A Certain Way

I believe that the proper phrase includes the preposition in. The word is often omitted, however, because its absence doesn't change the phrase's meaning.
Table of contents

So rather than distract you here, I'll just send you on down the page to pick up your free edition of focus: Be sure to watch your inbox throughout the month for all the news from The Certain Way ezine. Meanwhile, there's a treasure chest of great "old" stuff still here from previous editions. Most resources below are links that will open in a new window when you click. If you use a "pop-up blocker," be sure to disable it for this page. If you don't see the new content here, click your browser's "Refresh" or "Reload" button.

The site itself is beautifully simple and yet packed with USEFUL information that not only gets you asking yourself all sorts of powerful questions, but inspires powerful action, too. Just below you can download Leo's latest book, focus: Right-click here then "Save Target As This powerfully USEFUL excerpt from a book published in shows in simple but lively language how you can transform your entire life by truly understanding unchanging Universal Law. Whether you're feeling the need for a little support and encouragement or not, you'll enjoy this special interactive page where Mr.

Wattles gets to speak directly to YOU. Click here to see what Mr. Wattles has to tell you! If the wallpaper that came with your computer is looking a bit dingy or uninspiring, here are SIX quick fixes. With beautiful images and great quotations from inspiring people, you've got something new to look at every day of the week.

Well, almost — you've got to turn the darned thing off and go PLAY sometimes! Download one or download them all. The four most popular sizes are available, and if there's not one sized exactly right for your machine, use the next-largest one and it should work just fine. I personally like the Buckminster Fuller one best.

Or maybe the Corrie Ten Boom. Well, just see which one suits YOU. Click here for all the images and simple instructions. First published anonymously in , "It Works! And all this in just eleven pages! In fact, I found it so fascinating, so mind-opening, and so immediately USEFUL, I tried to get the rights to it to keep it available, but nope, it was gone — mostly to make way for a new, expanded course called "The Secret of Deliberate Creation.

Well, THAT course is fabulous, too. But you know, I just had a real soft spot for the original. Plus, I got more enthusiastic thank-you emails from Certain Way readers than for anything else I'd ever recommended before. This is so cool — a "clear mental image" manifesting even better than I'd originally imagined!

Click here for this exclusive special offer! So says our friend Wallace Wattles, but if guarding your thoughts feels a bit tricky at times, help is on the way! And all you need is a bit of Seriously well, not really , this silly little video takes off on the idea of "mind control" by space aliens, so maybe it's not a PERFECT fit for our purposes. It's good for a laugh! I love a quirky sense of humor and this definitely exhibits one, so just click the link below and enjoy. This is a JOKE. But I'm still off to buy a lot of stock in Alcoa Click here to watch the video.

So I just spent some time looking around inside this online dating site that was created especially for people like you and me — students of Law of Attraction, prosperity consciousness, and the like. What an excellent idea! If you've ever explored any dating sites you may have found them lacking because up 'til now they've never offered a direct way to let others know about this very important aspect of your life. But this site lets you check "interest" boxes for things like Abraham-Hicks Plus your profile asks you to share your "lifetime goals" if you want to among other thought-provoking questions.

More than 25, people around the world have already signed up, and there are some wonderful "success stories" there in the site. Click here to register free and see who else is looking! They're not only fun to read, they're practical. Our emotions push us to make snap judgments that once were sensible — but may not be anymore. What makes you feel safe? What makes you fearful, even terrified? And what about that constant underlying feeling of anxiety that so many people experience without even knowing it? Now, because as students of The Science of Getting Rich and the Law of Attraction we already know that our emotions always show us where our thoughts are really focused in other words, what "clear mental image" is being impressed on the Formless at any given moment , we also know that a feeling of fear is taking us rapidly AWAY from what we want to experience and powerfully attracting to us more like itself.

So this article, "10 Ways We Get the Odds Wrong," from the magazine Psychology Today is not only fascinating, but offers up some useful insights and evidence to help us become more aware of that "under the radar" stuff so we can let go of hanging on and believing it to be real. Aside from the fact that this video is an amusing example of "creative mind," it has absolutely nothing else to do with The Science of Getting Rich. As far as I know. But smiling is good and laughing is better, so I hope you get a kick out of it like I do.

I posted this on my Facebook page a couple weeks ago and I've probably watched it ten times since then. I adored "Stan and Ollie" when I was a little kid and the local TV station used to show their movies — old even back then! Ah, now if only my grandma would show up Almost every day I hear from someone, somewhere in the world, who has begun following the principles laid out in The Science of Getting Rich and who is surprised and delighted to find that even before the financial goodies start pouring in, he or she has suddenly become Although it's not really a "side effect," it sure is fun.

And as the saying goes, "happiness shared is happiness multiplied. That's why about five years ago I enjoyed discovering The Secret Society of Happy People, which was formed ten years ago this month "to encourage the expression of happiness and discourage parade raining. The Society holds that "happiness is contagious" and that as the number of people willing to talk about and share their happiness grows, "it will become chic for everyone to do it.

See what they're up to, download a free copy of "Recession-Proof Happiness," and find out which of the 31 varieties of happiness they've listed are part of YOUR experience! This brief video tells a familiar story, but pay particular attention to what happened — and FAST! Those words from The Science of Getting Rich remind us that as long as we continue to let the images, words, beliefs propounded by others have top place in our thoughts, we'll continue to get the RESULTS of those beliefs, those habitual thoughts.

Or we can choose to hold a different "clear mental image" and learn to gently shift our attention away from more of what we do NOT want and toward more of what we DO desire to be, do, or have. Every moment offers a new opportunity to choose differently. Now when my wife comes home from her office job and asks, 'And what did YOU do all day today? He also enthusiastically adds: If anyone still has doubts that Wally's writings are the real deal, I am here to settle that score once and for all.

Click here to visit Russ' blog and to download the words and MP3 of the song plus a piano solo version, too. Hazel is amazing and delightful and really good at what she does. And she's been the mayor for 31 years, too. OK, the reporter's pretty over-the-top, but maybe we should all find out what's in Mississauga's drinking water. You DO have them, you know. And this delightful short video from Norway points that out in an imaginative, FUN way.

Watch out for the surprise ending!

Your Answer

This video is better in High Definition, but that's too big for our page, so click the link below to watch in a new window, if you prefer:. Click here to watch "Nemesis" in HD. So says Carla White, who just last spring discovered the power of looking for things to appreciate and actually writing them down. In two short months, she says, everything changed and the practice of gratitude is helping her "become more the person I'm meant to be. Well, Carla wanted to share her enthusiasm with others and so she created a nifty little Gratitude Journal app for the iPhone that you can download for just 99 cents from iTunes.

Click here for the iPhone Gratitude Journal app. Well, this may not have an obviously direct connection to The Science of Getting Rich, but then again it could be an example of a big, fun idea manifesting in a big, fun way.

Or it could just be that I thought it was delightful and wanted to share it with you! Let's just call it BOTH, shall we? OK, it's a commercial for a cell phone company — and a brilliantly done one at that — but just for the record I don't happen to know anything about their service. I just appreciate the video. Watch some of the "bystanders" catch the spirit and join in.

It's also fun to watch this little second video of people's responses to what they'd just experienced:. Click here to enjoy their responses. Just use one of the supplied photos, one of your own, or choose one from the web. Add your quotation or favorite saying, click a button or two and you're done!

You can make your poster image as big or small as you like. This illustration has been reduced a LOT to fit here, but the quotation says: Click here for the free Motivational Poster Generator Page. This is 16 minutes and 23 seconds of sheer delight — just watch and see if you don't agree! Then, why not try doing what this fellow does and see how terrific it feels? There are marvelous links and a whole lot more posted there daily by people all over the world.

It's another great gift you can give yourself — and another excellent opportunity for you to share the gift of YOUR ideas and experiences, too! Back in the early days of Hollywood, a successful writer of popular detective stories, sci-fi novels and screenplays was also a student of the universal laws we've learned about in The Science of Getting Rich.

Most of Gardner Hunting's works are little known today even his movie starring — no kidding! But just as I have been thrilled to give you and so many others a free copy of Wallace Wattles' wonderful little book these past nine years, I'm pleased to offer you today this additional "forgotten wisdom" from the early 20th century. You very well may have a few "aha moments! Once again, he said yes!

Right-click here to download "I'm on Top of the World" for personal use or just click to play now using Quicktime. He is giving you permission to download it for your own personal use only. That means you may listen to it or use it in your own Mind Movie or the like, but may NOT distribute it, give it away, sell it, or upload it to the web in any way, shape, or form. By downloading it here, you are agreeing to that. Thanks for respecting Craig's work and his gift. Take a few minutes to download, print and fold this handy mini-booklet and start your own Yes! ENJOY it as you carry it with you to add to or review throughout your day.

Best of all, let yourself start to notice how the world around you and the people in it miraculously begin to change as you begin to say YES instead of NO! Right-click here to download your "Yes! This young guy went from packing boxes for a living to traveling the world, following the sun, and basically doing whatever he wants all day.

Anyway, Ryan's pretty darned excited about the transformation in his life — almost like a little kid in some ways — and that comes through BIG in the brief video you can watch below. You don't have to buy anything. So you can start using your free "Mind Movies" right away. That's a combination I'm definitely trying out!

And bunches of Certain Way readers are already loving them. See what YOU think! Click here for the interview and to get your six free gifts. Click here to find out what Ryan did during those 90 days, plus more on how to make your own Mind Movies. Click here to get your Mind Movies Kit to create your own personal movies. Well, here's one extremely straightforward answer! This is just for FUN. To me, it's hilarious and I hope it "translates" well across borders, languages, and cultures. Of course, you don't need to "get rid" of your negative thoughts at all.

And, hey, if this "technique" works for you, go for it! So says our Mr. And in this mini-ebook featuring one of his early articles, Wally himself shows you "the certain way" to attract the relationship you desire and how to rekindle or heighten love in an existing relationship of any sort — with a spouse or partner, with family, with friends. The lovely "Love and Honor" website mentioned in this ebook is no longer available, as Adam Shreve, the author of that site, made his transition last summer. The biggest challenge most new fans of The Science of Getting Rich face seems to be this: How do I keep myself focused on what I want and what feels good when there's so much stuff that feels AWFUL constantly drawing my attention?

I could tell you all about the woman who teaches this process right here, but instead I'll let you go to her site and explore all you want. If you go into it fully you will blow your own mind, actually. I spent ten amazing days at her "School for the Work" — wow!

Now, as my teacher says, thoughts just come when they will. But when you do this quick and easy process, those thoughts will let go of YOU. So go check it out for yourself right now. You have nothing to lose but any kind of pain, stress, or suffering that may visit you, either from time to time or continually. While you're there, watch some of the little video excerpts of other people using this process to find peace. They're not complete — they're little tidbits — but they'll give you a taste of it.

Click here to get your copy of "The Little Book" in your choice of 20 languages. Just scroll down the page until you see the header, "The Little Book. Click here to learn more about Katie and how "The Work" came to be. Click here to see exactly what "The Work" is and how to do it.

So says the originator of the "vision video" craze on the web. Naturally, he adds, make it a good one! Our pal, Wallace Wattles, would definitely agree. In fact, if there's anything at all he emphasizes, it's the need for a "clear mental image" of whatever you desire to be, have, and do. Now Wally's early 19th-century idea blazes into 21st-century technology with a bang — and a whole lot of fun and enthusiasm. Download, clip out, and carry this little Pocket Reminder Card with you to help you ease into shifting your thoughts gently AWAY from things you don't want more of and ONTO the things you truly desire to be, do, and have.

Well, you'll also want to read the couple of inspiring and practical short stories from SOGR readers who are already using the tips to great effect! OK, do this right now: I've watched this captivating little video half a dozen times and just can't wipe the big goofy grin off my face. And I don't want to, either! Click here to visit Matt's site and see his uplifting, entertaining terpsichorean adventures. Or click here to watch on google video if you prefer.

But that quotation is from just last week — from Professor Muhammad Yunus, on being named recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Professor Yunus believes that "institutions and organizations" hold the key to ending poverty.

Don’t expect nonbinary to look a certain way

You can also listen to a quick under two minutes interview with Professor Yunus right after he learned he'd been awarded the Nobel Prize last Friday. Once they get him on the line, he has some worthwhile insights — quick and to the point. Click here to read the Wharton article. You'll create a free account; definitely worth the 15 seconds it'll take you. Click here to listen to or read the interview. Here's an example of one "moving picture" definitely being worth more than any number of words used to describe it.

A thousand wouldn't begin to capture it. Just enjoy watching this amazing feat of focus and skill. Click here to watch this fun video now! One of my dearest friends gave me a Cynthia James CD, "Standing in the Light," about four years ago, and I've been a huge fan ever since.

There's a good chance you're about to become one, too! Personally, I love every single song on this album, and that's not usually the case for me. But my favorite has to be "Check Your Intention," a lively and to-the-point reminder to us that when things don't seem to be turning out the way we'd like, a look at how we've been thinking and what we've really been expecting will unfailingly show us what's going on.

Plus, it's got a good beat and you can dance to it! You can sample Cynthia's terrific voice and lyrics below. Click here to sample Cynthia's wonderful, "get your mind on-track" music! Number 5 is "Check Your Intention," and I recommend it first. That new "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie has nothing on us! Except a multi-million dollar budget, big stars, and hi-tech special effects. First, if you haven't read the Certain Way article, "Infinite Underpants," from a couple months back, you'll need to click right here and check it out.

Certain Way Quotes

Otherwise, the pirate you're about to hear from will make NO sense to you whatsoever. Once you're up to speed on the amazingly brilliant "Underpants Approach" to relaxing your thinking on the subject of money, then:. Click here for the silly pirate animation. Be sure to have your sound turned on and to roll your cursor over the pirate a few times.

A little over eight minutes from now you're going to be feeling delighted and perhaps even a bit amazed at what one young man from Canada has accomplished. Notice how everyone in the chain of transactions benefited and felt that they got more than they gave "more in use value". Notice how Kyle let it be easy and didn't worry about the how or when. He let it be fun and just enjoyed the ride. And when you're done watching, let yourself wonder how YOU, too, can let yourself dream, believe, and be inspired by your own thinking!

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Click here for eight and a half minutes of video joy! But they're not just ordinary little signs. Three new "Reflections" and easy how-to instructions are right here on this website, so you can get 'em and start using them right now. One of them will make you laugh right out loud. Here's a taste of a recent one:. This is an unsolicited testimonial given of my own free will. I also have 5 properties, 2 businesses. I holiday 3 times a year and I have never been happier in my life.

I spread my new found knowledge to various groups in public speaking and I am surrounded by like minded people who have become my friends. If any one can find a better format to lead your life than SOGR genius course I wish to know about it. Click here to see the rest of Croz's inspiring and fun! Well, if this new tax form were for real, it would definitely save a lot of time! Click here to see the new "Super-EZ" tax form. That's why we bring you up-to-the-minute news, geared to lift spirits and inspire lives. That's the credo of the maverick news website, HappyNews.

If you're looking for an alternative to the "traditional" news that generally tends to send your thoughts straight to what you definitely do NOT want more of, have a look at this intriguing site. Click here to visit HappyNews. If those numbers sound odd, you'll find the explanation when you visit the site below. Now, I show you these stories not as an incentive to participate in what Mr. First, as an example of the astonishing power money gives you.

And second, as just one answer to questions I ask course members and Certain Way TM readers who say that what they want is "a million dollars" or some other, even larger amount:. WHY do you want that?

Certain Way Quotes - BrainyQuote

How would it make you FEEL? The people you'll meet on the site below have some remarkable and very specific answers to those questions. Ever heard of the Templeton Growth Fund? I tell you all this by way of letting you know this is a man who understands money and how to attract it and also knows the power of gratitude. Twenty-one years ago he gave a speech on gratitude that's every bit as wonderful today.

Click here to read the article and speech. When it comes to the desire to be of service to others, Wallace Wattles advises a new approach — a thoughtful, solution-oriented one:. See them as beautiful, growing, and developing souls. See the advancing, growing side of every person, and enter into fuller sympathy with that side. And by doing so you will cause the best to come uppermost in all. In other words, Mr. Wattles tells us — as always — to focus on what we want rather than on what we don't, which clearly means thinking about and acting on solutions, not problems.

Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a product review. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. Things haven't been going so well lately so Laura decides to try and to surprise her husband. Only she's the one who gets surprised. Learning she's not the only one in his life, she turns to her best friend. A Certain Way packs quite a punch. Normally, I would have been upset at the heroine's actions, regardless of what reasoning prompted her into the action.

But in this case, Ms. Blaine convinced me that sometimes a woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do. Renee Blaine took a subject I would have refused to read if I'd know it would be in here, but wrote it in a way that I kept reading anyway because the sex was so darn hot. Erys Reviewed for Joyfully Reviewed. Feedback If you need help or have a question for Customer Service, contact us.

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