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The Girl with Really Long Hair [Geraldine Csapek] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Girl with Really Long Hair is a fun tale filled with.
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My sister and I, who both have lengthy, flowing manes, had fun creating a list of questions people often ask us about our long hair. Here it goes:. Whenever I get too sad at least I can brush my hip-length shiny healthy thick and soft mermaid hair. Is there a Tumblr devoted to pictures of people with really long hip-length at the least hair, real or fictional?

I have long hair. Really long hair. I also have a longer face and to cut to the chase I look like an elf hands down no questions asked especially when my hair is half up. Anyways after seeing Tauriel in The Hobbit Movies I came to the very depressing realization that my hair is only Medium length. This may not sound like a big deal to the lot of you but this is HUGE to me. I stood in front of the mirror at mums for the first time in ages where I can see my hair from root to tip. Like, of course I knew this but it seems to have grown.

I still like my hair though. Log in Sign up. My hair is now long enough to wrap around my neck one and a half times with ease.. Model really long hair fine art model fine art photography art model model richmond virginia roots luz de luna modified septum piercing piercer rva me. Interestingly, I have been playing with having longer hair again and it's kinda sweet to see I can still get heads to turn with my white blonde locks. When it is short, no one looks my way. I've had my hair various lengths.

A male friend told my I look more 'strong' an 'determined' when my hair is short and look more 'passive' and 'dainty' with long hair I don't care I do what I want with my hair. It's thick, coarse hair and hard to manage no matter what but when it's a heat wave out in chopping it off! Not gonna walk around with an oven on my head lol.

I've had varied lengths of hair but mostly short. Personally prefer short hair and find it to be less work. I've heard from some men that men like long hair on women but short hair is better on me. Those were the men who were interested in me romantically. I've also heard that I look younger with short hair. I found that regardless of my hair length I get more interests from men when I'm happy with myself and feel confident.

I must say there is definitely a cultural component to the hair length debate. I'm a Canadian with South-east Asians heritage.

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  • 7 Things Women With Really Long Hair Are Tired Of Hearing — YES, It Takes A While To Dry?

When I was younger I used to worry about men not liking me for having short hair. Now I'm on my mid thirties I really don't care as much.

1. Get frequent trims — yes, really

I keep my hair short because I like it and it's comfortable for me. If I ever feel like growing my hair long again then I will. I personally don't have any preference in men's hair length or on facial hair. If I like someone, I like someone. If don't then, I don't. Who I find attractive has to do with lots of other factors. It's a lot more complex than just the length of the hair.

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Black men seem to prefer long flowing hair. White men seem less concerned with hair length as hair color. I am black and I change my hairstyle and length about twice s year, but my sweet spot is medium length curly brown hair with soft golden highlights. That is my comfort zone. All nonsense.

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No reason why, besides that's just what I prefer, and always have for as long as I can remember. Not everyone can grow their hair long, but a really luxurient head of moderately long hair is definately an asset. Maybe y'all should sit down and chill the fuck out because it's just Not everyone with short hair is smarter or more masculine just like not everyone with long hair is more feminine or more vain. Sometimes, hair is just hair.

Maybe, people aren't always going to fit into social statistic boxes or whatever and everyone should stop trying? I mean, what good does it do anyone to know what kind of people prefer long or short hair? Just wanted to put that out there. I disagree, short hair on an otherwise lovely woman is a radical turn off. To me it screams, I no longer care, I am not interested in the opposite sex or I want to be a man so bad it hurts. Nothing wrong with any of those things.

It is an easy way to let us know you are not interested. Maybe wear a hat so we can't tell if it is long or short until we are captivated enough by your charm, wit and intelligence that the man head can be overlooked.

Long Hairstyles & Haircuts for 2020

There's plenty of people out there with long hair who genuinely "no longer care". I'm not going to wait hours for the hair to dry every other night, using either gallons of products and treatments or ending up looking like witchy-poo just so Randy Dandy can get a semi when he sees me. Why is that something that is supposed to occupy women's minds? I am not my hair. Unfortunately, I can't access the full article, but the result sounds rather odd.

How did they ask that? Judging or comparing such attractiveness is rather built-in — we perceive that some are more attractive than others, but can't really say why. When we can, such as that "she is fat", it is usually connected to the mentioned equations. When it comes to asking about someone's "fertility", we are talking about an abstract biological concept that we can not instinctively judge, otherwise than by judging someone as attractive, but that was the other question. Faced with such a question, we revert to associations, rational judgements, and cultural knowledge.

Often mothers, who are provenly fertile and therefore perhaps symbols of fertility, cut their hairs. While very young girls probably have the longest hair, nobody wants to associate young girls with fertility simply because of sexual morality and female competition. Also, when answering such questionnaire, you might start compartmentalizing questions so that you don't put both "attractive" and "fertile" in the same box.

SHORT HAIR VS LONG HAIR PROBLEMS -- Funny Awkward Situations by 123 GO!

You would start to think which of the categories fits which better are women with long hair more attractive or more fertile? Also when given questions with obvious answers, people often give the inobvious answers just not to be too predictable My brain would go crazy with that kind of questions and choices. Also note that women's hair is longer younger than their age of highest fertility. It could also be that women are more attractive somewhat younger than at their highest fertility.

It makes sense in that "It's better to nail them down early", before they become pregnant by someone else. Also when considering long-term relationships, starting early means more children. Psychology of hair length is not very straight-forward, as short hair in general is unnatural and therefore our instinctive behaviour could work oddly. Also, young men naturally have almost as long hair as women. We also do not know when long hair evolved; some racial groups have naturally short hair. In general, thick hair indicates better health, but short haircut can actually make hair look thicker.

So we end up with instincts interacting with unnatural conditions and cultural styles. The cultural noise is probably overwhelming in such a study. Any such study would therefore need to be planned rather carefully. As I noted, I haven't read the full article. I get a bit cautious about a study that finds significant correlations from a data with 12 categories.

In any case, it's an interesting topic. I think long hair is one of the best features that woman can have. But it takes a lot of time to take care of it. As for me, I was dreaming to have beautiful long hair since my childhood. I like to experiment with my hair. Beauty is related to health when it comes to how men see women. Shampoo doesn't advertise awesome looking hair it advertises healthy looking hair. How do you tell by looking how healthy a cat or other animal is: it's fur. Same with tight pants. Why don't guts wear them?

It's not comfort, yoga pants are comfortable.