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Thump Thump Drag is a horror tale about a girl who is babysitting two young boys when they find themselves in a dangerous situation.
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It was really hard to stay up all night, and then go to school.

Oakley THUMP

The week before, I had fallen asleep in Mrs. Everson's class. Everyone had tiptoed out of the room and left me there. When I woke up at the sound of the tardy bell, I was sitting in a room full of the wrong kids, and there was a giant 'Shh' on the board. As I dumbly looked around, everyone snickered. Finally, Mrs. Everson said, "Hal, you're excused to go to your next class. The corn patch was big, a whole 3 acres. We planted that much corn so we could share it with all the aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Tomorrow they would be coming.

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Everyone would help pick the corn. Then the kids would have to husk it, while the dad's got the water boiling in the giant pots over the fires they had already built. We would fill the boiling pots with as much corn as they could hold. After a few minutes, the corn would be taken from the pots to the cutting tables, where our mom's would stand each ear on a nail and, using a knife, slice the kernels from the cob.

9 Urban Legends That Scared The Sh*t Out Of You As A Kid

When there was a big enough pile, they would scoop it into bags and pop it into the freezer. We would fill an entire chest size freezer with corn. Then we would share corn with all the neighbors who wanted to come over and feast with us. Everyone would bring something to eat at our pot luck cook out.

Some would bring pies, others rolls, others salads, and Aunt Lucy would make her 'old fashioned' rootbeer. Finally, there would be a baseball game. I could hardly wait. I loved 'corning' day even more than Thanks Giving Day.

Our corn was pretty important to our family, so I knew I had to be on top of the skunks that night. The night started out pretty good. I built a small fire at the end of the corn patch closest to the house and settled down on a log to wait.

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I liked hearing the fire pop and looking up at the stars over head--the sky was so clear that I could see about a million. Around midnight, the skunks arrived.

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Luckily I had my dog Bo with me. We heard the rustling and breaking of the corn stalks, and she was off like lightening, ready to tear into whichever skunk didn't hightail it for home. She chased them, yipping at their heels until they were a block away, then came prancing back, with her chin in the air.

There was never a better dog born in the whole world. After taking another lap around the corn, we settled down next to our fire. I had just started nodding off when I heard Bo growl.

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Funny thing was, Bo kinda hung back. Slowly she followed me. It was not a sound that I had heard before. That's weird. We couldn't hear the 'sound' anymore and we purposely made lots of noise as we walked, hoping the skunks would get the message and take off. When we got to the spot where the corn stalks were damaged, I looked around for skunks and sent Bo out in search.

There wasn't a skunk to be seen. I guessed they'd heard us coming.

Thump chest and drag feet

We'd have to stay there a bit and let them come back so Bo could bite at their tails and put the fear into them. I turned around to look for Bo, then I saw him.

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  7. Weekly Blog. A teenage babysitter put the kids she was watching to sleep in their beds and went back downstairs. The late night news was on the TV, the reporter said a psychopath from a local mental institution was on the loose and that police thought he might be in the area. He cautioned residents to lock their doors and windows because this guy was very, very dangerous. Well, the teenager checked the locks on the windows and the doors, but she forgot the door on the cellar bulkhead. Later that night, the children heard some noises downstairs, but thought it was the babysitter moving some furniture around.

    Then it got real quiet.