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Nothing but a Sailor - Kindle edition by Patrizia Ines Roggero, Gwen Simmons. Romance Kindle eBooks @
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Sometimes you just need to scare a kid. We want them to succeed, but you need to give them a kick in the pants. Corporal punishment, which includes kicking, is no longer allowed onboard Navy vessels, nor is flogging, which Congress banned in Brig regs by on Scribd. Skip to Content.

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Leadership Voices Podcasts. Events About Newsletters. Featured eBooks. Justin Rohrlich , Quartz December 27, By Justin Rohrlich. Share This:. Government Executive uses cookies for analytics and personalization. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Thats about it.

There is only one thing missing.. The fact that after Chibi-Moon appears the two of them combine their powers for attacks.

The Sailor's Problem

Under aliases, it lists her as "Sovereign of Earth" What is this from? I have never heard her referred to as this. Musical perhaps? I'm not disputing it, just curious..

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While this is heavily debated there seems to be conclusive evidence on the Sailor Cosmos and Talk:Sailor Cosmos pages that Sailor Cosmos is indeed an incarnation of Tsukino Usagi. Should this alias be included? I say it should; especially to avoid confusion and keep these pages consistant.

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I have most of this debate up on my talk page. I have no idea why it's resurfacing after all this time when th manga was never that popular to begin with. But there are several huge problems with this debate. There is absolutely no mention that it's Usagi from creator or manga, thus, being that there is no speculation or original research allowed, it's not a wikipedia page. And yes, the debate does cover she is Chibiusa too. All incarnations of Usagi have the same odango Someone went thorough and Replaced all of Usagi with serena and tried tell us we were wrong by using Usagi..

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  • The Sailor's Problem.
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I reverted We should keep an eye on that. I'm not sure which it is. Should there be at least a paragraph explaining Usagi's role as the Messiah? Currently, the only place that the word "Messiah" appears is in the infobox, and I feel like it should probably have some sort of explanation. I'd do it myself, but I'm only half way through S at the moment. Mines32 talk , 19 July UTC. I added reference for the hairpins used as weapons citing volume 1 act 2, and the official website. I thought it would be good to give a heads up. I trust the packaging on a Bandai box over a fan website.

We have an issue here, because the other item is never physically named in the manga, I checked through the manga several times and there is no name. We'd have to wait oh a good 3 or 4 years for Takeuchi-sensei to finally list this item. She's currently working through Black Moon arc. There are items in the manga that are unnamed, but still used.

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In addition the Cutie Moon Rod, turns out to have been mistakenly named this from Hitoshi Doi's website where he names several items wrong. As found on several toy boxes and the official website.

This story contains examples of:

The Oracle runs into the problem too since many of the items are mixed up in terms of not being able to distinguish anime and manga. Her source seems to take it from the Bunny Tour, which equally got it wrong. Look for the anime book that would correspond to it.

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Wait a few years and get the official name from the website Also do we have official confirmation of Tier v. I knew there were some in there! This has been nagging at me for awhile, but why does Mamoru call Usagi " Usako "? So why are we including a statement with no stated basis? Simply "testing" out the new general animanga character infobox template. When it shows her compact transforming into the new form in the first of her 2 eternal henshin Sequences, If you look closely when she activates it, her hand is still gloved! So, does this article now qualify as good? Just to clarify, protagonist is NEVER a real person; a real person can play a protagonist role, but that's a different thing.

In that case, the role the character the actor is playing is the protagonist. The protagonist article which nobody read, it seems says the same thing: "protagonist is a term used to refer to a figure or figures in literature whose intentions are the primary focus of a story. Who is the protagonist in Braveheart? William Wallace or Mel Gibson? It's Wallace, played by Mel Gibson. Kazu-kun , 16 October UTC.

I have raised this issue at the manual of style , obviously it is a shortcoming there As I am in the process of revising that guideline. S , 17 October UTC. We should proably explain her brooch's upgradeing process and clarify the transformations a little to help explain her power upgrade This is how it works in the anime. I've listed them by their transforman prase since i don't know the offical names.

Those apperances should be mentioned, if not in the box, then in prose.

god i did nothing but sailor moon ships for this challenge haha

Usagi is the one that is most likely to get spoofed of all of the Sailor Soldiers She's influenced Gourry from Slayers in a spoof episode, she was spoofed on Reboot with the same hair style Should these things be listed with that section? Out of all the Senshi she seems to be the one that's used front and center as the focus of the parodies I think it could beef up the section a bit. I know it's a bit out of range for the project on a general basis, but for this, it seems so on target. Just a question from a confused Wikian: In the old mangas my sister used to read, Sailor Moon's real name was "Bunny".

In the anime, it was "Serena. However, Wikipedia Uses English, and we are supposed to use the most accurate English translation.