crossbow, causing traffic accidents and breaking open a piggy bank??

The book is pretty short and has an art style similar to the game Don't Starve. Any ideas? She had a tail although she was human and did everything with her tail. People started to bully her because of her tail, and she decided to cut it off. But, she kept it in a jar, and carried that jar everywhere. Something happened, and she threw her jar with her tail off of a cliff. I vaguely remember a book that I read and want to read again.

A kid gets sent to almost like a boarding school and a bunch of shit happens and he finds out that they're bringing the spirits of dead artists back and putting them in these kids bodies for periods of a time so they could create more art or some shit. It was roughly 13 years ago and that's all I can really remember of it and really want to read it again. I'm looking for a book about two twins, a boy an a girl, that lives in an old house; one day they found a bicycle that belongs to a dead boy. The twins look for the story of the dead boy and visit places around the town, like a very old church with an organ.

In the end, the ghost takes the body of the brother and a cat is the only one that can help the sister. The book ends with the cat visiting the grave of the "ghost boy" and we realize that he's name is Bud. Looking for a children's book from the 80's. It was all about play on words and one of the pages talked about the undertow and the beach, and it was a picture of a giant toe in the ocean. Looking for a children's book from the s maybe 70s - paperback, pink background on cover - about a young girl who doesn't want to do what other girls do and, instead, decides to get a tool box and build something.