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The Wise Droplet and his neighbour, the sun (The Footprint Collection) (Volume 1) [Patricia Fernandini León] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying.
Table of contents

Additional ideas for "precycling". Buy Only What You Need: Buy only as much as you know you'll use for items such as food, cleaning supplies, and paint.

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Every little bit of trash avoided does make a difference! For larger purchases, bring your own eco-friendly bags such as EcoRight bags. Learn about pollution caused by plastics. Give hotels a link to Environmental Solutions for Green Hotels. Second: Reuse The media has done a wonderful job of selling us on the attractiveness and benefits of buying "new", "improved", "special", etc. Collaborative Communities: learn about the collaborative movement in communities around the world.

Share: thingloop facilitates sharing our belongings with each other. Fixers Collective: Create or join a fixers collective in your community to get together once a month or so to help each other repair broken appliances and other household items. Packing Peanuts: Drop off at a local packing, shipping or moving store.

The Relationship Economy

Create note pads by stapling together once-used paper. Switch from plastic bags to reusable ceramic, glass or metal containers. The library is also many times a great place for finding magazines, CDs, books-on-tape, and videos. Look for little free libraries in your neighborhood - or be the first to add one! Solar powered battery rechargers are available online. They organize the collection of college students' castoff items in the spring, so they can be sold to incoming students in the fall.

Aesops Fables

Third: Recycle Recycle your Plastic Bottle Tops: Plastic bottle recycling can now handle recycling plastic bottle tops - keep the lids on. Better yet, switch to reusable glass or metal drinking bottles and skip the plastic bottles all together. Recycle Nation is a great resource for creating a local recycling sheet and lists many recycleable items. Terracycle offers lots of free mail-in recycling programs.

Storing hard-to-recycle items in a separate container makes it easier to recycle all at once. Help Launch Sustainable Packaging! Many companies are now exploring ways to maximize nontoxic recyclable and compostable packaging content. Most companies really listen to their customers - you'll be surprised how many respond and you may receive some great coupons for your trouble!

Also, purchase from companies that do not use chlorine to bleach their paper products which creates dioxin waste. Learn more at HowToCompost. Also, green coffins are available. Learn more through the Green Burial Council. Eco-Jewelry: If you are shopping for wedding rings or other jewelry consider buying used jewelry , synthetic diamonds and gemstones or eco-gold jewelry.

Minimize or eliminate other types of purchases that generate waste. The Johnson's are a zero-waste family who offer tips and inspiration for creating a zero-waste household while creating a far more satisfying and affordable lifestyle.

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Avoid Single Use Products: Instead, choose or bring reusable products or consider doing without. Avoiding plastic single use items is especially important because of their toxic load and, if landfilled, exceptionally long life. These can include food and beverage containers, cups, plates, straws, writing pens, razors, diapers, towels, shopping bags, etc. Refuse Give Aways: When a business or individual offers you a free give away that you don't need, politely refuse. This can be anything from a straw in a restaurant to promotional gifts to paper handouts. This not only saves the company or individual money, but it keeps resources from being consumed unnecessarily even if it is recyclable.

Learn more at Wikipedia's Compost page. Your Food Switching to a animal-free, vegan diet is a powerful way to help protect our environment, help ensure everyone has enough to eat and improve your health.

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Each pound of local food you purchase prevents a quarter pound of climate change C02 emissions. Support your area's Farmer's Market. If possible, grow your own fruits and vegetables using organic gardening practices. In the U. Find a wide variety of local food establishments through Eat Well. Try to eat only foods raised within about miles from home. Here are great ideas for reducing it. Responsible Food Shopping: Whenever possible, shop at farmers markets, food co-ops, local health food stores, and socially and environmentally responsible chain stores research tools: Food Scores.

World Watch found that more than half of all climate emissions come form eating meat.

The Book Thief

Please get involved in any way you can. Whenever possible, buy products containing non-GMO soy, cotton, and corn. Ask your local supermarket to carry non-GMO products and ask your friends to also make this request - have faith that your requests will get back to the growers and store headquarters.

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This trend will only turn around when customer demand non-GMO products. Your pocketbook is your most effective voice. Conserve Energy Please do not wait to start conserving as much energy as you can to reduce your climate change emissions! Print the energy and water consumption chart and post in a visible spot in your home.

If you live in a deregulated state in the U. Bring back the clothesline! This information can be tracked over time, allowing you to gauge the impact of actions you take to reduce your carbon footprint.

Buying Options

Draught-Excluder for Chimneys: Even with a damp, a lot of heat flows up chimneys in the winter. Check out the Chimney Sheep to save on heating and reduce uncomfortable drafts. One well-respected Green-e certified company is TerraPass. In general, you will lower your summer air-conditioning bill by planting trees and bushes along the west side of your home.

The easiest way is to unplug appliances that are not being used. You can also plug your appliances into bye bye standby or smart meters so that they are powered down completely when turned off. Consider installing a well insulated skylight if more light is needed. Encourage family members to get in the habit of turning off lights when they leave a room taping small reminder notes to light switches can help. Energy Efficient Mortgages U. Renewable Energy Certificates REC : If you don't have the ability to switch to renewable energy, consider buying an REC which let's you essentially purchase renewable energy without switching electricity suppliers.

Buying energy from a utility, on the other hand, is like renting - at the end of fifteen years you don't have anything to show for it - and you are left vulnerable to the fluctuating costs of energy. One investment option is solar panels which can produce energy for 40 years or more - far longer than it takes to pay off the installation costs currently around 15 years for homeowners and only 7 years for businesses.