Manual Origins of the Geomancer

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Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings.

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Their Origins May Surprise You. The Secret Life of an Ancient Concubine. Resorting to habit, the man looked around him and noticed the wind calmer than it should be for this time of year, the land quieter than it had been this week, the Sun brighter than he thought it could ever be. Nothing around him to take his mind off his son, the man resorted to the earth underneath him and grasped a handful of the loose, sandy dirt under his knees and held it. He felt the grit, the dryness, the coolness, the crumbliness of the dirt, feeling this handful of soil as if his palm was all he had of sense.

Curious, he tossed it away from him into the air, noting how the particles of dirt traveled through the air in near-perfect arcs, the gleam and glimmer of pulverized crystal and silica shining bright once it crossed the threshold of shade into the realm of light, the smell of dry barely-fertile dirt filling the air. He began to cough and his eyes began to water as some of the dirt suddenly flew back into his face from a strong wind that came out of nowhere.

That wind caught him off-guard, and the pain in his dusty lungs snapped him back to the present and the place where he sat. Once he could see clearly again, he wiped off the cough-spittle from his mouth and looked around him. The dirt he threw covered the ground, smoothed out by the wind, leaving him with a blank space before him that nearly begged to have something, anything, upon it. Feeling somewhat out of himself from the cough, like he had just awoken from a nap, he leaned forward and dipped his fingers into the flat earth before him. A dot here, a mark there, a trailing line from letting his arm rest before pulling it back.

He recalled some of his education as a child in being taught simple numbers and parts of numbers, and from that memory, treated some of the marks he made as mathematical forms. He heard that, once, some teacher visiting from the far north across the Sea, the only non-Egyptian who had ever been taught by the priesthood of home, was saying something like numbers were life and all was number, but this man never really understood that kind of thing. Another wind came up, this time from the opposite direction.

Again surprised, the man looked around himself; the sky was unchanged, the Sun barely moved, no storms on the horizon. Another spasm shot through his lungs from the dust he inhaled, making him cough again. The man jumped. Unsure if it was a trick of the tears in his eyes and the light of the Sun, Hermes blinked several times before letting his eyes fix on the stranger. No sound of approach, no previous call to him, unusually-colored clothes, coming from the direct direction as the noontime Sun?

This was something stranger than Hermes was used to for an average day under his tree. I think a lot here. You just gave me a bit of a startle, no worries.

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The stranger looked around and smirked. Mind if I join you? The Sun is bright today. Come, have a seat. The stranger took this opportunity of awe and silence from Hermes and leaned forward curiously. The stranger smiled enthusiastically. It always gladdens me to find another soul schooled in that art. Hermes snapped to his senses and shook himself out of his awestruck confusion. Not letters, more like numbers. I was clearing my mind and letting my hands do their own thing. Surely one studied such as yourself should know that all forms are valuable.

After all, sometimes the most true meaning can come from pure accident. Like I said, I was just idly clearing my mind.

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The stranger looked down and chewed his lip thoughtfully before glancing up. Simple though it might look, I know of this symbol as an omen. Roads are powerful, long though they may be, and the longer, the better. The stranger gave a broad smile, teeth glimmering like pearls even in the shade of the tree.

Hermes sat up and extended his hand toward the stranger in friendship. I am called Gabriel.

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Gabriel shrugged and looked down evasively. Would you want to know more of the truth of this symbol? And continue Gabriel did for quite some time, expounding to Hermes this symbol that Gabriel called the Road, and how to find this symbol as a result of multiple marks being made and crossed off two by two. They must have been talking for at least an hour, and Hermes was unusually tired and mentally overstimulated from learning about this character, but the Sun was still in the same position it was before Gabriel had arrived, as if it was suspended and watching Gabriel teach as Hermes himself did.

Gabriel, noticing that Hermes was exhausted from the lesson, smiled and stood up, ignoring the dust that clung to his robes. I appreciate it, and honored by it. Hermes began to climb to his feet to see Gabriel off, but Gabriel dismissively waved Hermes back down. If you like, I can visit again tomorrow and tell you more. There were other symbols I saw you drawing; those have meaning, too, much like the Road does.

Origins of the Geomancer

Would it bother you too much to visit you again? You know where to find me, my friend.

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  7. As the Sun lowered to the western lands, Hermes left his mental exploration and decided to call it a day, feeling renewed and grown in this new knowledge. Hermes got up and headed to his home in the city, leaving his marks in the dirt. After the Sun began its ascent to the heavens, as was his custom, Hermes went back to his tree, seeing his marks on the ground from the day before the same as he left it.

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    He sat back down as he normally would, and let his mind wander before settling on higher thoughts. He looked around and found, yet again, the ground before him blank from the wind. For fourteen more days, Hermes and Gabriel continued in the same way, learning all the other figures. Gabriel told Hermes how the first four figures could be combined from their tops and their bottoms to form the other twelve, and how each figure reflects a different story on its own. Hermes, entranced by these symbols and stories, asked Gabriel to return to teach the rest, and Gabriel accepted.

    For the next sixteen days, Gabriel taught Hermes how each figure reflects the four elements that compose all of creation as well as how they relate to the stars both wandering and fixed that determine how all things wax, wane, and transform. For another sixteen days, Gabriel taught Hermes the secrets of combining these figures two by two and transforming them by inverting and reverting and converting them into other figures, and how all these methods change and add to the meanings of individual figures.

    For yet another sixteen days, Gabriel taught Hermes how to use the meanings of the figures, the elemental and planetary and stellar correspondences, the combinations, and the transformations in answering all sorts of questions, imparting to Hermes the art of divination to reveal all mysteries of this world and all things upon it.

    Gabriel knew he was wearing Hermes thin, and after his final lesson where he revealed the deepest secrets of this art, Gabriel took from his robes a flask, uncorked it, and took a swig from it. Hermes drank from the flask from the same spout Gabriel did, and found it filled with the clearest, coolest water.