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The Boy Scouts at the Panama-Pacific Exposition [Howard Payson] on leondumoulin.nl *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Leopold Classic Library is delighted.
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Vintage pin

For more information about the German court case, and the reason for blocking all of Germany rather than single items, visit PGLAF's information page about the German lawsuit. All IP addresses in Germany are blocked. This block will remain in place until legal guidance changes.

Panama–California Exposition - Wikipedia

Project Gutenberg updates its listing of IP addresses approximately monthly. Occasionally, the website mis-applies a block from a previous visitor. If your IP address is shown by Maxmind to be outside of Germany and you were momentarily blocked, another issue is that some Web browsers erroneously cache the block. Trying a different Web browser might help. Or, clearing the history of your visits to the site. The main attraction was the Tower of Jewels, which was feet high, and was covered with over , cut glass Novagems.

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The colored gems sparkled in sunlight throughout the day and were illuminated by over 50 powerful searchlights at night. The buildings were constructed from temporary materials, primarily a combination of plaster and burlap fiber.

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Almost all the fair's various buildings and attractions were razed in late The only surviving building on the exposition grounds, Bernard Maybeck's Palace of Fine Arts, remained in place, slowly falling into ruin. The Palace, including the colonnade with its signature weeping women and rotunda dome, was completely reconstructed in the 's and a seismic retrofit was done in The Liberty Bell traveled by train on a nationwide tour from Philadelphia to the exposition.

After that trip, the Liberty Bell returned to Philadelphia, and hasn't made additional trips since. Among the exhibits at the exposition was the C. Huntington, the first steam locomotive purchased by Southern Pacific Railroad. In addition to the photos that were taken at the fair, I've included other shots that include people panning for gold, Yosemite, the laying of railroad tracks, family on a ship, surveyors, soldiers returning from WWI and a parade to honor the soldiers.

There are few clues to who the family was.

The boy scouts at the Panama-Pacific Exposition

A few photos identify a WWI veteran as E. Type Y Oil Engines, No.

1915 World’s Fair Put a Reborn San Francisco in the Spotlight - KQED Arts

The only information that I could find on Lt. Winsby was that he became commander of the American Legion of Honor in Oakland in