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Mustard. Mustard seeds are.
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Why just grow herbs when you can also grow spices? Of the cooking duo, it seems that only herbs are frequently homegrown when really, it is easy to grow spices too. Have the best of both these culinary delights by growing garden spices ready for your secret recipes. Although there seems to be a thin line between herbs and spices and often considered as being one and the same, herbs and spices are different.

For one, most spices are grown in warm and temperate climate in the world. That is where the worries of growing them are coming from.

Growing Turmeric to Flavor and Color Curries

So we have listed the garden spices you can easily grow at home. Check them out below! It is easier to grow onions through sets rather than seeds or cuttings. You can plant them close to each other and transplant them as they mature to give more room to grow. The end of March or the beginning of April would be an ideal time to plant Onions. Plant garlic in the fall and come next summer, you will surely harvest heaps of this well-used kitchen spice. Closely related to ginger, only egg yellow in color, this commonly used spice in Indian cuisines can be grown through the roots or rhizome.

As this is a tropical plant, growing them indoors or in greenhouses is advised if you live in a colder region.

Herbs and spices

They grow well, potted too which is good news for those who have greenhouses. The leaves have a milder taste than the roots but will still give curry a gingery hint. You can grow ginger from a healthy finger of root actually a rhizome from the grocery store. Look for one with a pointed growing bud at the end.

Gerry Daly: How to grow herbs and spice up your garden -

Like seed potatoes, ginger can be encouraged to produce shoots by keeping the root in a warm, bright place for a couple of weeks. To plant it, set the root, bud-end up into a pot of soil-based potting soil. Bury the root about 5cm 2in deep. Keep the potting soil moist and then, once the plant gets growing, apply a houseplant feed every few weeks. Pot on into larger containers as the roots reach the sides of their pots.

As fall approaches, dramatically reduce the volume of water you apply so the potting soil dries out. This will cue the straggly plant to produce its rhizomes. Overwinter plants in a warm, bright place then pick up watering and feeding again once spring returns next year.

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By the end of next summer you should have a few useable rhizomes. Like ginger, the fresh rhizomes are the most useful parts of turmeric. It can be raised from seeds planted in spring or cuttings taken in early autumn. Two other species may be confused with Chinese star anise: Japanese star anise I.

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It is essential that you purchase the true Chinese species. The Japanese species has fragrant leaves that are used as an incense but that are highly toxic if ingested. The two species look quite similar, and Japanese star anise is a popular ornamental garden shrub in Australia. Turmeric is a member of the ginger family.

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It is a rhizomatous clumping perennial to about 1 m tall with green, lightly aromatic, sheathing leaves. The pale yellow to orange flowers are borne in dense spikes. The rhizome is used as a spice. It is slender and branched, with a bright orange flesh that has a spicy, earthy flavour. Turmeric is also used as a food colouring, giving a golden colour to rice and other dishes. In cooking, use a 2. Peel the rhizome, cut it into pieces and process with a little water in a blender. Turmeric is propagated in spring from rhizomes planted about 5 cm below the soil surface.

It requires arich, moist soil, a long, warm summer and a sunny position. Pot-grown plants can be purchased from specialist herb and tropical plant nurseries. The plants die back underground each winter and will tolerate occasional frosts.

Vanilla Vanilla fragrans syn. It also requires distinct wet and dry seasons, as flowers are initiated after the dry period. It can be grown successfully in a glasshouse.

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The orchid is a climbing orchid — up to 7 or 8 m high before it begins flowering — so some support, such as a pole or lattice, is essential. In nature, aerial roots help plants to climb 15 m. But when under cultivation, plants are trained downwards from the top of their support to a convenient height for pollinating and harvesting.