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What Happened in Granite Creek book. Read 63 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. When Koty Fowler's husband volunteers her to visit J.
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An electrifying book that keeps you wondering exactly what did happen. Koty is married, unhappily, bossed around by her husband. She has 3 daughters Rosie, Daisy and Lily whom she loves very much. In comes Jamie a friend of her husbands who returned from the war without limbs. But what happens when Koty and Jamie get together as friends and turns into a romance is an accident waiting to happen. The book explodes when Koty's husband finds out they are having an affair along with What did happen? The book explodes when Koty's husband finds out they are having an affair along with the girl's involvement and then Koty goes missing.

As we follow along everyone's thoughts on what happened to Koty we get entangled in a web that only makes us perplexed and surprised at the same time.

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Jul 24, Cathy rated it it was amazing. I had to eat my words—again! When I started to read this, I thought, oh no… BUT, within a few pages, I was drawn into this novel, and my apprehension and misgivings about the present tense vanished into thin air. Three children later, she finds herself unhappily married to a drunkard and control-freak. Koty is tired at being ordered around by her sometimes violent husband, and Jamie, quite naturally, is finding it hard to come to terms with his situation, while only a young man.

But they are both victims of losses of different kinds, and this common bond leads them down an unexpected path. It was charged, poignant—Jamie is superbly portrayed—but then Bradley drops an almighty, jaw-dropping bombshell. The story takes a different turn and what started off as a good page-turner becomes an engrossing, compelling, and powerful story of intrigue and what parents will do to protect their children.

The writing was superb, each character was utterly believable, the tension was honed to perfection, and a whole gamut of emotions exudes from the pages. And the absolute icing on the cake was the simply perfect editing of this book. I found only a few very, very minor errors which was so very refreshing. Every author and editor should read this book and learn! I received a complimentary copy of this book in order to review it. Quite an emotional experience, reading this book.

It was not what I had expected going in.


I read the short story on which it is based and was looking forward to an interesting romance. The book it became is much more complex. It takes a sharp left turn half way through that I did not see coming.

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It did allow the story to explore something so much bigger: the way memory works, the way people try to put together lives based on just pieces. The language was beautiful and the characters were achingly Quite an emotional experience, reading this book. The language was beautiful and the characters were achingly believable. The author's ability to show the point of view of so many different people at different times in their lives is very impressive.

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A couple of uses of language that really stood out to me: " This book is a powerful experience. I bought this for my Kindle, because it was on sale and seemed mildly interesting.

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The story revolves around a young family that is suffering from the effects of poor circumstances and loss. In the midst of the family's turmoil enters an unlikely friendship between the mother and an injured war veteran who has returned home to their small town. Where this friendship leads and how it changes the mother I bought this for my Kindle, because it was on sale and seemed mildly interesting.

Where this friendship leads and how it changes the mother and father yet destroys a family is heartbreaking. The story was originally published as a short story and through encouragement from her professors and friends Bradley developed it into a novel. You can see the promise in her writing and I have high hopes for her future work. View 1 comment. Feb 26, Sharon rated it it was amazing Shelves: all-time-favourites , mental-illness. Amazingly well written and edited.

I absolutely loved this story about a neglected and abused wife who forms a brief relationship, under orders from her husband, with a quadriplegic amputee recently returned from the gulf war. The first part of the book is centred around these two characters and there are some extremely sensuous moments. We are also given glimpses into Kody's relationship with her husband before things turned sour. The characters are so well developed that I believed what they Amazingly well written and edited. The characters are so well developed that I believed what they thought and did.

I genuinely felt sadness, compassion and frustration for them. The complexities of each characters' personality and life experiences, thoughts, actions and behaviour were so well drawn out, I did not dislike any of them even if I did not agree and want something different for them. I wanted everything to turn out well for them and couldn't wait to find out how life was panning out for them all.

The first part ended quite abruptly and I was stunned. The second half concentrated on the personal accounts of each individual and what they were thinking and doing and why they had behaved in a particular way. I remember having similar feelings when I watched this film in my teens. The impact was all the more profound as the actor was a double amputee himself. I think 'What Happened In Granite Creek' is a worthy current equivalent in its raising of current issues that service men suffer during the Gulf War and how they may or may not come to terms with such loss.

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I won't go into more as I don't want to spoil anything in this absolute gem. All I will say is that this was definitely a thought provoking story for me and that I can definitely recommend that you give it a go. View all 3 comments. Aug 12, Liz rated it it was amazing Shelves: reviewed. A quadruple amputee war veteran; a battered woman, her mean-spirited husband, and the three daughters they are devoted to: these are the players at the heart of this savage, compelling drama.

What makes this thriller special? It focuses on what many of its genre skip out on: character development. The story begins when Jamie, a year-old veteran, returns home from a tour in Iraq to Granite Creek, New Hampshire, minus his arms and legs. But Koty Fowler, a bullied mother of three, is able to connect with him in ways that the others cannot.

Robyn Bradley – What Happened in Granite Creek

An excellent thriller, highly recommended. This novel was recommended by a friend and I must say I'm glad I took my friend's advice. Robyn Bradley is an excellent writer with skills in characterization, internal dialogue, and description. The plot moved well throughout the first part, where I found myself emotionally involved. For me though, the next section bounced between characters and lost most of the tension and momentum.

Still, the mystery presented was intriguing, so I read on with great desire to see what had happened. By the This novel was recommended by a friend and I must say I'm glad I took my friend's advice. By the time the events were revealed, I was more intellectually curious, like a detective, rather than heart-wrenched, which I had been at the end of part 1. Still, What Happened in Granite Creek is a good read for a rainy day, nice and complex and emotionally meaty. I look forward to reading more by Ms.

Dec 06, Jeannie rated it it was amazing. I wasn't sure I could get into this because I thought was a romance novel, not my usual genre. However, this was so much more! It was suspenseful and well written. The characters absolutely came to life, and the book explored tough themes about what it means to be a daughter, a spouse, a parent, a child, and what you "owe" to those in your life that you may have once loved but now are forever linked.

It was full of twists!

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I thought the beginning gave away too much, too soon, but it was written I wasn't sure I could get into this because I thought was a romance novel, not my usual genre. I thought the beginning gave away too much, too soon, but it was written so well that each chapter revealed a bit more. It was one of those rare books that I couldn't put down and I'm actually happy I finished it so I can get back to my regular sleep schedule! The story is told from multiple viewpoints, by Koty, her husband Wayne, and daughters Rosie, Iris and Daisy. There are other characters as well, that play important roles in this intriguing story that spans nearly two decades.

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  • When a marriage is on the rocks. When people meet their breaking point. This was an interesting story with very real characters and a fast moving plot. I was imagining all kinds of endings, but not THIS ending!