The Trailsman #276: Skeleton Canyon

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He has written under many different names and you may have read him without realising it - I did - I loved Elmer Kelton's Sons of Texas series and I later discovered James wrote the sixth book in the series, Defiant. Chances are you may have a western lurking in the collection written by Reasoner.

Skeleton Canyon

He is a man of many names. A true modern version of the pulp writer. That's not to say Reasoner's work is light weight - far from it. Everything he writes is the result of a consummate professional at work and he has gained many gleaming critical reviews. He has written at least a couple of crime classics - Dust Devils is amazingly good and stuck around in my mind for weeks after reading and his early crime novel, Texas Wind enjoys cult status with paperback collectors.

However for this feature it is his westerns of which we are primarily concerned - His recent series of Deadwood novels, not based on the stunning TV series but on the actual history of the illegal town, are excellent semi-fictions that add more flesh to the characters we've come to know from the TV series. The series currently numbers four books with maybe more to come. I read the first two before I realised they were by Reasoner since they're published under the name of Mike Jameson.

I put it to the author that the books were , although obviously linked to the TV version, in fact totally separate entities.

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I also try to point out, in the notes at the end of the books , which parts are historical and w hich are fictional. I wond ered how much of the TV series Reasoner was familiar with?

All of us who write fic tion vee r away from the truth. However the TV's representation of Calamity Jane is the most realistic ever seen on screen.

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I put this to him " Good point about Calamity Jane. I think that by and large the TV show got the characters right. It just had them doing things they didn't do or rearranging the chronology of how things really happened.

Jon Sharpe Westerns Books

For example, t he epidemic that occurred during the first season on TV, in which Calamity nursed the sick, actually took place two years later in And as you mentioned, Hickok and Bullock are friends in the TV show when in actuality Bullock arrived just after Hickok was killed. But the personalities of all the characters are pretty accurate as far as I can tell. I like a strong plot and plenty of action.

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M u ch beyond that , though, and I have a hard time accepting a book as an act ual Western. Who has influenced this one man writing machine? Howard is my all-time f avorite w riter, not only for what he wrote b ut how h e did it, forging a successful career as a professional writer in circumstances not favorable to that at all.