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Editorial Reviews. Review. ''If Van Gogh was our 19th-century artist-saint, James Baldwin is our 20th-century one.'' --Michael Ondaatje ''The work of a born.
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I adore everything Moor Mother does, from her records, which are fire, to her poetry, which takes the top of my head off. I started on a Muriel Spark kick in Edinburgh, reading novel after novel, hungry for her acerbic voice. I was pleased to discover the work of Evelyn Reilly, in particular Styrofoam Roof Books , which is a decade old and feels durable.

Mothers who write, mothers who film, mothers who labour in Amazon fulfilment centres, mother who do not become mothers at all but remain daughters — these seemed to be my concerns this year. Written piecemeal and published in various magazines between and , each story takes a snapshot of a couple, Richard and Joan Maple, as they progress from post-honeymoon through parenthood to divorce. Taken together, they make up a quirky, unintentional novella and a tender portrait of a marriage.

It was a good year for backlist reading. The pleasure of reading each of these authors came in part from knowing I had so many more of their books to discover and indeed led to a Gaitskill binge. I hope that energy rubs off. Katharine Silver, Grove is a story of love and revolution in a hostile climate.

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The Queen is a beguiling protagonist. Vulnerable, yet capable of weaponising her queerness — particularly when tricking police with flirtatious oration — she has constructed a fantasy world of romance and grandeur. It is a world that serves as a cocoon, protecting her from the poverty, homophobia and brutality into which she and her friends have been plunged. Both the narrative and the style position imagination as a form of resistance against political regimes bent on stripping away freedoms.

Ottilie Mulzet, Tuskar Rock.

Just Above My Head by James Baldwin | Waterstones

Immersing in it was a bit like looking at that photograph of a black hole: the encounter expands the mind, as the immensity of our cosmos becomes momentarily perceptible. Aniruddan Vasudevan, Pushkin , which tells an elemental story. Deborah Smith, Jonathan Cape. The best writers can show you the world as if for the first time. You could describe the collection as having found and followed that hard to grasp thread: mundane alienation, desperate loneliness, the dull, the ordinary.

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A world I can recognise, but still pictured to me as alien, glorious, disturbing, drawing me in, making my skin crawl. Love Is Real by Susan V.

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Sappe A6 Books : five pieces of uncomfortably hot John Maus erotic fan fiction in a delectable handbound edition, by the mysterious Susan V. Highly sharable. See also nature sounds without nature sounds , by the same author Sad Press. Three suicidal artists hole up in the frozen countryside to reminisce about how many instagram followers they had before the apocalypse, enter angel of death. And there was plenty of taxidermy, too. Tiina Nunnalley, Penguin Classics.

Recommendations are unashamedly personal and often embarrassingly sheep-like. Deaf Republi c by Ilya Kaminsky is not-exactly poetry: it performs a strange, disquieting drama. She has opened up new ways of thinking for me, not only about archives and the ways we narrate the past, but about other forms of reconstituted knowledge and the ethics of the imaginary. After graduating from college, these four friends moved to New York with the intention of pursuing their dreams.

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As the years go by, and their lives change, for better and worse, what keeps them together is their fierce attachment to Jude. Toni Morrison composes a riveting, immersive work in this story of s Harlem. When door-to-door salesman Joe and his wife Violet moved from the rural South to New York, everything seemed grand—until the day he shoots his teenage mistress, and Violet attacks her corpse at the funeral in a moment of passion.

Why choose just one Edith Wharton novel when you can read three? The collection includes The House of Mirth , The Custom of the Country , and The Age of Innocence , each with their own tales of love and loss, vanity and sacrifice, and all set in the city of dreams. Lyrical, witty, and bitingly sharp, A Visit from the Goon Squad will knock you on your seat.

Grimes lives in Harlem, the stepson of a Pentecostal storefront church minister. Within the New York cricket scene, he meets Trinidadian Chuck Ramkissoon, an immigrant like himself with a very different set of experiences. Interspersed with photographs and eloquently written, M Train is a beautiful memoir to behold. Henry Park is no stranger to the feeling of having multiple identities.

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