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By Mary Lou Pimentel Last Sept. , I was among the 60 pilgrims who joined the spiritual journey to Poland organized by the Purmerend.
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If it is true that there are really only two or three human stories in the world that go on repeating themselves forever to paraphrase Willa Cather , then perhaps the spiritual journey is one of them. Even purely secular travel writing has at its core the essence of pilgrimage—journey somewhere new in the spirit of discovery, and return not only with stories of the sights, sounds, and tastes of foreign cultures but also, occasionally, with a sense of self-discovery. That is because travel writers possess the perceptiveness of the social scientist or naturalist and the openness of a spiritual seeker.

Writers like Peter Matthiessen and Bruce Chatwin have demonstrated this ability time and again. It is why books like The Snow Leopard and The Songlines remain seminal works of travel writing, because the best travel writers know that the most interesting journey is the one we take to the interior of ourselves. In writing about travel, writers can elicit parallels with our own internal struggles, using encounters with cultures and landscapes as metaphors: a mountain becomes a stand-in for our fears, a river, an analog for growth.

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We travel to open our hearts and eyes. And we travel, in essence, to become young fools again. Travel in that sense guides us toward a better balance of wisdom and compassion—of seeing the world clearly, and yet feeling it truly. Traveling is simply the luxury of leaving all my beliefs and certainties at home, and seeing everything I thought I knew in a different light, and from a crooked angle.

Although he is equating traveling with falling in love in this piece, Iyer could just as easily be making the parallel with Buddhist practice. This should come as no surprise to anyone who has tried to sit down on the cushion for the first time.

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Striking out into the unknown requires the same determination and bravery as the effort involved in a sustained meditation practice. If travel has the ability to open our eyes in this way, then travel writing becomes a kind of skillful means for transmitting the dharma.

And a recent anthology edited by Don George, The Kindness of Strangers, feels like a cleverly closeted Buddhist travel book, containing numerous accounts of serendipity and compassion that writers have experienced during difficult circumstances while on the road. All this raises the question of whether the dharma can be conveyed successfully when the purpose of travel is ambiguous. During one of several flashbacks to his time spent with Tsung Tsai—events that were a part of their journey but were never chronicled in Bones—Crane writes of the Gobi:.

A sky the color of pearl hung over a landscape in motion; sand rolling like the endless ocean; wild waves and breaking dunes; the frail scent of ozone in the air. There was no road. No trace of standing water since the last ice age. There were no gods.

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None but the wind. Returning to his element, the wind, the story picks up speed and finds renewed drive when he touches down in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. With the help of Jumaand, a Mongolian filmmaker he befriends, he sets off in search of a lost temple, which may or may not be the same temple from the first book.

Through them, he is able to excavate his grief over the loss of his father, while burying a part of himself in the Gobi. And then I realized, he too, like Siddhartha from the book I was reading, has a definite goal in mind, and that goal is to stretch his boundaries to the farthest point. It takes courage to get out of your comfort zone and explore dangerous terrains especially when most of the people around you are totally smug and satisfied in the sheltered life they are leading.

The day was physically tiring and my mind was almost saturated with a lot of things. Once I woke up, I decided to stay at Zostel and cook my own dinner at their kitchen. So Zostel has this well stocked kitchen where you can nurture and hone your culinary skills. I am a good cook and the food I made was just fine because my fellow travellers liked it as well.

After dinner we went to the terrace for an impromptu jamming session. After two hours of continuous dancing and singing, we all were tired and went back to our respective dorms to sleep. I had yet another day in this beautiful place to look forward to. This day was dedicated to the Beatles. You cannot come to Rishikesh and not visit the Beatles Ashram, especially if you love music.

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It goes like this-. Coming to this place and not humming a Beatles song is sacrilegious. You should never do that else you might end up offending the hippie gods! Ok, I was kidding all right, but this does make a great story- pay homage to Beatles at their Ashram and bless your soul! Not much of the aforementioned Ashram remains except a wall with amazing graffiti, which was the Beatles gallery once.

One thing worth noting is that the Ashram closed down way back in the 90s, but usually the guards are sweet enough to let you in. I decided to do a bit of both. Yoga, as an ancient art form, has many takers all around the world, and this Ashram also was filled with more foreigners than Indians. The entire atmosphere was energetic yet peaceful, something I had not experienced in a long time.

It was great, the food was great and so was the ambience. Yes, it was an eventful day, after which I went back to Zostel for yet another evening filled with fun, music and some of the best people I have ever met. It was my last night at Rishikesh, and I had to make it count. We sang, danced and talked till morning, after which I bade them farewell, hoping to meet them sometime soon in future.

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My days in Rishikesh were phenomenal. It was a journey that enriched me from within and made me look at the world with a totally different perspective. I realized there is so much to live for, so much to explore. My problems and worries suddenly turned miniscule in comparison to the wonders of this world.