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We Have Saved What We Can: Poems of War and Refuge [Ann Day] on Amazon.​com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Ann Day was born in in Malta.
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Home no one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark you only run for the border when you see the whole city running as well. In an interview after she won the Brunel University African Poetry Prize, Warsan Shire was asked to talk about her sense of commitment to substance and urgent subject matter in her work. In response, Shire said:. Students learn about the legal rights of refugees and then use poetry to develop a personal connection to the current global crisis.

This educational version of the documentary tells the story of the Oyneg Shabes archive, created by a clandestine group in the Warsaw Ghetto who vowed to defeat Nazi lies and propaganda by detailing life in the ghetto from the Jewish perspective. Standing Up to Hatred and Intolerance. Add or Edit Playlist. Related Content. Download Free Sample. The s famine in North Korea took millions of lives, my father's being one of them. My older sister was sold to a man in China. I lost my mom to a North Korean prison.

When I could not fall asleep from the bitter cold and hunger pains, I hoped that my sister would find me the next morning and wake me up with my favorite food. That hope kept me alive. When I approached people in the food courts in the city markets, they would cover their nose and swat me away as though I were a fly. Some even called me human trash.

Those words hurt me because I was also someone else's precious son and brother. Before I had a chance to decide who I was on my own terms, my identity was defined by others. During this time, my dream used to be living a day with three meals. I often wondered when I could eat; not whether I should eat. My parents and sister weren't the most educated, but they did not fail to let me know how much they loved me.

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That simple knowledge of being loved kept me going. Now, I am a former North Korean refugee in the U. Millions of refugees still suffer from constant threats to their lives, loss of human dignity and severe shortages of food. Protecting refugees in these situations is costly. But failing to save them is even more expensive.

When international politics leaves them unattended or neglected, we lose part of our humanity and civilization takes a step backward. I am talking about reality, not a theory.

Azerbaijan, Wartime Refuge - adjusting the pages of history -

The refugee struggle is not only a crisis in Africa or the Middle East. North Korean refugees also face various degrees of harsh realities. They have been and are being targeted by human trafficking groups. They are vulnerable to being arrested in China and then forcibly repatriated back to North Korea. Unimaginably, Chinese police are still hunting down North Korean defectors and sending them back to the Kim regime.

12 important facts about refugees & the global refugee crisis - Walk Like a Refugee

China treats the defectors as economic migrants rather than refugees who deserve proper protection. Even for me, it's impossible not to flinch when I hear or read testimonials of North Korean refugees. We cannot turn a blind eye to those who are destroying our very own humanity. And let me state a fact: Being a refugee is not a crime. A refugee is someone who is forced to flee his or her country to escape a well-founded fear for his or her safety. The Geneva Convention provides a thorough, comprehensive description of a refugee. Moreover, international law obligates nations to help refugees.

Stranded on the island of Lesbos, refugees remain in limbo

The U. By the end of , an estimated The number of refugees admitted into the United States, however, has been in sharp decline. From January to January , 96, refugees were admitted. From January to January , the United States has accepted only 33, refugees.

JJ Bola - Refuge, poem

Unfortunately, no comprehensive mechanism has been implemented to address the worldwide crisis. We each have the power to change this situation by speaking out and pressing our elected leaders to compassionately address this worldwide refugee crisis.