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The entire relationship is wrapped and woven very tightly in a mask of duplicity. The loving relationship I thought I was a part of, the connection I.
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Now, it is a matter of the first necessity to acknowledge Christ, that he is God, that he is the Son of the Father, that he is the Saviour of his people, and the rightful Monarch of the world— to acknowledge more, that you accept him as your Saviour, as your King, as your Prophet, as your Priest. This is, in a certain sense, to know Christ; that is, to own and confess in your heart that he is God, in the glory of God the Father; that he is your Redeemer; that his blood has washed you, and his righteousness covers you; that he is your salvation, your only hope, and your fondest desire.

Now, in this sense we must know Christ; we must believe him, we must trust him, we must accept the reports of the prophets and apostles respecting him; and we must subscribe to them, practically, with all our heart, and soul, and strength, and lean the whole burden of our everlasting destiny upon his finished work.

To know him, then, is to acknowledge him, and to believe in him.

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This is not all. To know Christ, then, we must feel and prove his power, his pardoning power, his power of love over the heart, his reigning power in subduing our passions, his comforting power, his enlightening power, his elevating power, and all those other blessed influences which through the Holy Spirit proceed from Christ. This is to experience him. In a word, dear brethren, to know Christ is very much the same as to know any other person.

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When you know a man, if he be your intimate friend, you trust him, you love him, you esteem him, you are on speaking terms with him; you not only bow to him in the street, but you go to his house, you sit down with him at his table; at other times, you hold counsel with him, or you ask his assistance; and he comes to your house, and you hold familiar association the one with the other.

Such the good understanding there is between you and the man of whom it may be truly said that you know him.

On such terms must the soul be with Christ. He must not be merely an historic personage of whom we read in the page of Scripture; but a real person, with whom we can speak in spirit, commune in heart, and be united in the bonds of love. We must know him, his very person, so as to love and to trust him as a real Lord to us. Do distinguish, however, between knowing about Christ and knowing Christ. We may know very much about many of our great men, though we do not know them.

Now, it will never save a soul to know about Christ. The only saving knowledge is to know him, his very self, and to trust him, the living Saviour, who is now at the right hand of God. To him it is we speak. With him in very deed we commune.

Duplicity in Love

Nor does it say that if we are able to speak about him, therefore we are saved. Lest the music of thine own tongue beguile thee, remember how easy some people find it to talk fluently, eloquently, properly, and persuasively, of persons they never knew. They had read it; they had stored it up in their memories, and they told it out again. They may vindicate the reputation of some hero or statesman in company where it is traduced; though they never knew any more of him than the fame that has reached their ears.

Ah, but this is not enough here. Thou mayst be as fluent as Whitefield, yea, thou mayst be eloquent and mighty in the Scriptures as was Apollos; but if thou dost not know Christ by thine own individual, personal acquaintance with his person, with his righteousness, and with his blood, thou wilt not be saved by all thy fine speeches; rather art thou in imminent peril, that out of thine own mouth thou wilt be condemned.

Such knowledge as we now refer to is inestimably precious. Get knowledge, classical or mathematical; apply yourself to literature, or study the sciences, enjoy the vast hoard of knowledge bequeathed to us by antiquity, or endeavour to augment that hoard, and transmit it to future ages; but after all, there is no knowledge that can ever match that of the Christ once crucified, now risen and exalted, and expected soon to return in glory.

Such knowledge as this is incomparable. O sirs, he that gets such knowledge need not seek for degrees at the universities; he who has Christ has the highest imaginable degree. And, blessed for ever be the name of my God, such knowledge can never be lost; if thou knowest Christ, thou hast that written on the tablet of thy heart which Satan shall never erase, which time shall never dim, which the iron hand of death shall never be able to blot out.

There shall it stand for ever. I speak but simply, though I feel intensely the importance of this subject. A great solemnity surrounds it. With respect to the one— those who know that they know him.

The Spurgeon Center | Sincerity and Duplicity

Some Christians who do know Christ are in great doubt as to whether they know him. This ought not to be. It is too solemn a matter to be left to chance or conjecture. I believe there are saved ones who do not know of a surety that they are saved. They are raising the question often that never ought to be a question. No man ought to be content to leave that unsettled, for mark thee, my hearer, if thou art not a saved man, thou art a condemned man. If thou art not forgiven, thy sins lie on thee. Thou art now in danger of hell if thou art not now secure of heaven, for there is no place between these two.

Thou art either a child of God, or not. In such suspense ye ought not to be. Thou art either one or the other — either a saint or a sinner, either saved or lost, either walking in the light or walking in the dark. Oh, it is very urgent that we should know that we know him! Though, as I have already said, to know him is the paramount matter, next to that there is nothing so important as to know that we know him. Dost thou ask what service it would render thee? It would give thee such comfort as nothing else could.

To know that you know Christ is a perennial joy, and an unfailing consolation under the heaviest trial. This is a candle that will shine in the darkest night, and give thee all the light that thou shalt want between here and heaven. If I know that I know Christ, then all things are mine. Things present, and things to come, are alike in the covenant of grace. I am rich to all the intents of bliss, and the knowledge thereof is comfort indeed! A piece of bread that is full of grit and dirt, will break your teeth if you try to eat it, but, oh!

Nor is it joy alone you would find from this knowledge; it would no less certainly bring you confidence. When a man knows that he knows Christ, what confidence he has in meeting temptations! And what a confident air this assurance before God would give us with the sons of men! We should not stammer in the presence of their philosophers, or look abashed in the presence of their nobles; but knowing that we knew him , whom to know is life eternal, we should not mind though they called us ignorant, or frowned at us as ignoble and presumptuous.


We should not blush to confess our faith with an elevated self-possession, Our courage would no more fail us in the pestilential swamps of the world, than our enthusiasm would subside in the fertile garden of the church , knowing that we shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end. And this certainty that you know Christ, would kindle in you the very highest degree of love. Knowing that I am saved, knowing that I am his, and he is mine, I cannot but feel the flames of affection towards him glowing like coals of juniper; that love leads me to obedience, and that obedience develops in me fervour and zeal.

You cannot tell, dear Christians, you who are exercised with faint misgivings or with tormenting fears, what a great and infinite blessing this assurance would be to you, how it would make life seem young, and like a thing divine! To you who are converted, it would be like a second conversion.

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You are now bed-ridden with sick thoughts ; could you once know that you know Christ, you would leave that sick bed and pant no more to return to it, but enjoy the air, walk abroad, and fulfil joyfully your allotted tasks. Do you ask for further explanation? It means to keep his commandments in our minds, and hold them fast in our memory with devout reverence. If Christ hath said it I dare not cavil, argue, or question, much less rebel.

It is mine to keep his commandments in my heart as a sacred trust, as precious treasures more to be desired than gold, and with a yet increasing relish, as luxuries to the taste, sweeter than honey or the honeycomb. But to keep them in our hearts, we must earnestly desire to fulfil them. By reason of the fall we cannot perfectly keep the commands of Christ, but the heart keeps them as the standard of purity, and it would be perfect if it could.

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It pains him that he falls short of his image; it gives him great joy if he can feel that the Holy Spirit is working in him anything like conformity to the divine will. His heart is right towards God, sincerely so. Not that this is enough, unless there is a constant, persevering aim to fulfil his commandments in our lives. Depend upon it, brethren, that the want of practical obedience to Christ is the root of nine hundred and ninety-nine out of every thousand of our doubts and fears. The roots of our fears are in our sins. Search there, and you shall find the cause of soul-trouble.

I believe many a child of God walks in darkness because he does not obey the word of the Lord. Then fares it with you as with one who gets a wound in battle, and the sword that made it plunges through the wound again and pricks it deeper. Good cause is there, my friend, for thine unrest ; if so be, thou hast an open wound left to fester. Christ commands thee, for instance, to be baptised, and dost thou resist his will? The command that we should love each other is far too lightly esteemed by many.