The Inspired Word of God

According to Murray: “Christians of varied and diverse theological standpoints aver that the Bible is the Word of God, that it is inspired by the.
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The Holy Bible, Inspired of God: A Look at the Evidence : Christian Courier

To the promoters of idolatry in his day, he issued a challenge:. He is asking this: Exactly what is predictive prophecy? Study this narrative carefully and compare it with history! But after that is accomplished, Jehovah announced that the Assyrians themselves would be destroyed History reveals that that is exactly what happened cf.

When the kingdom of Judah lapsed into a state of spiritual decay, the prophets announced that Babylon would arise to punish them Jeremiah The history of those events is available for all who care to read it cf.

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In 2 Kings It was prophesied, however, that he would not be able to take the city of Jerusalem 2 Kings But for some unexplained reason the city was never taken! The Bible tells us. God destroyed , Assyrian soldiers in one night 2 Kings It was further foretold that the Assyrian king would return to his own land and there fall by the sword 2 Kings Some twenty years later, he was assassinated by his own sons, who smote him with the sword, while he was worshipping in his pagan temple Isaiah Or what of the good king Josiah?

Bible As The Inspired Word of God (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

His work was foretold and he was called by name more than three hundred years before it was fulfilled cf. The ministry of king Cyrus of Persia he being called by name was prophesied more than a century and a half before the monarch was born cf. It is on account of such remarkable prophecies as these that liberal critics want to re-date the books of the Bible centuries after the time of their composition!

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Sidney Collett declares that of the approximately eight hundred prophecies in the Old Testament, no less than three hundred and thirty-three center in the person of Jesus Christ , p. The panorama of prophecy regarding the Son of God is nothing short of miraculous and is a demanding evidence for Bible inspiration.

He would be born of woman Genesis 3: Christ was to appear during the days of the Roman reign Daniel 2: He would be killed some four hundred and ninety years after the command to restore Jerusalem at the end of the Babylonian captivity [ B. Jesus was to be both human and divine; though born, He was eternal Micah 5: He was to be gentle and compassionate in His dealing with people Isaiah He would be perfectly submissive to His heavenly Father Psalm It was foretold that the Lord would be betrayed by a friend Psalm He was John He would be spit upon and beaten Isaiah This is precisely what happened Matthew Though He would be killed, yet, amazingly, His flesh would not experience corruption, but He would be raised from the grave Psalm Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Think about the above realities: In addition to sharing these commonalities, these 66 books contain no historical errors or contradictions. After I had shared the above facts with this student, I offered him the following challenge: You must choose 66 books, written by 40 different authors, over years, in 3 different languages, written on 3 different continents. However, they must share a common storyline, a common theme, and a common message, with no historical errors or contradictions.

However, the Bible passes this test. The authors are free to express their emotions and style in the writing.

Is the Bible the Inspired Word of God?

It is also important to mention that only the Autographs the original written documents by the biblical authors are inspired. Let's look at what the Bible says about itself.

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  • What does it mean that the Bible is inspired?;

God also instructed His spokesmen to write the message down Ex Another strong proof for the inspiration of the Bible is the fulfillment of the prophecies, particularly those relating to Jesus His birth- Isaiah 7: Because of the fulfillment of these prophecies, Jesus proved that He is the Son of God, giving Him the infallible authority to claim the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible.

Jesus taught that the entire Bible, both the Old Testament Matt Since the gospels give an accurate and reliable record of what He taught, it has been established that the entire Bible is really the errorless and authoritative word of God. Not only can we believe everything in it, but it demands our obedience.

The apostles also attested the inspiration of the Scripture, in both the Old Testament Rom 3: Moreover, they proclaimed their own writings as Gods words 1 Cor. The entire Scripture is the inspired word of God because the Bible says so 2 Timothy 3: This is probably the strongest argument from a presuppositional point of view.

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However, most believers would rebuke that the authority of the Bible is what one tries to prove in the first place, so how can one use quotes from the Bible to sustain such a claim. In this case, the fulfillment of prophecies about Jesus, his birth, death and resurrection, proves the accuracy of the Bible and that Jesus is the Son of God, giving Him the authority to claim the inspiration and inerracy of the Bible Matthew Both Jesus and the apostles proclaimed that the Bible is the inspired word of God.