Manual Popery The Accommodation of Christianity to the Natural Heart

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The Doctrine of the Christian Church, as expounded in the Articles of the Church of England. Popery the Accommodation of Christianity to the Natural Heart.
Table of contents

The truth is, at this point of the process, a mere look at the whiny face and pouted mouth of a perpetual moron, real or just an act, literally makes me ill.

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Clinton is not perfect who is? But considering the alternative, the choice is a no-brainer. A relative, an in-law, an Englishman, works for Oracle, an American company. His team boss is American. On more than one occasion, this boss "apologizes" to all the English workers who work under him: I can assure you most Americans are not like this man Trump. We don't talk like him or think like him. He is an aberration. He does not represent America. We don't walk around thinking of groping women's private parts, let alone brag about it, even in the very rich.

We also do not think crassness, rudeness and vulgarity are virtues to be touted. Many of us are very embarassed by this man. Every US citizen over 18 is qualified to vote. And the qualifications for commenting on DiA are even lower. Glad you're still doing it. I am responding to your words "Every US citizen over 18 is qualified to vote.

Good to hear from you, Doug! Made my day. To sum up what sounds hard for you to fathom, Winston Churchill provided the closest words.

  1. Numéros en texte intégral.
  2. Introduction.
  3. Judas: Jihad comes to Europe;

Because I do not possess his colossal wit and literary prowess, I have to borrow. Asked at his 4th decade in politics by a young reporter: Why are you in politics? The old man answered, "I got into it out of ambition. I stayed out of anger. I have neither ambition nor that much anger some yes, definitely. What I have is incredulous, nonplussed wonder. I am totally befuddled by the stuff I read on TE pages from co-citizens and co-commenters. The learning opportunity is phenomenal. And the subjects to learn about are more riveting than a Zika virus.

At a minimum, I have at this point learned to clear all my drains and stagnant water in the front- and backyard and refrain from exchanging body fluid with a certain class of Americans, literally and figuratively, both for purposes having to do with passages of genes. On the way to the forum in these TE community boards in the past 10 years, I have encountered the following ad hominem ventures, in chronological order -. Apparently for this class of white trash, it is a matter of great laudability that a white man was born rich, but not for any other skin color. As if I needed his.

I am telling you , Casanova himself could not have dreamt of a year odyssey as rich as mine just for paying a 3-figure sum which starts with "1" for a year's paper subscription. For him, he had to personally run all over Europe in horse-drawn coaches for his fun, and his fun got old and repetitive in the end.

In mine, every adventure is a mind-boggling encounter with the unimaginable. Just a click of the mouse would do. Sorry , I seem to always give you a barrelful when all you said was a few words. I wish to add to my name list of folks whose posts I learn a great deal from other gentlemen whose names just occured to me.

Informed, erudite, polite, fair-minded, one is Swiss Reader. SR was one of the folks who supported me not to drop out of Erasmus when too many pitch-folks were pointed at me for reasons that still escape me, except, I am surmising, I am not white and a heathen. Then there was Hamakko.

Unfortunately, Hamakko announced one day he decided not to keep his TE subscription.

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Then there is LexHumana whose legal acumen is every bit as sharp as the concise, clear and elegant prose he writes. These are all in the serendipitous "benefit package" of a TE subscription. On balance, they cancel the crud and the bosh present in equal quantities. Support for abortion is split evenly between the sexes. What's with this election cycle and such casual racism and misogyny?

The Persecution of the Christian Church (Revelation 12)

There's nothing mysogenistic about correctly pointing out that single females are heavily in favor of abortion and as many polls have shown are largely single issue voters on this point Informed, intelligent and thinking people, I have learned a great deal from not only the content of what they write, but the manner they write, and the algorithm they think in. High-grade people. Omricon and Ohio, and SirWellingon. I continue to discover new commenters whose names are brand-new and therefore I haven't learned.

I tried to find some evidence for your assertion and it's baseless. I can't find any polls splitting women by marital status.

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  • Wade is and most don't think it's an important issue. You call me a misogynist without any basis by your own admission. Those who lean democrat or liberal are by far greater supporters of abortion. Who identifies as liberal or democrats? Married women are almost evenly split between the parties, meaning single women are heavily Democrat.

    My familiarity with polling data allows me to call you a misogynist. The data you have provided shows that unmarried men and women who are Democrats are more likely to support abortion probably. You claimed there was lots of polling data to support your position and you can't even find one poll that's been conducted researching that specific question. Polls consistently show Democrats are heavily in favor of abortion. Polls consistently show single women are far more likely to be Democrats. Polls consistently show abortion is a more important issue to Democrats.

    I think its again a pretty even split issue. That's why its a "wedge" issue. However sentiments change over time, so I'm not up on the most recent polls, but its a pretty silly assertion anyway. I think you meant Democrats are more likely to vote based on a candidates position favoring abortion.

    That was your previous assertion. The only issue ranking of lower importance in this election in the survey you linked to was gay rights. That's not terribly convincing proof of legions of single women voting only based on the issue of abortion. It seems to show the opposite. I realize in your head abortion is something evil man-hating, baby-hating feminists are doing, but actually its a widespread problem mostly done by women who already have children with the support of their male partners and often husbands for economic reasons.

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    Real world problems can't be addressed with fairy tales. All you have done is shown unmarried men also are likely to support abortions.

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    I suppose I at least wouldn't have been called a mysogenist if I stated that, though it seems you'll take any excuse to start name calling. However if don't understand your mistake, don't worry math is hard. I'll let you take a second look, but to give you a hint, normalize before making a comparison. The math here isn't hard. I'll add it for you another way.

    There's not a greater association between marital status and female Democrat or Republican voting patterns. Women vote much more Democratic and people who are young and people who aren't married whether male or female vote more Democratic. If you had said: "My reading of poll data suggests that unmarried men and women are more likely to support abortion but believe that it is one the least important issues of our times.

    Which is the most likely to support abortion? Which is the largest constituency of the Democrat party? But hey, maybe I overstated the absolute importance of abortion to voters, though not its relative comparison between parties.

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    On that point however, I am still unclear on how stating the association of single women and support for abortion is somehow misogynistic. The implication that the correlation between women being single and supporting abortion is causative or between women's political affiliations and abortion as causative is what's misogynistic. Women who are younger are more likely to be Democrats and unmarried or divorced than older cohorts. It's the same for men, though women are more likely to be Democratic voters in general due to issues which are not abortion.

    Democrats probably support most Democratic positions, though, abortion is a complicated topic for pollsters since people define being "pro-life" and "pro-choice" in a variety of ways. I disagree with your opinion on causal vs casual relationships and provide no evidence to support my position, but therefore you are a misogynist!!! Sounds like Trump supporters have a new ally! Are you saying that "I'm likely to vote for Trump" has a variety of possible meanings?