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War and Peace is a novel by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy, published serially, then in its entirety in It is regarded as one of Tolstoy's finest literary.
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It understands and sympathises with those ideas but it excuses itself from repeating them. After pages, you will agree that this is the best way to write a novel.

At the Source: War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

Its details are not exquisite recreations of lost practice, but ways in which an individual psychology can engage with the real world. It is about history, and both the tsar and Napoleon make awesome appearances. Other characters will engage your sympathy over time; you may be deeply surprised, by the end, by who you want to spend most time with. The book has the rhythm of life, and likability is not a steady, constant factor; sometimes Natasha is entrancing, sometimes a great bore.

If you read it more than once, as almost everyone who reads it at all does, these responses may occur at quite different times.

Translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky

It understands, as James Buchan once wrote, that love is the circus hoop through which history is made to leap again and again. But romantic love is only one of the things that may interest the mind, and sometimes it does not interest the mind at all.

  1. Anna Karenina.
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  3. Biography Newsletters.
  4. The little tractors big adventure.
  5. Quick Facts;
  6. What Do We Love About “War and Peace”?.

There are other subjects in the novel, too. The bits that interest you personally and the bits that you find of only abstract curiosity are going to change when you read the book at 20, and again at The book is the product of a very big mind, who lost interest in almost everything War and Peace was about before he died.

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  • Though he was certainly rather bigger than the other men in the room, her anxiety could only have reference to the clever though shy, but observant and natural, expression which distinguished him from everyone else in that drawing-room. Pierre murmured something unintelligible, and continued to look round as if in search of something. On his way to the aunt he bowed to the little princess with a pleased smile, as to an intimate acquaintance.

    War and Peace

    First he had left a lady before she had finished speaking to him, and now he continued to speak to another who wished to get away. And having got rid of this young man who did not know how to behave, she resumed her duties as hostess and continued to listen and watch, ready to help at any point where the conversation might happen to flag.

    But amid these cares her anxiety about Pierre was evident. Seeing the self-confident and refined expression on the faces of those present he was always expecting to hear something very profound. At last he came up to Morio. Here the conversation seemed interesting and he stood waiting for an opportunity to express his own views, as young people are fond of doing. The spindles hummed steadily and ceaselessly on all sides.

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    The vicomte was a nice-looking young man with soft features and polished manners, who evidently considered himself a celebrity but out of politeness modestly placed himself at the disposal of the circle in which he found himself. The vicomte bowed and smiled courteously in token of his willingness to comply. The princess smiled.

    She rose with the same unchanging smile with which she had first entered the room — the smile of a perfectly beautiful woman. She seemed to wish, but to be unable, to diminish its effect. The princess rested her bare round arm on a little table and considered a reply unnecessary. She smilingly waited.

    • Listen to this article.
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    • All the time the story was being told she sat upright, glancing now at her beautiful round arm, altered in shape by its pressure on the table, now at her still more beautiful bosom, on which she readjusted a diamond necklace. Now then, what are you thinking of?

      War and Peace lands India activist in trouble

      There was a general movement as the princess, smiling and talking merrily to everyone at once, sat down and gaily arranged herself in her seat. Prince Hippolyte, having brought the work-bag, joined the circle and moving a chair close to hers seated himself beside her. Le charmant Hippolyte was surprising by his extraordinary resemblance to his beautiful sister, but yet more by the fact that in spite of this resemblance he was exceedingly ugly.

      Stretching over a period of several decades, it masterfully describes the history of Russia from the end of the 18th century and into the first third of the s.

      What Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’ can teach us | Financial Times

      At more than pages, it is definitely one of the longest novels out there, but unlike many much shorter books, its length is well justified. I can barely count on the fingers of one hand the amount of times I felt some section is too long. Although Tolstoy is very thorough, his writing is easily readable and the pages just fly.

      The books focuses on two main topics. One is the Russian-French wars of and Tolstoy describes the wars, and in particular the battles of Austerlitz and Borodino in vivid detail and apparently very accurately from a historic point of view. The characters of Napoleon and Kutuzov the Russian army leader take active part in the narration, with the lesser leaders Bagration, de Tolli, Davoux also getting enough attention to build a complete and interesting story.

      Specific events of the war are highlighted with the participation of the book's main characters, like Andrey Bolkonsky, Nikolay Rostov and Pierre Bezoukhov. The other is the high Russian society of that time.

      Anna Karenina

      The book provides a very interesting and in-depth glimpse into this unusual society by today's standards, somewhat modeled after, and thus similar to, other European societies French, British, etc. Tolstoy also presents the life in rural Russia a little, and the interrelations between the rich and the serfs, although he doesn't spend on this topic nearly as much as in Anna Karenina.