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We can frame it as a disease and then we can empower ourselves to think about it in that way. We can look at the data dispassionately about numbers rather than people because if it actually was about somebody having a horrible life and being abused as a child, that would turn you off the whole problem. But looking at it as a number, as a data point is making it much easier, and I can appreciate the power of that model, but I struggle with the way it dehumanises what is entirely an entirely societal problem. And I think we need to be brave enough to feel the pain. Cut out the badness and move forward.

And suddenly we have this us and them scenario again, which has reinforced this. We should embrace. We should embrace and accept. This is a part of our society and we made this problem, either actively, by doing things, or by passively by allowing people to make the changes in our society that disempowered our community.

We stopped caring about people. We need to do something different. And who is going to argue against prevention? I would rather prevent a murder any day than detect one, I really would.

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I had people last week. If it worked then America would be safe, as you said. And in a compassionate society, which is resourced, okay, we should do our best with our weakest. But in terms of impact of cuts to local authority services and their budgets, how important are those services and funding in terms of making this stuff work? I think what the opportunity of doing a different approach gives us is trying to invest in things that work and putting the money there.

Holly's story

I will make myself incredibly unpopular now. People are dying in your street; it requires resource and appropriate funding and long-term funding. And particularly if this is long-term, you need to commit to 15, 20 years. A 3-year funding cycle for third sector or year public cycle is never going to resolve the problem. And then they will police, they will support themselves. And the more we polarise our opinions, the more likely we are to find ourselves in a worse place than we are right now, where these hard opinions based on zero logic, okay, both the left and right of the argument make no sense.

People will stay just build more jails. And we need to prevent much more, but there are people who some really dreadful things and for the protection of the public, need to be in secure establishments and we need to try and rehabilitate them. There needs to be some justice reinvestment and that might be to health and to early years and to other places, and we might just need to dry our eyes because it works. We are a trusted profession. People invest their time and effort and their belief and faith in us, and if we destroy that faith and transfer information appropriately, we lose that relationship and we lose the one bond between society and population that is true and effective.

And if we use that clinician anchoring point, what have we got left?

Trust: The Miracle Cure - eBook -

It will require very careful negotiation between health care professionals, law enforcement and more importantly, the community about what is fair, what is just and what is appropriate. And how they see you, because I guess it does kind of present, in some ways, an ethical dilemma to health professionals. And if you stop trusting your GP, and you stop trusting your health visitor and you stop trusting your doctor, what have you got left?

Where can you ask confidential questions?

We worked with consultants and others and we anonymised all the data. I think Martin is absolutely right. What is the one thing that our listeners, many of whom are health professionals or working in local authorities on social care, in your view, could do to support this agenda? Everybody can do something. And not just as a health professional, just to be a good human being. We need to listen, not just to what hurts, what makes the pain go away, but what made the pain start in the first place.

Why you are there in the first place? And if I listen to you, you will tell me because you want to tell me. And I want to hear now.

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So, we need to stop preaching. Stop transmitting, start receiving because that is all there for us. And you can find information about those organisations in the show notes for this episode. As always, please subscribe, rate and review us. If the responsibility was put on the parents again instead of persecuting them for chastising their children the troubles would not have happened.

Parents are either scared to chastise their children because of the fear of prosecution or are to interested in making money and leaving their children to do what they want.

Faith healing

This is giving them the idea that crime is the best way out of boredom. Also split up the gangs and give them something worthwhile to do. Wow, what a great podcast , inspirational to listen advocating for reframing of violence and link with childhood trauma and adverse events. Justice reinvesting to childhood prevention. It was wonderful to hear from these enlightened professionals , valuing listening , compassion and advocacy. Thank you.

Well, done. I agree with every word - listen, don't preach. Primary care isn't caring, and is pumping harmful drugs into the community such as antidepressants and antipsychotics like sweets at a childrens party, that can get traded on as street drugs doing more harm than good. Article information Posted: Wednesday 01 May A podcast about big ideas in health and care.

Related reading A vision for population health: Towards a healthier future Shared responsibility for health: the cultural change we need The role of cities in improving population health: international insights If you or a loved one require advice, information or support relating to serious youth violence, the charities Victim Support and Childline have lots of resources on their websites and a helpline if you would like to speak to someone directly. Karen, please introduce yourself. Just briefly, what would you say to that accusation, for you? Both of you thank you so much for joining us today.

Hope you can join us next time. Related content.

Faith in an almighty God

Our report sets out a new vision for population health. Long read What does improving population health really mean? Everybody in NHS policy seems to be talking about population health. Reply Link to comment. Add your comment Your name. Email your email will not be made public. Post comment. You may also be interested in. What has the government learned since the last time round and is it still pulling its punches? Some doctors, especially oncologists, see death on an almost daily basis, and often feel they are fighting an impossible battle that involves prolonging and intensifying the suffering of their patients; with occasional glimpses of hope for every cancer survivor.

Opposite them, the representatives of big pharmaceutical companies show off the newest percentages; but MDs have heard it too many times. It makes no difference for their patient J. Doe, dying in Room We are not disrespecting the advances in cancer treatment and cancer care that has happened over the last years.

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We cannot overstate the importance of developing:. Worse yet, this increase is mainly influenced by earlier detection and not improved treatments for cancer. Kennedy prophetically said, in , that we will put the man on the Moon by the end of the decade. Parallels have frequently been drawn regarding the concentrated efforts of tens of thousands of scientists, incomprehensible amounts of money devoted to research and our inability to reliably cure cancer. Most people have few ideas just how complex the problem of cancer really is. As science progresses, many new avenues of approaching the problem emerge, but, so far, even the sequencing of the entire human genome in has not resulted in truly revolutionary cancer treatments.

Survival rates in cases of extended disease have remained virtually unchanged.