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Table of contents

  1. Editor fired up by New Age.
  2. Jataka Tales!
  3. BREAKING: Bombshell Net Neutrality Ruling?
  4. Argentine Eyes: Ojos Argentino!
  5. The War To Sell You A Mattress Is An Internet Nightmare!
  6. Forge of Empires;

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  • In a Strangers Eyes.
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    Mission: gaming enjoyment! The InnoGames development team is dedicated to giving players the best possible gaming experience.

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    Long-term gaming enjoyment, technical advances, and high-end graphics are the priority at InnoGames. The opinions of the players of our online games are incredibly important to us and the InnoGames team is always happy to get feedback. Choose between becoming a gunslinger, a chief, and a mercenary. InnoGames' online games provide players with a huge choice for finding the game that suits them best:. Tribal Wars 2 presents itself as a worthy strategy game remake of the classic Tribal Wars. Empire game Forge of Empires lets players travel through time and history.

    Grepolis is a browser game which is set in Ancient Greece. Online game The West lets players face the challenges of the Wild West. Corndog elaborated that because the production team were all born in the s, they all grew up playing computer games.

    They had specifically chosen on-line games as their medium for economic reasons, since outdoor activities involve higher costs. World of Warcraft 's superior quality plus the emphasis on team co-operation all gave them a sense of belonging. In another interview Corndog remarked that he had made the video for fellow WoW players and that he hadn't expected it to resonate with a wider audience. That said, "The last part of the video moved many people, including those who do not play the game, since we actually live in the same society and we are facing the same Internet environment," he said in an emailed response to questions from a Phoenix TV reporter last month.

    The strong response "should make decision-makers ponder. The entire video uses the graphics and characters of the on-line version of World of Warcraft WoW and includes audio theme music from Terminator 2: Judgment Day and BonJovi 's Bells of Freedom added by the game's fans from Taiwan and mainland China. Near the beginning and in some later scenes there is blue lighting accompanied by low-pitched transformer humming sounds, a foreshadowing of the electro-shock therapy offered by Yang Yongxin , who ultimately proves to be the archvillain of the piece.

    In the video there is discussion about a torture chamber by the name of Room 13, where the suave and evil Uncle Yang would apply electric shock therapy to WoW players to cure them of their "Internet addiction". Near the end of the video rebel leader Kannimei, a blue-skinned minotaur , gives a long and impassioned speech in effect breaking the fourth wall about the hostile censorship environment facing WoW players, a speech which actually moved some gamers to tears. You make no mistake, yes, we are indulging, but not in the game itself.

    We persevered no matter what. In the past year, I, just like others who love this game, diligently go to work on a crowded bus, diligently consume all kinds of food with no concern of whatever unknown chemicals they may contain. We never complain that our wages are low, we never lose our mental balance due to those big townhouses you bought with the money you took from my meager wage.


    We mourned and cried for the flood and earthquake , we rejoiced and cheered for the manned space flight and the Olympics. Why can't we be entertained at the cheap rate 40 cents an hour? That can involve active attacks manipulating power grids to cut power to vast sections of a country, say , defense securing nuclear power plants against penetration , or exploitation taking advantage of vulnerabilities. The Pentagon is actively involved in training U.

    It's distinct from terrorism, and it's not the same thing as vandalism, either. Cyberwarfare is also not hacktivism , created by disruptive social groups like Anonymous : It is, very specifically, an act of government against government, intended to create military advantages. The attack on Sony might give the economy a small hit, and the result carries loaded implications for freedoms of speech in the U.

    A world war fought in physical space is unlikely at this juncture. As the United States has learned, painfully, land wars result in casualty numbers deemed unacceptable by citizens at home, and can involve substantial political and social implications. The U. That means turning to the cyber realm, but that, too, will come at a cost — and that cost will be the likely creation of another world war. Should the United States delve into a full frontal attack on an enemy nation, that nation will likely be supported by allies — China, for example, has a vested interest in protecting North Korea.

    The United States, in turn, would draw upon allies in NATO as well as further afield, potentially embroiling the entire globe in a bitter digital battle that could extend over years or even decades. Don't mistake a cyberwar for a fake war, though — this is a prospect with very real ramifications, and it's already happening. Nations on all sides are likely to use tools that will result in attacks like the Syrian Electronic Army's attempts against multiple targets in The organization, believed to be supported by President Bashar al-Assad and his government, although they have officially denied it, took on any and all possible sources criticizing the Syrian regime.

    That same year, Iran purportedly attacked U. Earlier this year, an attack some accuse Russia of orchestrating singled in on diplomats and embassies in former Eastern Bloc countries. With no clear profit motive, the attack clearly demonstrated an interest in gathering intelligence — exactly the kind of military advantage Russia would need in the event of more outward warfare.

    Fast Company

    In Iran, Stuxnet appears to be attacking nuclear facilities, and the United States, along with Israel, may be behind it. One of the most perturbing things about cyberwar may be the fact that it is an uncharted frontier. In the First World War, German forces rained mustard gas, phosgene, and chlorine gas down on enemy trenches, leaving soldiers gasping for air in agonizing, painful deaths — the new and distant face of warfare.

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