How to Teach Your Child Chinese

Your starter kit to teach kids Mandarin Chinese at home, including basic Chinese printable materials to use on your language learning journey.
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I hope you had enough time to re-center, clean your house, spend time Even though it is not a Chinese holiday, I love that it is a time for Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Go to the shop. This is what we have learnt so far: YouTube is our friend. It helped me enormously when I was introducing English to my little son, so it was the first place I turned to when I decided to give it a try with Chinese.

How to teach your child Chinese at home

My six and a half, as I am always being reminded year-old son has quite mature interests for his age but he is still more than happy to watch Mandarin nursery rhymes. I tend to choose the videos with lyrics in pinyin.

Parents and Kids love Chineasy

This is a system of writing Mandarin Chinese, which uses the Latin alphabet. Sit down with your child whenever he or she is studying.

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I can see how important it is for my son to have me around, watching him as he is writing and discussing what he is learning. Befriend a family who speaks your target language, ideally with children of a similar age. This way you can ensure that your child gets the much-needed language exposure. Help your child find a friend, who is a native Mandarin speaker. For us, Skype is the device we always turn to. Little children tend to prefer this to telephone conversations because it gives the voice a face and makes the whole experience of communicating with another person more real. Thanks to Skype we can keep in touch with our family in Poland and now, we can meet up with our new friends from China.

It took me a few months before I finally found a family, who was keen to take up the challenge. I will be sharing my lessons on my blog, so do stay in touch.

How To Teach Your Child To Read And Write In Chinese

Read books in Chinese. Fill your house with Mandarin sounds. He enjoys videos for children but he is also happy to listen to the lessons for adult beginners. This was somewhat of a surprise to me; now he even has his favourite teachers!

TuTiTu Language Learning

Make use of modern technologies. Up to your creativity, parents! Or maybe your child can decide. Tip 2 Make learning Chinese fun at home. Children are very visual. To teach Chinese words, it is very useful to prepare flashcards or pictogram where your child is able to relate the word to the objects.

  1. Socialism in a Cold Climate (Routledge Revivals).
  2. How to teach your child Chinese at home - Young Smarties;
  3. Teach Your Kids Chinese: The Ultimate Resource Guide to Start With.
  4. This is what we have learnt so far:?
  5. Chineasy for Children | A Fun Way to Inspire Chinese Learning for Kids?

Pictograms shows how the Chinese characters are formed or derived based on their manners. In other words, they depict the meaning of words in a pictorial way. However, not every Chinese character is so pictorial. It is good to start your child with characters that are closely resembling what they are meant to portray. This way, they will be able to remember and relate better.

Tip 3 Reading and writing goes hand-in-hand in order to learn Chinese. To make writing fun, we use the Chinese calligraphy way instead of the conventional pencil and paper. This makes the writing so much more fun that the child is able to have continuous interest in it. Tip 4 Create games! After learning a set of words or characters, create a bingo game. Through the bingo game, your child is able to recognise and memorise the word better.

With the above tips and practices, your child will gradually feel confident in their Chinese reading and writing skills. When we connect spoken words with written words children detect and see the connection in Chinese and in the language they use every day.

How I Teach My Child Chinese as a Non-Native Speaker

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Teach Your Kids Chinese: The Ultimate Resource Guide! Online and offline Chinese resources for parents who are non-native speakers.

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  • This post has affiliate links. Thank you for your support! When I first started teaching Mandarin Chinese almost all of my students were first generation Chinese Americans. It has changed over the years. You will see similar percentage in the foreign language schools designed for children.