Manual Keys to Achieving Paradise and The Best of This World for All Mankind

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“Keys to Achieving Paradise and The Best of This World for All Mankind” answerers the question, (How can I achieve Paradise?) Achieving Paradise is a lifelong.
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Can we finally live in peace, eat cakes and lounge around, and live happily ever after? This is what we were created for! Dostoevsky allows you to think that this is seemingly a good idea, until he points to another attractive trait that people tend to have: ungratefulness. What made them necessarily imagine that what man needs is necessarily a reasonably profitable wanting?

Man needs only independent wanting , whatever this independence may cost and whatever it may lead. He predicts that even when we are sitting in utopia, we will be eternally ungrateful for the things we have. He will even risk his gingerbread, and wish on purpose for the most pernicious nonsense, the most non-economical meaninglessness, solely in order to mix into all this positive good sense his own pernicious fantastical element. We will sacrifice utopia itself just to prove our point and confirm our beliefs: we are not piano keys but are individuals capable of individual wanting.

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What constitutes paradise for us humans? What do we really want? Notes from Underground is a brilliant book criticizing the limits of rationality and the mistakes of bringing in utopia. We want to be free thinking creatures who are capable of making decisions, good or bad, or at least think that we have the capability. However much we suffer, however much pain we face in the world, we are still able to feel free and feel like we are making decisions for ourselves, which makes all the difference.

Even if it is an illusion and we are still governed by the laws of nature, we still want to live in ignorance and feel that we are the ones in control of our thoughts and desires. I hope that this does not depress you, but enlightens you of our own nature. Maybe Dostoevsky was short sighted, and maybe he was wrong about us. Sign in. Get started. Fyodor Dostoevsky on the irrationality of people and the futility of utopianism.

Paradise on Earth Forever

William Cho Follow. Student Voices voice is inherent. If you want to ask me a question or simply want to talk: ohc. Experiencing the Chapel was simply phenomenal for there, carved on the walls, were the seven Ankhs, the keys that open the varying vistas of consciousness through which we are led to enlightenment. This Egyptian tradition of enlightenment means the highly evolved initiate may pass into paradise whilst in flesh, rather than leaving the body merely at the point of our death. Also, carved on the Temple walls, were the seven Gates of Paradise. Except it appeared that the Priests, who were adept practitioners in the art of Telekinesis and Teleportation, had literally moved the geometry of the walls around, to confound those who viewed the temple.

1. Godhead

This must have been an ubiquitous act in the ancient world, so as to confuse the uninitiated traveller from fully seeing the mysteries which held such psychic power. Consequently, the secret spells and ritual acts were hidden, saving them from being adulterated or misused by those of corrupt intention. The Priests fervently believed that if the power of the sacred tools were placed into the wrong hands, chaos would ensue.

On the walls of the Temple of Denderah it is written: Everything sacred is blessed, everything blessed is sacred — only those who tread the path of righteous thought shall enter the Temple for elevation to the company of the Neters Gods and Goddesses Yet there was more to be shared, for whilst viewing these sacred tools, Archangel Jophiel appeared and instructed me to visit the Valley of the Kings, as there a rare Tomb would be opened for us to investigate. This came as divine providence so that we could feel first hand the remarkable secrets of the ancient world, of how the unique astrological portal of December 21st, would impinge on our lives, and herald a window of Divine revelation for our own accelerated consciousness.

I was told that specific energies were to be released, enabling another level of planetary incarnation to succeed. Jophiel as the Divine Liberator directed me to visit the Valley of the Baboons, to ultimately meet Thoth, my Master, who amusingly used the garrulous Baboon as a means to manifest spirit teaching on the planet. The The Baboon God, BABA, gave rise to the animals name, and as Baboons greet the dawning Sun with screeching sounds, outstretched waving arms, and a jumping happy disposition, they were also considered animals of Creation, and thus respected for their close association with the Sun God RE.

Similarly, Baboons were often portrayed in ancient hieroglyphics holding the scales that weighed the heart of the deceased, for example in the ceremony of the judgment of the dead, for Baboons were seen to guard the first gate of the underworld in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

The Divine Comedy

Positioned thus meant to be in constant veneration of their Gods and Goddesses, and so all aspects of life were considered sacred. As we moved along the valley approaching the Tomb of AY, the Guards suggested our access to the Tomb of AY would be prohibited, as a consequence of a mysterious electrical failure — literally the lights had suddenly malfunctioned. Instead, the Valley held many unseen Guardians, standing in spiritual fervor, observing us intensely, as we passed along the long drive to the Tomb.

These beings — Ghostly Priests assigned from another time to protect the secrets — indicated that entry to the sacred Tomb would only be afforded to the devoted initiate. Permission came, yet Grace would only be granted if we entered with pure hearts and minds, and so we determined to be fully reverent of the sacred ways, and thus we prepared to enter with the ancient Priests complementing our ardour. The Tomb itself was accessed by a descent of about fifty metres fifty yards , a gaping gash deep into the bowels of the Earth but, because no electricity lit the stairwell, a definite challenge was raised.

Feeling undeterred, I asked Thoth and Jophiel for protection, requesting that my retreat friends move very carefully and with great stealth down into the sacred Tomb. We vowed in our hearts that if we sensed any potential danger, we could guard against anyone receiving a psychic emission, slipping or falling. We needed to be absolutely present, and sheer-footed in mind and body.

We said our silent but palpable prayers for ease of passage. As we descended into the ancient Tomb, he produced a small yet highly effective candle from his Galabia pocket — a touching oddity I thought, as I produced a lighter to give life to the wax — a candle that perhaps came from some distant period of antiquity? There we were, pouring into the funeral chamber of AY, almost sliding over the rather steep wooden staircase that led into the very womb of the Valley of the Baboons, and the vaulted death chamber constructed 3, years before.

The Tomb was constructed in veneration of the great High Priest and so, with feelings of great awe and trepidation, we slowly trod each step, breathing each breath with solemn prayers and a sense of immense awe and privilege — yet also in anticipation of something highly unusual about to brim into our lives. When we had achieved access to the chamber, we stood in keen silence, feeling ourselves once more stable on the even rock, thank heavens, whilst The silence was deafening, and one or two of us fought for breath to balance our bodies in relation to the immense energy of the place.

Gently, I began the Sacred Sonic Meditation Ritual, measured specifically for this unique experience, through which we hoped to gain direct teaching from AY about Akhenaten and Tutankhamun. Surprisingly, our Islamic guide joined in with our chant, producing his own prayerful lamentation, yet synchronizing with our OM. We felt honored that he could create his own prayerful chant, as the sound moved like glimmering incandescence throughout the Tomb Chamber.

I could feel the energy of the unseen Priests who had built the chamber, perhaps for someone as august as Akhenaten himself, chanting their solemn chants and prayers, lighting up the space by their spells, and warming our own offerings with their immense intelligence and grace. Seemingly the musty smell of the place became filled with sweet incense, illuminated by small flickering lights, which brought a rare magic to the ether, alongside the distant chanting of reverberant choruses, which would cease as soon as we paused.

We were being steeped in an otherworldly process of profound intention! In reaching a sonic height in our prayerful song our Guide suddenly screamed, dropped the only light we possessed, outside of our own souls, onto the floor, which meant our candlelight was immediately gutted. There we were, utterly knocked out of our skin by the dramatic transformation of the Guide, with me groping the floor of the Tomb in search of the errant candle, attempting to calm my compatriots, some of whom had moved from our original sacred reverie into sounds of fretful concern, in fear of the darkness, its supernatural power, and what appeared to be the somewhat erratic behavior of our Guide.

I found the candle, and suddenly Achmed became silent. The stillness was deafening after the volume of the sound emitted, and once again I lit I turned the light on Achmed who had become deadly still, with eyes closed and arms perfunctorily extended in full death position, just like a Mummy.

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Then as I moved forward in the stillness, and Achmed suddenly opened his eyes, yet was no longer Achmed, no longer was he the smiling young man I had met forty-five minutes before. This done, he placed a hand on my head, then my heart and, as he touched me, an ancient elixir seemed to seep into my skin and through my veins — Achmed had become the High Priest AY!

I received his grace in full respect, and then steered him throughout the group, whilst he similarly blessed each person, asking us to fully open our hearts to his ancient offering and sacredness. All this was immensely moving, and we felt an intense yet intimate energy seeping through our consciousness, and so we quaked with the ancient mysterious force of AY moving through each cell of our bodies, changing us forever, reminding us of the deep ecstasy secreted in all of us, that we are spiritual beings on a human journey dispensing love and excellence throughout our creative expressions.

I heard the words of AY reverberating through my soul, whilst closing the door of the ritual through further chanting and a final prayer, whilst AY once more became Achmed. What I heard was: Give your life to create the new as a gift of spirit, and you will endure the passing of time in full tranquility. I trembled as I heard these words, and as we slowly climbed the fifty meters to the light and air of the floating desert above, the Valley of the Baboons.

This filled each of us with an ineluctable serenity, and we all Archangel Raziel stands in profound vigil over this key to heaven, for Raziel is the portal-keeper of the Divine Mysteries and assiduously checks our bio-identity credentials in order for us to enter into these halls of divine wonder. It is in these halls that the code of your soul is played as an infinite symphony, and so it is here that the light and darker aspects of the human countenance is recorded. These halls are similar in part to the great libraries of our three-dimensional world, except that they are supernal repositories with no material books.

GLIMPSE of PARADISE on YAMAHA WaveRunners in Florida Keys

However, through the refractions of eternal light that bring us into this time frame, something is stirring within the templates of infinite understanding, which brings us to a different account of ourselves. What is significant for us at this time, as we regard these mysteries, is that we are living through an acute period of sacred recalibration. We are living within a vortex that configures as a spiritual revolution. We are living a time when the divine mysteries of the soul are being made available to us in an unprecedented fashion.

Jannah: a short reminder

We are experiencing a force of light that particularly manifests transparency and honesty, as it passes through our lives with a velocity that is super-sonic. This force arrives like a fountain of Divine will to bring us to a greater sense of grace than hitherto experienced, because this force is generated by a Galactic heart, which was ignited by unique astrological configurations The ancient Atlanteans believed Raziel to be the Angel of Illumination, who, standing on the heights of Mount Poseidon, dispatched the secrets to all mankind, whilst shining as an iridescent ray filled with love and faith.

Raziel, as the champion of the mysteries, opens our consciousness to the possibility of all that is hidden, and therefore all that is seen. Cabbalistic legend has it that Raziel offered the book of knowledge to Adam and, in envy, the other Angels took the book and threw it into the deepest ocean, at which point God ordered Rahab, a primordial Angel of the deep, to restore the book to Adam.

It is from this Book of Raziel that Noah derived his plans for the Ark, and from which Enoch garnered most of his wisdom. At the end of his long life, Enoch notably became the Archangel Metatron, who continues to teach us the wonders of cosmology through the instruction of the great white brotherhood of light.

The mysteries draw forth excellence in all of us, for the mysteries bring us to an account of ourselves. When we unpack both our personalities and souls, when we allow the totality of our interior world to be investigated and cleansed, we become as pure as God first intended. As we wander through the shadow-lands we can see a myriad of experiences that have been stashed away, with measures of fear and anger — di Anger rears its ugly head via retaliation, and is so often squashed down because of the social mores associated with negative expression, only to emerge during times of immense stress.

The Persian mystic poet Rumi suggests that we see all these dark shadow emotions as friends: The Guest House This being human is a guesthouse. Every morning there is a new arrival. A joy, a depression, meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all!

He may be clearing you out For some new delight.