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Bible verses about What Goes Around Comes Around. Proverbs ESV / 81 helpful votes We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. Vindicate me, O God, and defend my cause against an ungodly people, from the deceitful And Stephen said: “Brothers and fathers, hear me.
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Quite likely, Revelation would have been read all at once to a congregation of that time.

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What thoughts, actions or attitudes might they have changed or taken on as a result of hearing Revelation read? The events in Revelations took place in the past.

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However, these events are still relevant today and will continue to be relevant in the future. No matter what, always pray for the Holy Spirit to enlighten your studies. Actually, the FIRST mistake that the confused-looking, open-mouthed, Revelation student pictured at the start of this article is making is that he is not in the book of Revelation. What a great post: — Encouraging us to approach the Book of Revelation as we do other Scriptures. Well said.

I found this a very clear and well written article. This was a good article except for the beginning which is condescending towards those who take a futurist approach to prophetic interpretation. It is not preterists alone who take hermeneutics seriously. If Paul admitted that to himself, his congregation, and posterity, can we do less? Also Paul did not have the full word of God like we do today. People nowadays cannot read and think for themselves. The only away a person could hold to an non-futurist approach is because it was thought to them by man and not from studying the bible on their own.

I must say that Paul had a greater understanding than anyone today. Can anyone today put themselves above Paul? He wrote and spoke under inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The author of this article wants us to read and interpret the book of Revelation just as we would any of the Pauline Epistles. My approach to reading the whole word of God is to interpret it literally and even when symbolic examples are given we are to interpret them literally. The Preterist viewpoint fails to accurately interpret the whole of the book of Revelation because they choose allegory over literal interpretation.

If we read no further than the 7 seals we see that over one quarter of the inhabitants of the earth will be killed or die as a result of the judgments of God upon the world. If we read through Revelation chapters we see that an additional one third of all inhabitants die. When in all of history has something like this ever occurred? Surely our history books would not be silent on such catastrophic events that supposedly took place in the first century AD.

Would the Preterist say that the numbers of people who die in Revelation are not valid? To say so is to take away from the Word of God. The only conclusion is that the Futurist view of Revelation is preferable to accurately interpreting apocalyptic scripture. I am surprised that Faithlife would allow this article to be printed thereby implying that it is scripturally accurate. We can not allow mans wisdom and knowledge to guide us in interpreting scripture. We must rely on the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. You call me arrogant, but why?

Because I speak against an extremely narrow and dangerous dogma? No, I defend the Gospel. The article is obviously dripping with sarcasm, and it discredits anyone who tries to deny it. Logos has lost my business I want none of this cynical liberality to creep into my study and they will lose others as well. I have tried to present this rebuke of Logos while still being humble about my understanding of the Word of God. Logos has gotten confused about how mainstream this teaching is. His view obviously makes the bible utterly boring and inaccessible.

If a person has no idea what the elite would say it makes the bible irrelevant and indecipherable in the life of the believer. Many have noted the correlation between the rise of liberalism and the closure of churches. I understand full well that this debate will go on and on, and I will never convince some of you. The problem with Bible Colleges these days is that they have moved a way for studying the word of God. This has lead to false teaches like in the article above and replacement theology and amillennialism But these are common teaches in the United Methodist Church outside of places like KY and TN.

I do agree with Eric Theiss to the extent that this article does sound as if it is the view of Logos, which more and more I am convinced is the case and clearly presents one approach.

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  • I fail to see where the author offers other approaches, so his view does seem to declare his view to the THE approach. ONE Revelation. You know, I was just invited to write a guest blog for Faithlife, and this seemed like a good topic. Cynthia, what blog presents all points of view fairly? Since when is the goal of a blog the same as that of an entry in a reference work?

    I have no problem with Faithlife acting you to write this but you should be ready for when others can prove your off track by rightly dividing the work of truth. If you cannot find that verse…. Please accept my apologies. When I first came upon this thread, unfortunately I was unable to read every word of every comment except yours. I can see the examples I provided in defense of you Brother David, were somewhat inadequate.

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    The biblical verses being bandied about to support both views, reminded me of a FOOL like Clinton Dawkings who has a habit of quoting what he calls the OT Canaanite massacres. He does it when backed into a corner. I believe I am still with the directives of 1 Pt.


    Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to provide a reasoned defense to anyone who asks how you possess this blessed hope; calmly and respectfully, What was disturbing Davif, with one exception, is many of these attacks came from believers. Also, one person who does not seem like a believer, did not attack you. The few things I pointed out David, e. I also defended your method of exegesis in general, and stated I believe to demean the posts or people, in and of itself should be avoided, and to go head to head on an exegesis of Covenant vs.

    Dispensational Theology as a whole and again, to try to throw out scripture quotes never works. Then I read the comments and I saw attacks for the most part, no coherent counter arguments except bible verses and most unrelated to your commentary. Your commentary is yours Dr.

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    Silva and I would think less of Logos if they do not encourage you and others to make contributions. Those who disagree should present respectful and valid arguments, not diatribes, insults and not name calling. Wait to complain about a guest commentator, if Logos ever has Rob Bell or some other emergent make one which I seriously doubt. A large percent of Christendom Protestant and Greek Orthodox still cling to the early dating and Covenant Theology, which means they would accept Dr. Some of the most Conservative Calvinists cling to Covenant.

    Perhaps the correct latte dating is too ingrained in their tradition. Anyway, my intent is not to rehash that discussion, it was to make clear Christians should not be attacking fellow Christians, leave that to the atheists. I just read your responses to my post. By the tone of your response to my post, I realize that I failed to convey my meaning. Let me try again. So, you are certainly entitled to your view point, and on your own personal blog, I never would have though anything of it.

    I find several of the responsive posts flat out inflammatory and rude and disrespectful to you and your faith, and if you in any way felt I should be lumped in that group, that was certainly not my intent and I ask, from the very depths of my heart, for your forgiveness. That was not my intent at all. I clearly did not use nor choose my words wisely, and I regret any hurt or frustration I caused in any way. I think David deSilva makes some great points.

    How can one place the events of Revelation into the future when at the beginning and ending of the book says this? He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John,. Revelation NIV84 3 Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

    Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book. My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. After reading, with much interest, both the article and the comments, I find myself wondering if I have been overly simplistic in my interpretation of Revelations. As it was read to the churches of the day the words of John would have had very powerful implications to their current state and they would not have necessarily viewed those words as a prophecy.