God and Country: How Evangelicals Have Become Americas New Mainstream

To be sure, evangelicals, through fighting for their distinctives, have and Country: How Evangelicals Have Become America's New Mainstream (New York .
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It’s Time to Start Calling Evangelicals What They Are: The American Taliban

The crowds there to greet him, predominantly white Protestant Evangelicals, were highly emotional, totally electrified by his presence, entranced. Trump as the Savior. Loyalty No Matter What.

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Skip forward to the present, 14 months into the Trump presidency, and with ever deeper and more troubling revelations about the man who, so improbably and perniciously, holds the most powerful political office in the country and in the world. To the astonishment of objective observers and pollsters, white Protestant Evangelical support for Trump has hardly budged.

They are the most loyal part of the coalition that put Trump in power and keep him there. The charge that there is a fair amount of hypocrisy in this does not seem to make a dent.

How do the prominent Evangelical leaders justify such a craven and immoral loyalty? Easy to explain, says Gerson, if you understand the self-image of Evangelicals today, and see how Trump plays to it. Evangelicals have indeed come to see themselves as under siege, a mistreated group in need of protection and preferences. They see Trump as their defender, a president who pays attention to them, gives them visible signs of access to power, and is able to stand up for them precisely because he is so worldly and immoral that he will do whatever it takes to advance their cause.

The Tragedy of Evangelicalism Today. Unlike many who uncritically scoff at all things religious, I have an immense respect for the positive contributions of religion to the evolution of human conscience. I can only hope that the turmoil of of our times may bring forth among Evangelicals some kind of Third Great Awakening, which will lead white Protestant Evangelicals out of the current debasement of their once noble tradition.

What Went Wrong With White American Protestant Evangelicals

Karine Schomer, PhD is a writer, speaker, scholar, and a political and social commentator. She writes on Medium https: Sign in Get started. Religious extremism is religious extremism. I do not suggest that evangelicals should give up their faith. If evangelicals hate tyranny, they should be very wary of becoming tyrants.

  1. The Wild Asss Skin: (La Peau De Chagrin) (Classics).
  2. Rejection (How to Evangelize People);
  3. What Went Wrong With White American Protestant Evangelicals!
  4. And over the decades they have increasingly reached for more and more political power to achieve this goal. This is exactly what ISIS proposes, by trying to establish a global muslim caliphate. The goal of religious extremists, regardless of faith, is always the same: Evangelicals are The American Taliban. To many, that will seem a garish and inconceivable statement.

    It’s Time to Start Calling Evangelicals What They Are: The American Taliban

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