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Naughty Professor is an iconoclastic New Orleans-based jazz-funk sextet whose adventurous recordings and horn-charged, high-energy live performances.
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Too jazz for funk, too funk for jazz. Too much rock for one hand. The perfect blend to encompass our myriad of influences. KS: What has been your favorite performance experience in New Orleans thus far? NP: Jazz Fest is always such an incredible time here and it always means a lot to us to be able to play at such a sacred festival in this place we call home.

In addition to that, our annual Krewe Du Vieux show has become something we look forward to all year. NP: This almost feels like a trick question!

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NP: The eclectic spirit that connects the people here. NP: The food culture is a big part of living here that we all absolutely indulge in often, happily. NP: This question is overwhelming. Glide recently chatted with Naughty Professor drummer Sam Shahin about the new album, with input from trumpet player John Culbreth and saxophonist Nick Ellman. That was a huge goal of the record: to be as diverse as possible, to showcase all of our interests, influences, et cetera, but still to have a cohesive nature to it — something that ties it all together, the spirit of collaboration between us and each of the featured artists.

Naughty Professor with Chali2na in Dallas at Deep Ellum Art

How did you decide who to collaborate with on Identity? We made a large set of demos and sent them out to a few friends, featured artists, et cetera, and tried to find out what songs they would be interested in working on and if this idea really had legs. We found out pretty quickly that it did have legs, that there are a lot of people who were interested in working with us. One of the biggest aspects of helping us choose the artists was having artists who were really interested in collaborating and not just being told what to do and throwing their part on the song. They really wanted to have an active role in the creation and energy of the project.

Identity feels a little more complex, maybe, than your previous albums.

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What helped propel you in this different direction? Was it just a natural evolution for the band, or was a conscious shift toward something new?

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So this came in part organically from the passionate desire to continue to expand what we were creating and the roles that each of our instruments could play in the songwriting process and in our music. That part was very organic and very natural, and it felt right to incorporate others into that so we could achieve that goal. It was at a certain point a conscious decision to get featured artists on every single song, rather than just a few. What are you all working on individually outside of Naughty Professor, that allows you to further explore your individual styles and influences?

KS: What has been your favorite performance experience in New Orleans thus far?

Naughty Professor song jigajinka

NP: Jazz Fest is always such an incredible time here and it always means a lot to us to be able to play at such a sacred festival in this place we call home. In addition to that, our annual Krewe Du Vieux show has become something we look forward to all year.

Naughty Professor

NP: This almost feels like a trick question! NP: The eclectic spirit that connects the people here. NP: The food culture is a big part of living here that we all absolutely indulge in often, happily. NP: This question is overwhelming.


Also looking forward to more international travel in the fall, including trips to China, Spain, and France. KS: Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself in regards to your music?

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Thank you to everyone who supports live music and thank you for taking the time to highlight local musicians.