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War, not peace! How can we explain the fact of males embracing something so feminine?

My Little Brony: Love and Tolerance

Well, if you talk to a brony, they will give you an obvious answer: it's a good show. According to the fans I chatted with, My Little Pony has a higher quality writing style than other children's shows, with varied themes, and the plot and characters develop over the seasons. It is funny, full of action and the ponies have unique personalities anyone can relate to. But there are adult-targeted shows that are good too. Why stick with this one, especially if they are going to get flak from their real-life community?

I guess the better question is, why should these guys stop watching My Little Pony?

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It's a show about friendship, learning, making mistakes and having people you love help you out. It also has happy endings. According to that recent study, the bronies said watching the show gave them positive feelings. Others have told me how the brony community has changed their lives, with a male-view message of love and tolerance that has helped them in their relationships.

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In a recent conversation with Andrew Benage, media liaison for the fan convention BronyCon , he said: "As specific as the idea of 'Ponies' is, bronies could not be more contrasted and fascinating. Pick any type of hobby, career or volunteerism and bronies are somehow involved, and trying to apply them to the fandom.

Bronies are a diverse group of adults that enjoy a show that makes them want to be nice to each other. Jesse took James to the health room and let him rest. After he woke up, Jesse gave him a big lesson-learning talking to. This made him think hard and fall asleep again.

Ponies to Bronies: My Little Pony Kicks Up Lessons on Letting Go of Your Brand - Mambo Media

James began to dream that he was in Equestria and saw many different examples from the show in which ponies didn't tolerate other ponies. Finally, even though it didn't happen in the show, James saw the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy blow up which woke him up. He headed back to class. He now realized that nothing could make him think like he did again. Loving and Tolerating was good but he had to keep it sane. James and Jesse began to plot a way to love and tolerate everyone for what they did to James.

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Soon, more and more Bronies came to be and they all realized that, with having it's own limits, they could all follow that one universal rule which is Love and Tolerate. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. It's based on John de Lancie's words "And while love and tolerate should apply to all occasions, I'm also of the opinion that deliberate lies and innuendos should never be allowed to go unopposed. Generations have been inundated with this message,. Some people just aren't worth tolerating. This is part of what has made us as a society so cynical about that kind of message these days: it criticizes us, preaches at us, puts us on the defensive.

But FiM takes a different tack altogether. You have to deserve to have such good friends as Twilight and the gang. My Little Pony knows this. But we ought to be careful with our definitions.

Sometimes you have to change, and sometimes you have to insist that others change, because—as FiM illustrates so vividly with the examples of Gilda, Trixie, Diamond Tiara, and others—some behaviors are just not OK. Tolerating them just makes matters worse. When you know the show well, hearing fans speak of it as though its grand revolutionary premise is its message of love and tolerance toward your fellow man becomes downright bizarre.

Whether fans are prone to reciting a misleading catchphrase as the distilled essence of the show, suggesting that they appreciate it on some semi-ironic meta level i. It took each of us several episodes to gradually come to understand what kind of a show this was that we had coaxed, cajoled, tricked ourselves into watching. I wouldn't call it a show about "Love and Tolerance", I view that phrase as more of a fandom meme. Part of it is about how outside of cultural stereotypes and norms the Brony movement is, and how the "Don't judge a book by its cover" inherent step most of the fanbase takes extends into the fanbase.

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Yeah, the whole "Love and Tolerate" thing was more of a fandom thing. The article even says "Love and Tolerance" was just a fandom thing. The point of the article was getting it out that the show does not teach "Love and Tolerance" and therefore should be respected for it's different approach to dealing with problematic people for instance how they got rid of Gilda, Trixie, and all the other villains.

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FiM has shown that there are limits to tolerance and when broken, the offender should not be tolerated and removed from society. Only registered members can share their thoughts.

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