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the Tale of the Truth

Preview this item Preview this item. Charlotte Temple : a tale of truth Author: Rowson, Mrs. As such, it belongs to the seduction novel genre popular in early American literature. Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Charlotte Temple. Francis W Halsey.

Impossible Journey: A Tale of Times and Truth

The book tells of the seduction of a British schoolgirl by a dashing soldier, John Montraville, who brings her to America and there abandons her, pregnant and ill. Reviews User-contributed reviews Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Be the first. Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Illegitimate children -- Fiction.


Runaway teenagers -- Fiction. Teenage pregnancy -- Fiction. New York N. Then, with the help of a new fuel formula, using alcohol, they manage to arrive at Camelot and finally, Ancient Jerusalem, where they, at last, realize the real answer: the true end and goal of their mission. Get A Copy. Paperback , 2nd , pages.

Published January 6th by CreateSpace first published November 8th More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Impossible Journey , please sign up.

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Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Wells with a unique Christian twist. In the year , a team of researchers representing various cultures and religious beliefs create a time machine. The aim of this mission is to go back in time to the Garden of Eden to warn Adam and Eve not to be tempted by the serpent. The team hypothesizes that if this event can be altered, then sickness, death, and war will disappear not only from the modern world but also throughout human history.

Thus, the face of humankind would forever change with this one act. The journey contains a number of twists, turns, and unique challenges as the team members are chaotically thrown into various significant events in human history. During this journey, the team meets various famous personages such as Martin Luther, King Arthur, and Jesus.

Illustrating a Tale of Truth

Through a series of coincidences, the team also gets a peak into a bleak future awaiting the team if they fail in their mission. The ending of their journey will warm the heart of any Christian and intensify his or her faith. Is it sci-fi, historical fiction or Christian fiction? Actually it is a unique blend of all three. With future scientists traveling to the past it is actually sci-fi, but they can only go so far at a ti;me and end up going through 6 different historical time periods, and thus, the elements of historical fiction come into play.

Each time period also holds an important spititual lesson and thus the elements of Christian fiction come into play. It's unique, exciting and so meaningful, it may even Is it sci-fi, historical fiction or Christian fiction?