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Cally and John get an invitation to a couple's party that sends them over the edge before they even get there! Part One of a Two Part series.
Table of contents

Make room for comics and manga. Many children become avid readers through their love of comics. A book about a computer game is still a book. Plenty of reluctant readers are fans of popular computer and video games.

Many of these games have book counterparts, which can be a great way to steer your child toward the pleasures of text. Zombies, and the like. Some reluctant readers are fact-gatherers, who may be more inspired by reading nonfiction. Never treat books as a chore. Nobody earns candy for eating cookies. Astrid decides to join a summer roller derby camp, but can she stay close to her best friend even though they are growing apart? Raina experiences braces, boy troubles and other plagues of the sixth grade.

Read the review. These precious years when your child is living at home, observing your approach to life, are a great time to nurture your own reading habits. If your child must keep one, consider the fine irony in bugging your student to crack a book every night, if you rarely do it yourself. Make reading a group activity. Just as younger children parallel play, older children parallel read. Try it: Instead of organizing family leisure time around TV, movies or video games, schedule a regular family reading time. Avoid giving your child an e-reader. Studies have shown that people, especially children, absorb and retain stories better when they read them in print.

So there is a good pedagogic reason to urge your children to stick to paper. At night, screen time is known to interfere with melatonin cycles, which makes it harder to fall asleep. Books belong everywhere. Even a devoted anticlutter person should make an exception for books. Create impromptu reading opportunities for your child by leaving books in places where they may be picked up in an idle moment.

Discovered on a coffee table, a great photography book or a book about lizards may occupy children for long stretches. Join — or start — a parent-child any combination book club. Being in a book club together increases the opportunities for you to start conversations about books, which may lead to deeper conversations about other subjects. Books to movies. A movie adaptation of a novel your child loves is a great way to re-engage with the book, opening a conversation about how a story can be told in different ways.

Encourage your child to read the book before the movie adaptation hits the screen. Consider establishing a family rule: No one watches the film until everyone has read the book. Let your child build a personal collection. Children love collecting. Every child should have a special bookcase. Plan for long-term storage for the best of this collection. When your children reach adulthood and discover that you still have the books that meant so much to them in childhood, they and you!

Books are for giving.

Not every book your child owns is bound for the permanent collection. Keep a regular conversation going about which books your child is ready to hand down to younger siblings, cousins or friends. Consider a birthday-party book swap.

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When your child is at the picture-book stage, ask guests to bring a wrapped book instead of gifts, and have everyone choose one on the way out. With older children, have guests bring an unwrapped book, and have them choose from the pile. Determine the order by pulling numbers from a hat, or through a contest or game. Make regular trips to the library even better as a family to keep a constant stream of new and intriguing books around the house.

Many local libraries no longer have limits on the number of books you can take out at one time. And keeping a constantly rotating menu of books on hand exposes children to a variety of subjects, formats and genres, piquing their curiosity. Let your children become members as soon as they are old enough. Teach your children that library membership is a privilege and a responsibility.

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Most children really treasure their library cards, for good reason. See sample Privacy Policy Opt out or contact us anytime. They can be safely chewed on or thrown across the room. They are equally visual and verbal; pictures tell the story as much as the words do. Research shows that visual reading is an important precursor to verbal reading, and babies need to develop this skill. Decoding pictures and decoding words are part of the same process. Becoming a reader starts as soon as your baby pays attention to board books.

Everything is new to a baby. The pages of a simple board book may be boring to you, but pay attention to what delights your baby in a book, and find more like it. A feast for the eyes. Board books should have big, bright images and comparatively few words. For very small babies, easy-to-see, simple black-and-white pages with big patterns are a great way to start. As your baby gets older, find board books with bold color combinations and high-impact graphic design.

Dark Witch

All hands on board. Lift the flap. Feel the textures. Pull the tabs. Babies love to manipulate these features. As soon as they can use their hands, lift-the-flap books are a wonderful way to make reading a tactile activity as well as introduce the element of surprise into story time. Board-book versions of your favorites.

Start Them Early

Not every book that started out as a picture book works in the format. The art has to scale down well, and there has to be a strong, simple visual component to the story. It may be best to wait until your baby can experience that beloved book in its bigger, intended format. Gizmos and sounds. Babies can get easily overstimulated, and they will also quickly tire of these bells and whistles. You will, too. Your live, human voice should trump everything else.

A lot of blah-blah-blah. Every word in a board book should count. The caterpillar is still hungry after all these years. A shy hippo makes a big impact in this Sandra Boynton classic. Maisy and her friends get ready for bed. Picture books are bigger than board books, with be careful! You can introduce picture books into the story time mix right from the newborn days, but the sweet spot for picture books is later toddlerhood and beyond. It artfully combines great illustration and great words. Picture books are not just a lot of fun, they are an art form. Sometimes you can suffer through some terrible text in the service of beautiful illustration.

And if you are reading a picture book to your child before she is reading herself, you can even get away with changing text that strikes you as outdated or just plain bad.