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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. I am Hope Ann Phillips and reside in a small town. I have a loving husband and four children. I have always wanted to write.
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The painting for my friend Patricia Kellogg is taking shape. It comes in a jar and is painted onto any surface one desires, instantly turning it—once allowed to thoroughly dry—into one which can be painted on using transparent watercolour. So, glass, metal, wood, masonite, anything of the kind can basically become a surface with the characteristics of watercolour paper.

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I acquired one of hers of an artichoke plant in late autumn—that expressive form plants take when frost renders them lifeless, yet beautiful even so. The surface for this painting is treated mat board and the medium is transparent watercolour. Once it is finished I will enjoy taking it over to The Red Beard Cafe where we have our monthly coffee and seeing if she likes it. Audubon Print. My first post is mistaken in assuming they are not found in Eastern N. As a child there was probably no bird I wished more to see than a Waxwing.

In on-location photographs they just looked so exotic and intriguing—their colouration and little tufted crowns—the whole package was and is so appealing. In those days we lived in Eastern N. When taking our Jeep in for servicing, the attendant came to me with what had been an air filter and was now a chipmunk house. I instantly knew which one—the one which seemed to be everywhere as late Summer progressed and Autumn loomed.

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The Least Chipmunk is so named because it is the smallest in our continent and can easily turn an air filter into a roomy apartment. It, like all its kind, eats just about anything, including insects, nuts, berries, mushrooms, and tree buds. The Least is so small a full grown adult weighs only two ounces.

There are plenty of predators in our area, including many hawks, coyotes, owls and rattlesnakes. There are also a variety of potential homes, including Jeep air filters. We know the fun which comes from discovering how groups of birds are labelled and identified:. Eastern Canada is home to the more familiar Blue Jay.

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My observations are that birds which winter over are more agreeable in disposition than birds which come here to breed. Case in point, Juncos, which winter over here and then head further North to breed. They are such a delightfully polite and agreeable little bird, not taken to fighting over the feeders, but rather preferring to peacefully forage below them. But blest be the birds which come here to winter over, like the so-lovely Common Redpoll and the Dark-eyed Junco. This Winter along with the usual Mountain Chickadees at our feeders, we were pleased to have Black-Capped Chickadees as well.

Coming from Eastern parts, they are the ones associated with childhood and so have a special place for me. Right now we are experiencing amazingly warm temperatures —85F 30C —and gardening is ramped up as a result. Dividing time between perennials and painting is a pleasure. It is so heartening to have requests from bloggers and site visitors who have arranged to have original bird miniature paintings sent to them.

Some bird species are seemingly germain to just about anywhere, the House Finch being one. When we moved from Eastern Canada to extreme Western Canada, there they were. And on fellow blogging sites like H. They are, along with wintering Goldfinches , the most frequent visitor to our feeders, and have such a delightfully melodious song. If another species is bossy, they simply flit down to the snow and eat the remains below, along with the Juncos. If you are ever interested in owning one of these posted bird miniatures, simply email me at: weisserlance gmail. Thank you to all who are so very supportive in comments and visits!

So now it is a matter of working towards having a good showing. So it is a pleasure to be able to comply and feed the need, so to speak. They are indeed a very symbolic and ancient bird whose fame is heralded in many countries and cultural legends concerning them abound.

Out taking photographs of them this week, I came across a pair whose size was truly astonishing and whose throaty calls echoed off the nearby boulders and across the wide Thompson River. Once that is accomplished, it is a matter of trying to place them in a scene which has definite mood and emotional impact. At this point, the wax was removed by carefully holding it over a candle flame and wiping the melted wax free with a tissue. Once the wax was removed, the egg was blown of its contents and if being used as a Christmas tree ornament, a string was affixed to the top.

This was successful but a huge breakthrough occurred when moving from painting chicken eggs to painting duck eggs. This was discovered while staying in The Philippines, where duck eggs were easily come by. Painting a duck egg would be done, then the egg would be spray-lacquered so as to protect and seal the watercolour-painted surface. Once completely dry, the insides would be blown out….

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It has been an unsettlingly warm Winter here in interior British Columbia, with Spring bulbs actually starting to poke up through the ground. Being such avid worm-hunters, I have wondered at their early returns here, particularly as to what they find to eat. The answer is the Mountain Ash berry and other lingering berries. The danger, apparently, is eating ones which have fermented, thereby becoming naturally alcoholic and responsible for killing birds who eat too many. But English Robin miniatures are snapped up in our Gallery simply because they have established such a rich literary following, and also appeal to Canadian emigres.

Home About Perennials. Midnight snack December 21, Like this: Like Loading Posted by weisserwatercolours. Sentinels December 19, Forest Eve December 13, The Gathering December 7, Small Works March 15, Happy Easter March 29, A blessed and Happy Easter everyone! Three Amigos March 19, Raven Trio March 10, What is it for you? The Least Chipmunk January 17, Over most of the eastern United States, they appear as winter sets in and then retreat northward each spring.

Some juncos in the Appalachian Mountains remain there all year round, breeding at the higher elevations. These residents have shorter wings than the migrants that join them each winter. Longer wings are better suited to flying long distances, a pattern commonly noted among other studies of migratory vs.

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Perhaps he was using this as a scare tactic to keep the other birds away so he could swoop down and feed on the seed cylinder I had just put out. Smart move. Blue Jays can be entertaining and unafraid in your yard. They will come quite close when any kind of a nut is involved as they naturally seek the mast of trees. Capable of storing a few acorns in their gular pouch, a holding area in the throat, they will transport the acorns to an area to stash away. Placing the acorns on the ground and covering them with leaves, or pushing them into the soil with their strong beaks, they hope to save them for future food.

Many of those acorns will grow into trees and in this way, the Blue Jay plays forester for us. Peanuts in the shell evoke the same mental response in Jays. They simply cannot resist them when offered and will carry them away where they can hold them with their feet and use their beak to break away the shell and eat the protein-packed nut inside.

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Both male and female Blue Jays take an active part in raising their brood of two to seven. They are quite secretive during nesting season as they find food for their young and deliver it to the nestlings.

Jays are omnivorous and will eat a wide variety of plants and animals. Once the young fledge the nest, they will travel in family groups for feeding purposes. You can hear their contact calls to each other as they move about the trees. Blue Jays take part in their spring and fall migration in very large numbers. They migrate in daytime flocks, unlike many of the small passerines that use the cover of night for migration. We have seen these flocks of hundreds of Blue Jays flying over us at the Ford House during our bird walks. The wing beats blink light and dark flashes as they travel along — a magnificent sight.

Have you joined our email list? Where have my Goldfinches gone? This is a question that we hear often at the store this time of year.
