His Brain, Her Brain: How Divinely Designed Differences Can Strengthen Your Marriage

leondumoulin.nl: His Brain, Her Brain: How Divinely Designed Differences Can Strengthen Your Marriage (Audible Audio Edition): Walt Larimore MD, Max.
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His brain, her brain : how divinely designed differences can strengthen your marriage

Through a Man's Eyes: Love and Respect in the Family: Product details Audible Audiobook Listening Length: August 1, Whispersync for Voice: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later.

Men under stress want to do something physical or be left alone. The authors explain scientific differences in thinking and behavior between men and women. Rather, their purpose is to promote understanding about different behavior patterns that have frustrated many men and women.

Understanding that my spouse is wired up to behave a certain way helps me to accept her and cherish her rather than criticize her. The author is a medical doctor who says, "During my years in medical practice, I became aware of the findings of dozens of scientists who had begun to discover innumerable innate differences between the brains of men and women. The authors draw upon such distinguished resources as: The corpus callosums in men and women are different.

When girls and women are under stress, they want to talk to other girls or women. When boys or men are under stress, they want to either do something physical or be left alone. Men usually have a much higher sex drive than women because men have a much larger hypothalamus, more testosterone, and more vasopressin. A wife would be most receptive to making love to her husband after they have had an enjoyable conversation.

His Brain, Her Brain: How Divinely Designed Differences Can Strengthen Your Marriage

A husband can listen better to his wife if he minimizes distractions. A wife can listen to multiple conversations at one time. A wife is more sensitive to touch than her husband is. A husband will withdraw from his wife when he is upset because it takes him much longer to process emotion. Men usually become quiet when dealing with a project, problem, emotion, or stress, because their brains were designed to do one thing at a time.

While their right brain is solving a problem or dealing with an emotion, it's difficult for their left brains to listen or speak. Women experience the pleasure of the hormone oxytocin when they have conversations. Wives can increase their husbands' participation in household chores by being direct, concrete, and factual rather than being indirect and emotional. Women can read men better than men can read men, because women are better at sensing, understanding, and predicting the behaviors of others.

Mothers are far better at nurturing children than fathers are, and children prefer their mother's comfort over their father's comfort by 14 to 1. The Bible teaches husbands to honor their wives. Studies show that when a husband makes this decision to honor his wife, the husband's feelings toward his wife will change within 6 weeks.

Excellent argument about the differences between men and women's brains.

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Walt and Barb do a terrific job of showing why and how we're different. Every couple thinking of getting married should read this - or at least something similar. I was really surprised that they brought up "ezer kenegdo". The Hebrew term for 'help mate'. Keeping Love Alive as Memories Fade. A Couple's Guide to a Growing Marriage.

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    You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Combining the latest brain research along with their experiences in over three decades of marriage and counseling, Dr. Walt and Barb Larimore explain how the unique design of each sex, particularly the unique brain and hormones of each, results in different habits, tendencies, and nuances of thought and action.

    Thank you for using the catalog. His brain, her brain: Marriage -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. Brain -- Sex differences. Sex differences -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. Human behavior -- Physiological aspects.