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Brendan Kelly is a Christian, veteran who is a member of the VFW, American Legion, and Oath Keepers. He has been married for 56 years and he and his wife​.
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The economy is doing great. Fifteen trillion.

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And China is down, probably, 22 or 24 trillion. So I think China might have caught us if my opponent had gotten in. By now, they would have caught us. So with that being said, if you have any questions on the trade deal, please. Anything on the trade deal, specifically? Yeah, please. And their supply chain is really cracked and broken. And they want to make a deal. We think there is a chance that we could do something very substantial.

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Bob, I think you think that. And on October 15th, as you know, it goes up from — up to 35 — I guess, it goes to We rebuilt China. And they understand that. And they have their top people coming in. And I have my top people doing the job. And, you know, Hong Kong is very important as a world hub — not just for China, but for the world. And you have great people over there. They have a lot of American flags, a lot of Trump signs. And I think President Xi has the ability to do it. But I really think they can do something.

We just want to see a humane solution. But I do say that we are negotiating. If anything happened bad, I think that would be a very bad for the negotiation. I think, politically, it would be very tough maybe for us, and maybe for some others, and maybe for him. But, no, I think that they have to do that in a peaceful manner. We talk about crowd size. That was serious crowd size, right? President, would you accept a partial trade deal with China?

There has been some talk today about whether or not it could be headed in that direction. They are starting to buy a lot of our agricultural products. You see that.

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My inclination is to get a big deal. And they put a lot of money into their goods. They want to keep their people working. I understand that very well. I would much prefer a big deal. Can something happen? I guess, maybe. Who knows?

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You know, Syria was supposed to be a short-term hit — just a very short-term hit. And we were supposed to be in and out. That was many, many years ago. And we only have 50 people in that area.

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They have been fighting with the PKK for many years. If you read today, a couple of reports saying that when President Obama started this whole thing — as you know, it was started by President Obama — he created a natural war with Turkey and their long-time enemy, PKK. But I have told Turkey that if they do anything outside of what we would think is humane — to use the word a second time; we talk about Hong Kong, we talk about this — they could suffer the wrath of an extremely decimated economy.

I did it with Pastor Brunson. You remember the Pastor Brunson? Their currency fell at record levels and lots of other things happened. And it was good. I want to see it happen. I flew to Iraq. I got together.

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  8. And we did it very quickly. Far quicker than any general from here told us we could do it.

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    We have some great people over there. They did it quickly. We have many fighters that were killed in the battles. And we took it. Over percent of the caliphate, I took over quickly. Nobody else was — it was a mess when I came to office. And I think most of you would agree to that. It was a real mess. I took it over. Take them back. But these countries should do it. Now, ISIS is the sworn enemy of all of these countries. Many of them they hate far more than they hate us, and those countries hate them at the same level as we do.

    But these countries are rich, in most cases. They can do the work. So we told Europe — we did a great service to the world. And we did a great service to Europe in particular, where so many of these fighters came from. Not fair.