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The skin is made of multiple layers of cells and tissues, which are held to underlying structures by connective tissue (Figure 1). The deeper layer of skin is well.
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Sometimes when you find yourself alone, for whatever reason, you review every little thing you know about someone, searching your memory for small, subtle things that you may have missed about them. It makes you scared. I was running through long tunnels filled with demons and monsters and nightmares, because it was easier than going to the gym. The tunnels were big, the size of some of the sub-streets beneath the city of Chicago, their walls made of earth and stone, wound through with things that looked like roots but could not possibly belong to any tree this deep in the earth.

Stratum Basale

Every few yards, more or less at random, there was a mound of luminous, pale-green quartz crystals. Inside every crystal mound was a recumbent, shadowy form. Some of the mounds held figures no larger than a medium-sized dog. Some of them were the size of houses. I had just finished climbing over one of the huge mounds and was sprinting toward the next, the first in a series of three mounds more or less the size of my deceased Volkswagen. I landed on the far side, dropped into a forward roll over one shoulder, and came up running. I misjudged the dive, my foot caught a crystal, and I belly flopped and planted my face in the dirt on the far side of the mound.

I rolled over onto my back and groaned. I shook my head, pushed myself up, and started walking out. Walking through one of the tunnels beneath the island of Demonreach was always an experience. When I ran, I went by the mounds pretty quick. I skirted around a fairly small mound whose occupant had simply sent me a mental picture that had kept me up for a couple of nights the last time I walked by, and passed one of the last mounds before the exit.

A new one. I paused and studied the mound. If you were locked up under Demonreach, you were a nightmare the likes of which few people could really understand—immortal, savage, and probably foaming-at-the-mouth, hair-on-fire crazy to boot. Until I got the thing in my head out again, only the island had the power to keep it in check.

I had visitors sometimes, but the winter months were dangerous on Lake Michigan, both because of the weather and because of the ice, and spring had only barely begun to touch the world again. You, obviously, replied the occupant. Do you even know what the word stasis means? It means nothing is happening. What was the phrase?

Ah, yes. Piss off. I lifted my eyebrows. To date, every single prisoner who had tried to communicate with me had been pretty obviously playing to get out, or else howling nuts. Structure and cells of the dermis 1. Basal cell layer 2.

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Suprabasal cell layer 3. Granular cell layer 4. Horny cell layer 5. Other cells. Adhesion of keratinocytes 1. Adhesion between keratinocytes. Keratinization 1. Keratin 2. Cornified cell envelope 3.

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Horny layer stratum corneum intercellular lipids 4. Exfoliation of horny cells.

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Melanocytes and melanin synthesis 1. Form and distribution of melanocytes 2. Biosynthesis of melanin 3.

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Melanosome 4. Functions of melanin. Langerhans cell. Merkel cell. Structure of the dermis. Interstitial components 1. Collagen fibers 2.

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Elastic fibers 3. Ground substance, Matrix. Cellular components 1.

Black Skin, White Masks

Fibroblast 2. Histiocyte 3. Mast cell 4. Plasma cell 5. Well, one quarter if you count the alter egos. Here we have our first medic-themed skin in a while, perhaps to go with one of the new weapons that heals teammates when you shoot them with it. She reminds me of that paid bundle skin they just had recently, Wilde, was it? Finally, we have Fusion, the tier skin that appears to be merging the whole alter ego concept into one guy, hence his name.

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