Manual Within the Woods of Hoof and Tooth

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"In the mid-path of my life, I woke to find myself in a dark wood," writes Dante in The Fur Feather Tooth and Nail by Arthur Rackham. "In leafless branches that extended twig like fingers to point to the heartbeat of hooves.
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And create photo storage files for recognizable bucks, where you save and can refer back to shots from last week, last month, or last season.

This is particularly true during spring and summer. Almost all summer bucks have thin necks, which makes them look younger. Do not attempt to estimate age from late winter through late summer. The closer you are to the rut, the better.

Showcasing the DNR: How to age a deer

You can make mistakes like killing young bucks with great antlers or passing mature bucks with small antlers. Study the body first.

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Make your age estimate. Then, if you are still torn between two ages and you really need a tie-breaker, consider the antlers.

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Longer beams, heavier mass and wider spread argue for the older age — and vice versa. Body characteristics are critical for aging bucks, and we know that body sizes vary from region to region. While the comparative differences in body characteristics that point to age are usually apparent regardless of overall body size, there can be exceptions.

This requires me to consider my location and develop a finer, local set of clues I look for when estimating age. With aging, this means pulling a jawbone or extracting an incisor tooth any time you manage to kill a buck that you previously aged in a trail-camera photo. Send that tooth off to a lab, or estimate the jawbone age , and then compare the pre- and post-harvest age estimates. Were you way off? If so, go back and study those photos in the light of new information and see how you can improve your aging technique.

Case in point for Sins 5 and 6 : I photographed the buck below during the peak rut in the relatively low-quality habitat of the Coastal Plain of Georgia.

What Were George Washington's Teeth Made Of? (It's Not Wood)

This is the kind of follow-through that will help you improve your local buck-aging skills. In every issue of Quality Whitetails , we offer you the chance to estimate the age of three different member-submitted bucks before you read what five expert panelists had to say about the same deer. Additionally, in our free weekly e-newsletter, we include a buck photo along with a chance to vote for your estimate in a reader poll. We provide feedback in the next newsletter. These interactive features help you sharpen your aging skills and learn the characteristics to look for even without trail-camera photos of your own to study.

So, join QDMA today to start receiving the magazine, and sign up for our free e-newsletter now. You can also read this article for more information. Lindsay Thomas Jr. He has been a member of the QDMA staff since Prior to joining the staff of QDMA, Lindsay was an editor at a Georgia hunting and fishing news magazine for nine years. Throughout his career as an editor, he has written and published numerous articles on deer management and hunting.

He earned his journalism degree at the University of Georgia. Just so much less stressful not having to cram in camp setup, vet check in, ride meeting, ride preparation all in one evening. Plus it is better for the horse. Sunny was happy pigging out all day. Although the shells are the same ones that come on the Glove, the new stiffer gaiters are quite a bit harder to get on.

I learned my lesson at an earlier ride about putting the boots on the night before instead of the morning of the race. I discovered at 4 am that it was going to be more difficult to get the Glove on while my horse was dancing around excited and wondering what all the commotion was about.


For Skymont, I decided to boot the night before the ride. People leave the Glue-On shells on for multiple days and these boots are about the same thing. A technique I picked up from a neighbor at Leatherwood, NC AERC ride involves wrapping the hoof a few times with cotton sport tape, then putting the boots on with a big rubber mallet. The heat from the hooves bleed through the tape and basically glue the boots on.

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I had been using CVS and Target store brand tape, figuring tape was tape, and that brand had serrated edges making it easy for my nerve damaged fingers to tear. Nope, not tape is created equal. EasyCare recommends Mueller brand. I now have a case of it. After the ride it was all I could do to get the boots off. I had to use an 8-inch pry bar I fabricated from a tack puller for just this issue.

The ride itself, consisted of gentle hills, over all about 2k feet of up, 2k feet of down, four pretty even loops. There was only a trot by and no hold after the first loop. Trails were a mix of single track trails, cross country non-trails in the woods, a bit of dirt roads and some pipeline clearings. One area I was glad to be on a Last couple miles of last loop had some really nice green grass we took advantage of.

Showcasing the DNR: How to age a deer

Having dialed in foot gear, an in shape horse both mentally and physically , and non-brutal weather and trail conditions, all contributed to this being my most enjoyable, relaxed ride ever. Thank you EasyCare for your hoof protection. See you next year Skymont. EasyCare Hoof Boot News.