Guide Words for Winter: A small collection of writings for the season

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Feb 14, - When winter feels a bit too little long, these words of wisdom make the wait for With that in mind, here are some quotes to make the season more bearable: . says, there are also a lot of perks to being a smaller company.
Table of contents

The winter solstice usually happens in December each year. Joe spent all of autumn in Provincetown. The family has visited Disneyland the past two summers.

Zora Neale Hurston, American Contrarian

A lot has happened since last spring. Rule 2: Seasons as Titles When a season is used in a title, the capitalization rule that applies to titles should be utilized. Some example sentences can help to illustrate this: Michael Phelps won five gold medals at the Summer Olympics in Rio. The Fall semester ends in December. Exceptions to the Rules One obvious exception to these two rules would be if the season were being used as the first word in a sentence. And Spring arose on the garden fair, Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere; And each flower and herb on Earth's dark breast Rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.

A Time and a Place Unless you are referring to a specific title or an official name, chances are that you will not want to capitalize the names of the seasons. YourDictionary definition and usage example. Link to this page. Capitalization of Seasons. In YourDictionary. Special Cases for Capitalization. How curious and unfair that seems. At another level, Stevenson offers us insight into the biological rhythms of humans and animals. We are diurnal creatures, who naturally prefer to be active when it is light outside and sleep when it is dark.

Thanks to the invention and widespread use of artificial lighting, humans have overcome many of the limitation imposed upon us by the length of the natural day or photoperiod. In recent decades, we have amplified these effects by the use of light that is far brighter than regular indoor lighting, which is basis for the light therapy used in the treatment of SAD. We wake up more easily and, for those of us with SAD or the winter blues, it can improve our mood and energy. So, unlike Stevenson, we no longer need to wake by night. At the other end of the day, bright light can energize us in the evening, but if we use light too late, it can interfere with our getting to sleep.

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  5. Poems about the Beauty of Winter.
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Studies have shown that blue light is the most potent part of the spectrum for influencing various biological effects of light, so we have developed methods to cut down on blue light exposure at night, for example, with blue-blocking glasses or computer apps designed to cut down blue light emission. Those who want more detailed information about the science behind the effects of light on dawn and dusk can find it in the box below. It is no wonder that someone was moved to send this poem to me in relation to my quest for the stories of people with seasonal affective disorder. Because it can be enjoyable to hear a poem read aloud, I have recorded it for you and it is embedded below.

Researchers have studied the basis for the biological rhythms associated with daylength and have found that in animals, they are controlled by a small structure in the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus SCN. The SCN contains two clocks made up of clusters of neurons, one that responds to the onset of dawn and the other to the onset of dusk. These two clocks govern the times of waking and sleep onset respectively, as well as other biological processes.

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During special experimental conditions, Wehr found that, just like other animals, healthy volunteers, allowed to lie down in artificial darkness, have the capacity to expand or contract their sleep length depending on their exposure to light and dark in the preceding weeks. When they have been going about their regular lives which includes the use of ordinary artificial light , however, these same people, studied in the same lab conditions, show no difference in sleep length in summer versus winter.

Wehr and I teamed up to compare the sleep of people with SAD to those of healthy controls asked to sleep in darkened rooms during summer and winter. In contrast to the controls, people with SAD slept longer during winter than summer. So, even though they had been using artificial indoor lighting at home during the winter, they did not perceive this extension of the illuminated day as a summer signal as did the healthy volunteers.

Last Words

We concluded that people with SAD are subsensitive to ordinary room light, which may explain why their mood and physical responses differ in winter compared with summer, and why they need light that is far brighter than ordinary room light in order to feel well during winter. Early morning hours have been found to be the most beneficial time for light therapy. Even smaller amounts of light exposure at that time, which simulate a summer dawn, may help you feel better and prevent you from feeling, as Stevenson so aptly puts it, as though you are getting up at night.

Life After SAD Fortunately, we now have many ways to treat SAD and the winter blues: light therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, exercise, meditation and antidepressants. What can poetry add to this already crowded therapeutic smorgasbord?

Selected by Harold Wood

Once you have found treatments that reverse the symptoms, however, it can be exciting to rediscover the joy that winter perhaps afforded you as a child before the winter symptoms became entrenched: winter sports, fireside comforts, holidays with loved ones, friendship and camaraderie. The quiet of a dark winter day can also be conducive to meditation.

You might even enjoy poetry and literature about the grandeur of winter that previously left you stone cold. Very recently there are reports that anatomical connections have been discovered between the eyes and emotional centers of the brain in both mice and men, which may explain the pathways by which dark and light influence emotions.

Norman Rosenthal, M. Psychiatrist, executive coach and Author of Winter Blues Guilford I will monitor this and re-post selected favorite poems on my blog and the Poetry Rx Facebook group. I like this blog post! Feeling my S. I pulled my copy of Winter Blues from the shelf and also googled your website. I really appreciate you and your writings and am looking forward to reading your other books. Hearing this poem always makes me sit up straighter and feel empowered. Your new website is an extraordinary healing gift. How comforting to be lead into the world of poetry by such a caring psychiatrist.

Could white ever be brighter?

In truth, the sparks of warmth are always there no matter the season, just like a warm rock blends into a summer beach, yet melts winter ice. It is now winter; the hibiscus is no longer in bloom. The red slowly faded, petals falling off each day.

Short Essay on Winter Season ( Words)

I still look out the window, however, longing for it to be spring again. Longing to be able to turn back time. To a time where the blossom trees are full of pale pink petals, creating awnings over pavements. To a time where you could go out without a jacket and wear t-shirts instead of big jumpers. To a time where hibiscuses bloom. The trees are filled with brown, dead leaves now.

Angry skies, harsh winds, fierce clouds. Rain is more frequent, air is cooler. Each Christmas song drilling into my head causing nothing but headaches and migraines. It feels wrong to have Christmas this year. The air is frozen lace on my skin, delicate and cold, like winter waves on sallow sand. The sky is washed with grey, watery light illuminating thin patches to brilliance. In some moments I am watching my boots over the frozen sidewalk, perfect concrete slabs, flat and square, and in others transfixed to the interplay of cloud and sun above.

For some reason my mind conjures a stone mosaic made beautiful by the shards of a mirror and I want to keep my eyes heaven bound while my imagination makes them one thing. Only the slipping of my feet brings my attention earthward once more, the need to stay upright pulling my mind into the present. The rain has lost the ambient temperature of early fall, freezing and paling my skin on contact.

The path through the park is muddy water in motion, filling deep puddles that hide the ruts of dryer weather. To feel it isn't enjoyment, not fun like the gentle sunshine of springtime, yet it is a part of life and I want to feel it just the same. I want to experience each drop, together and apart, same and different. I want to see the droplets soaking my eyelashes before they join their brethren on the ground like saltless tears. I need to be in this, chaotic and wild, just like my mind and soul - like nature looked right into me and pulled the weather out.

Though the winter had been long, the first signs of spring grew boldly, as if commanding the warm weather to come all the faster. It was as if the teeth of winter had shattered and the kiss of a new season approached. Joanna breathed in deeply, so wanting the pretty flowers and blossoms that she could almost smell the promise of their fragrance.

Just to imagine the change of season relaxed her and she walked down the wide avenue with her favourite, her steps bolder than they had ever been before. Even on the coldest days of winter the sun is bright in the sky, bringing joy to my heart. The snow has a purity that elevates my spirit, the world made as pristine as a book ready for new stories. Already my creativity is surging, dancing around the evergreens with the delight of a child. Even the coldness upon my face is refreshing, my body cozy inside a warm coat. Under the wintry air and the sky that has born black clouds since November came, the harbour is as grey as a newspaper picture.

The sea has given up her blue, the stones show no russet colours and the boats have taken on the monochrome look of old movies. Even the air tastes more dull. The wind whips salt into eyelashes and onto exposed skin and all the while the trams run along the beachside with a clatter and whir.