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Feb 24, - In how many ways can we arrange the letters in the word TOOTH? In this example, \begin{align*}r = 5\end{align*}, and we are using a word with letters that repeat. A math test is made up of 15 multiple choice leondumoulin.nlg: UNORDERED.
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In the end, I was not only able to survive summer classes, but I was able to thrive thanks to Course Hero. The University of Oklahoma. MATH How many possible outcomes unordered are there if k dice are tossed answer C k. How many possible outcomes unordered are there if k. Uploaded By freedompop How many possible outcomes unordered are there if k dice are tossed? How many bit strings of length 5 are there that either start with or end with ?

How many 4-letter words are there with the letters in alphabetical order? How many 4-letter words are there with no letter repeated and the letters in alphabetical order? How many ways can we partition 18 persons into study groups of 5, 6 and 7? The i format specifier in the format syntacs corresponds to integers and the specifier f corresponds to floats. When using f-strings or the format method, integers use d instead. In format strings specifiers can usually be omitted and are generally used only when specific formatting is required.

The specifier s is used for strings. An example:. Look here for more details about format specifiers, and for comparison between the old and new style of string interpolation.

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Different ways of string interpolation have different strengths and weaknesses. Generally choosing which to use is a matter of personal preference. On this course examples and model solutions will predominantly use f-strings and the format method. An expression is a piece of Python code that results in a value.

It consists of values combined together with operators. Values can be literals, such as 1 , 1. Operators include arithmetics operators, comparison operators, function call, indexing, attribute references, among others. Below there are a few examples of expressions:. As another example the following expression computes the kinetic energy of a non-rotating object: 0. Statements are commands that have some effect.

For example, a function call that is not part of another expression is a statement. Also, the variable assignment is a statement:. Another large set of statements is the flow-control statements such as if-else, for and while loops. We will look into these in the next sections. In Python we have two kinds of loops: while and for. We briefly saw the for loop earlier. A while loop repeats a set of statements while a given condition holds. Another way of repeating statements is with the for statement.

An example.

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The for loop executes the statements in the block as many times as there are elements in the given list. At each iteration the variable i refers to another value from the list in order. Instead of the giving the list explicitly as above, we could have used the generator range 10 which returns values from the sequence 0,1,…,9 as the for loop asks for a new value. In the most general form the for loop goes through all the elements in an iterable. Besides lists and generators there are other iterables. We will talk about iterables and generators later this week. When one wants to iterate through all the elements in an iterable, then the for loop is a natural choice.

But sometimes while loops offer cleaner solution. For instance, if we want to go through all Fibonacci numbers up till a given limit, then it is easier to do with a while loop.


In the main function print a multiplication table, which is shown below:. Use two nested for loops to achive this. Note that you can use the following form to stop the print function from automatically starting a new line:. Print the numbers in a field with width four, so that the numbers are nicely aligned.

For instructions on how adjust the field width refer to pyformat. The if-else statement works as can be expected. Breaking the loop, when the wanted element is found, with the break statement:.

Generate all possible combinations of a set of characters python

Stopping current iteration and continuing to the next one with the continue statement:. Let us consider throwing two dice. A dice can give a value between 1 and 6.

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Use two nested for loops in the main function to iterate through all possible combinations the pair of dice can give. There are 36 possible combinations. Print all those combinations as ordered pairs that sum to 5. For example, your printout should include the pair 2,3. Print one pair per line.

A function is defined with the def statement. The double function takes only one parameter. Notice the docstring on the second line. It documents the purpose and usage of the function. It would be nice that the number of arguments could be arbitrary, not just two.

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We could pass a list to the function as a parameter. This works perfectly! There is however some extra typing with the brackets around the lists. The strange looking argument notation the star is called argument packing. It packs all the given positional arguments into a tuple t. We will encounter tuples again later, but it suffices now to say that tuples are immutable lists.

With the for loop we can iterate through all the elements in the tuple. Conversely, there is also syntax for argument unpacking.

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It has confusingly exactly same notation as argument packing star , but they are separated by the location where used. Packing happens in the parameter list of the functions definition, and unpacking happens where the function is called:. The second call failed because the function tried to raise the list of numbers to the second power.

In addition to positional arguments we have seen so far, a function call can also have named arguments. An example will explain this concept best:. The named arguments must come after the positional arguments. One can also specify an optional parameter by giving the parameter a default value. We saw that the parameters of the print function were of form print value, There were four parameters with default values.

We did not need to specify all the parameters with default values, only those we wanted to change. We will talk about this more in the data structures section. Function definition creates a new namespace also called local scope. Variables created inside this scope are not available from outside the function definition. Also, the function parameters are only visible inside the function definition. Variables that are not defined inside any function are called global variables. Global variable are readable also in local scopes, but an assignment creates a new local variable without rebinding the global variable.

If we are inside a function, a local variable hides a global variable by the same name:. If you really need to rebind a global variable from a function, use the global statement. This nested function will have nested scope:. Try first running the above cell and see the result. Then uncomment the nonlocal stamement and run the cell again. The global and nonlocal statements are similar. The first will force a variable refer to a global variable, and the second will force a variable to refer to the variable in the nearest outer scope but not the global scope.

Write two functions: triple and square. Function triple multiplies its parameter by three. Function square raises its parameter to the power of two. In the main function write a for loop that iterates through values 1 to 10, and for each value prints its triple and its square.